
Microphone plug in event/ Mic attach event Vista

I want to be notified when a microphone jack is plugged in. What is the event fired by the OS(particularly Vista) The audio panel shows no recording device active if no mic plugged in(vista). This never happened in XP. Also if my microphone had a "advance control" for eg Bass Boost, Mic Boost(AGC) etc, how can I get the mixer control f...

Mapping ISpMMSysAudio::SetLineId and mixerLineId

I want to set the lineId for SAPI by calling ISpMMSysAudio::SetLineId. I find out the line which I wish to set from the mixer handle I have. However the line id I get from the mixer is not what SAPI assumes. It results in SAPI listening to the wrong input line for mic thus getting no input. I'm getting the mux control for "DST_WAVEIN" f...

How to use WndProc from a C++ dll?

I want to handle some SAPI messages from a DLL, which is some sort of plugin. How to handle messages/events inside a VC++ dll. The SAPI event handling is shown in the example at: ...

How to get the correction commands while doing free dictation with sapi 5.3?

I have an sample application that do basic dictation with sapi 5.3. It works well to input text with punctuation... What would I need to do to enable the correction functionality as in the tutorial (correct word, select ...)? Is there a specific grammar to load (which and how), some specific events to implement? ...

Loading multiple grammar files in SAPI 5.1

I'm using an XML grammar file to develop a Command and Control application. Since there are around 4000 entries in the grammar I can't have it all in one file (it gives an error when I try to load it). I have written multiple XML grammar files, but when I try to load more than one file it replaces the previously loaded file. that is the ...

How to access SAPI 4 voices from .net framework 3.5

I’m trying to use a SAPI 4 engine (L&H TTS 3000) from .net 3.5 using System.Speech.Synthesis in windows XP. The problem is than I can only get SAPI 5.1 engines when I call GetInstalledVoices. I’m using SAPI 4 because I need a Spanish TTS engine and L&H TTS 3000 is the only one free that I have found. ...

How to convert Text to Wave using SAPI with multithreading?

I am trying to convert text to wave file using following function. It works fine if called from main UI thread. But it fails when calling from another thread. How to call it from a multi-threaded function? void Pan_Channel::TextToPlaybackFile( CString Text, CString FileName ) { // Result variable HRESULT Result = S_OK; // Voice Obje...

Connecting to Naturally Speaking through SAPI 4 interface, possible?

I read somewhere that you can interface to Naturally Speaking through the SAPI 4 interface it exports? Is this true and is there any documentation? Thanks ...

SAPI access from WCF app

is it possible to access SAPI from a WCF app ? ...

C# SAPI in a web service

var speechEngine = new SpVoiceClass(); SetVoice(speechEngine, job.Voice); var fileMode = SpeechStreamFileMode.SSFMCreateForWrite; var fileStream = new SpFileStream(); try { fileStream.Open(filePath, fileMode, false); speechEngine.AudioOutputStream = fileStream; speechEngine.Speak(job.Script, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBe...

how to use Speech SDK 5.1

hi frnds, i recently downloaded Microsoft Speech SDk 5.1 and i want to learn that how to use it. Please suggest me some websites and links where i can find tutorials on using it from basic using C# or C++. thanx with regards :) ...

Convert Audio(Wav file) to Text using SAPI?

Hi I am using SAPI My task is to convert an Audio file not from Direct Speech from Human into text. e.g If I have "Hello there" store in wav file to it will transcribe it into text and show "Hello there" string on screen. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. I am felt in tough deadlines. Any language code in preferred ...

Question on Speech Recognition classes in .NET

Hi guys, Is it possible to have an application built using the .NET speech recognition classes and pass in a WAV file for it to go through and create a text representation of it. For example, this what I'm trying to do: We have a QA department at my office and they have to listen to hundreds of calls a day which is quite impossible, an...

Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {B5E61148-76CA-4D31-9A1B-B3E893F7FBE8} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 800a0153.

I am facing error using SAPI speechEngine dll. and getting this COM Exception error on running. Please provide assistance. Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports SpeechEngine Imports SpeechLib Imports TestSpeechEngine Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim SpeechCom As SpeechEngine.EngineSpeec...

.NET 3.0 Text to speech WAV output too big and slow process

I wrote a little application that takes in some text and converts it to an audio wav. now, it works fine except that the wav file produced is too big. I'm looking on ways to make the wav output smaller and make the whole process take less time. Sample Code : public byte[] ConvertText2Wav(string text) { MemoryStream wavAud...

How to get words with punctuation recognized correctly by sapi ?

I am using SAPI for speech recognition in my project. But I found that it does not recognise words correctly with punctuations like Where's , I'm , What's , I'd etc.... So any solution for it or is it the limitation of SAPI? ...

Interop.SpeechLib.dll COM Exception

I am using SpeechLib for a very simple text to voice conversion. Works great locally. When I deploy the applcation on to the server, I get the exception: could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80030002 (STG_E_FILENOTFOUND)) I have done the following with no luck: Set the AppPool to run using the LocalSystem Have given write ...

Microsoft Sam, SAPI alternatives

We have a application that we were planing to use Microsoft speech API for. Now we tested it on Windows XP using Microsoft Sam voice and frankly it sound terrible ... It's almost impossible to hear what the voice is trying to say. Are there other, better voice. Are there any updates or newer versions out there that are better. Are there...

Additional voices to a ASP.NET web app

I have a web application that uses SAPI to do TTS. I run it on Windows Server 2003 that has MS Sam installed by default. I understand that there are a number of 3rd party companies that sell voices. For a commercial application, which of these companies offer licenses that don't charge a lot of money? Do they have API to easily integrat...

Does change in MCI_RECORD parameter affect the SAPI speech regocnition?

Intially I have specified MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS at the time of recording as follows: MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS mciSetParms; mciSetParms.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; mciSetParms.wBitsPerSample = 16; mciSetParms.nChannels = 2; mciSetParms.nSamplesPerSec = 11050; Now if I change it to MCI_WAVE_SET_PARMS mciSetParms; mciSetParms.wFormatTag = WAVE...