
Microsoft speech api 5.1 GetVoices returns voices that don't exist on Windows 7.

I'm migrating from XP to Windows 7 64 bit. My app which I compiled on my XP machine works properly on XP. However when I run the exe on my W7 machine, the list of voices returned by GetVoices is as follows: Microsoft Anna Microsoft Mary Microsoft Mike Sample TTS Voice. Checking the W7 Speech Properties dialog shows that only Microsoft...

Windows Server 2008 : Speech Runtime - What am I missing?

I am trying to get Speech Recognition to work on Windows Server 2008 using system.speech. I built a console application which uses System.Speech.Recognition (SAPI 5.4) on Vista. Works great on this machine. Tried to install/execute it on a Windows Server 2008 x86 machine. It has .NET 3.5. No luck... Threw errors--Upon investigation, di...

SAPI: Server-side dictation

Folks, I am trying to put together a server-side system where I use Microsoft SAPI to: Perform multiple simultaneous dictation-style recognitions in the server. Additionally, all recognitions could be using different speaker profiles (my application would identify the user and indicate to SAPI which profile to load). I would also like ...

transcription with MS Speech Recognition server API

As we all know by now loading dictation grammars is not supported in the server version of MS speech API (Microsoft.Speech). Q1: Is there a way to get around that? Q2: One of the ideas I thought of would be to build a grammar based on a history of the conversations (chat room for instance) that people had on a particular topic. The so...

Can i use SAPI directly to convert Speech to Text from stored audio in real-time.

Hi, What i really want to achieve is this--> Suppose i play an audio file(using my application) which can either be streamed from the internet/or accessed directly from the local storage. Now i want to configure SAPI to listen to this source instead of the microphone and convert the speech from the audio to text like it does normally. ...

SAPI 5.4 grammars compatible with SAPI 5.1?

I wrote an application in C# for win 7 which used .NET 4.0 and SAPI 5.4 by using a SharedRecognizer in System.Speech. Everything works in that environment, but not on Windows XP. On Win XP (with SAPI 5.1 installed) it doesn't seem to like the grammar xml files I'm using. The program crashes trying to read a grammar file with the follo...

How do I load a text grammar in a SAPI 5.4 C# program?

I've been using SRGS grammars with SAPI 5.4 to define command and control grammars. Now I'd like to switch to text grammars so they'd be compatible with SAPI 5.1 (and possibly even SAPI 4?). I found an example of a SAPI 5.4 compatible text grammar here I'd like to load that grammar from it's XML file at runtime as opposed to using the ...

.Net System.Speech Problems encounterd when change from Mic-input to WavFile-input?

I'm using C# .net library System.Speech to implement my ASR app ( BTW, I've seen a post mentioned the SpeechLib.dll, which seems to be a more basic and low-level implementation of the SAPI, are they the same?). Our main purpose is to implement as the Server/Client ASR system : to record user's voice on the client, and transfer the whole...

Can I use SAPI 4 on Windows 7?

The problem with SAPI 5 is that I can't find any free Portuguese (Brazilian) voices; plus, I need to distribute the speech engine along with my program, so the paid alternatives would be way too much expensive. Is there any way that I can use and distribute the SAPI 4 engine and voices and make it work in Windows Vista and Windows 7? ...

C# program exception

This program is throwing an exception, how can I resolve this? Exception is "Speech Recognition is not available on this system. SAPI and Speech Recognition engines cannot be found". public partial class Form1 : Form { SpeechRecognizer rec = new SpeechRecognizer(); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); ...

How to recognize text with SAPI?

How can I recognize text with SAPI, using C#? Where can I find sample code? ...

How to set OPT programmatically with MS SAPI

Given the following which can be loaded into MS SAPI 5.1: <GRAMMAR LANGID="409"> <RULE NAME="top rule" TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE"> <OPT>hello</OPT> <P>my name is fred</P> </RULE> </GRAMMAR> How can I do the same programmatically, specifically with regard to the optional element. I would guess it is done here: sta...

Does anyone know a way to programmatically create and/or select Speech Profiles in SAPI?

I need to give users an easy way, without going to the control panel, to select a speech profile. I found: but there are no examples and the information is incomplete. I could really use an example, if anyone has one :) ...

Change dictation topic on the fly

I am scoping out a custom dictation application to be built using MS SAPI 5. I would like to be able to change the grammar (topic) of dictation dynamically based on what is being recognized. For example, if my dictation application deals with car repair, then, if I detect the speaker talking about engine, I want to bring in a dictation t...

Specifying a pronunciation of a word in Microsoft Speech API

Hi, I'm working on a small application in C# which performs speech recognition using Microsoft Speech API. I need to add some non-english words to grammar, whose pronunciation don't obey english pronunciation rules. Is it possible specify their pronunciation using International Phonetic Alphabet ? If yes, which methods should be...