
Tell SAX Parser to ignore invalid characters?

SAX keeps on dying on the following exception: Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence The problem is its mostly correctly UTF-8 encoded but there are a few errors in it. We cannot get a new version of the file, we have to use this file. So how do we tell SAX to ignore invalid character sequences, or clean up the UTF-8 file so that i...

How can I stop parse when find the 1st element ?

I would like to stop parse when find 1st element even there is more same element after that. I use libxml,SAX on ruby. This code show every <usr> element. But I want to stop parse when find 1st <usr>. Because this XML file will be huge. Does anybody know how stop to parse when find 1st element by SAX method. code #! ruby -Ku require...

jaxb unmarshal abusable by crafted xml when using default sax parser?

So in my current project I use the JAXB RI with the default Java parser from Sun's JRE (which I believe is Xerces) to unmarshal arbitrary XML. First I use XJC to compile an XSD of the following form: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://...

Perl XML: SAX Parsing Error -> Attribute value not printing

I am trying to parse XML in Perl using XML::SAX parser. My query is regarding generating attributes values. Right now I am able to generate only values present inside the tag elements but my goal is to generate: Element Name: Element Value: Element Attribute Name: Element Attribute Value: Element Child Name: Element Child Value ...

How can I parse XML data and insert it into a MySQL database using Perl?

Here is the thing that I am trying to accomplish: In broader sense, parse the XML data using a SAX parser and insert it into the appropriate database column in a MySQL table. Here is sample Books.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2009 sp1 (; <bks:books xsi...

While Parsing through XML file using SAX, How can I create object of module which is equivalent to element value ?

I have different modules like,,, etc. now in sax whenever I hit the end element tag I want to create object of module which is equivalent to element value. How can I achieve this ? For example if am parsing through XML file and sax parser hit's end element as than it should create o...

Error while validating XML file with XSD

Hi, I have a xml file, let's call it test.xml and I have a schema for validation (schema.xsd). I'm also using the last version of TomCat. I was wondering what could cause the following errors : Error: URI=file:///C:/../Upload/test.xml Line=2: Document is invalid: no grammar found. Error: URI=file:///C:/../Upload/test.xml Line=2: Documen...

How should I parse large XML files in Perl?

Does reading XML data like in the following code create the DOM tree in memory? my $xml = new XML::Simple; my $data = $xml->XMLin($blast_output,ForceArray => 1); For large XML files should I use a SAX parser, with handlers, etc.? ...

Android - Parse XML string

Hi there! Is there any way to parse a xml string using Android SAX? Thanks in advance, Best regards! ...

Is it there any XPath processor for SAX model?

I'm looking for an XPath evaluator that doesn't rebuild the whole DOM document to look for the nodes of a document: actually the object is to manage a large amount of XML data (ideally over 2Gb) with SAX model, which is very good for memory management, and give the possibility to search for nodes. Thank you all for the support! For all...

Sax parser: Ignoring HTML

Hello, I am using the sax parser to parse a XML file. It works fine, but I don't want to parse the content of an <info> tag as it contains HTML which I want to save to a string. Can anyone tell me is there any way to go about doing this?. Thanks ...

Sax parsing and encoding

I have a contact that is experiencing trouble with SAX when parsing RSS and Atom files. According to him, it's as if text coming from the Item elements is truncated at an apostrophe or sometimes an accented character. There seems to be a problem with encoding too. I've given SAX a try and I have some truncating taking place too but have...

From Sax to Dom with DTD (python)

I need a validated DomTree with DTD (to use getElementById). Validating and Parsing works, but the dom does't work properly: from xml.dom import minidom from xml.dom.pulldom import SAX2DOM from lxml import etree import lxml.sax from StringIO import StringIO data_string = """\ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!EL...

Huge XML file: Do I read a "page" and process it each time?

I need to process a huge XML file, 4G. I used dom4j SAX, but wrote my own DefaultElementHandler. Code framework as below: SAXParserFactory sf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser sax = sf.newSAXParser(); sax.parse("english.xml", new DefaultElementHandler("page"){ public void processElement(Element element) { // process ...

Java: Saving StreamResult to a file.

Hi, I am doing some data conversion(like csv) to xml with SAX then using transformer in Java. The result is in StreamResult, and I am trying to save this result to a file.xml but I can't find way to save StreamResult into file. am I doing this all wrong? ...

having trouble generating xml attribute with java sax

Hi, I am using SAX api in java to convert csv to xml. I can generate simple xml file without attribute like <item> <item_id>1500</item_id> <item_quantity>4</item_quantity> </item> but I can't find way to set id and quanity as attribute to item element, like <item id=1500 quantity=4/> All SAX aip seem to offer is startElement, c...

SAX parsing problem in Android... empty elements?

I am using SAX to parse an XML file I'm pulling from the web. I've extended DefaultHandler with code similar to: public class ArrivalHandler extends DefaultHandler { @Override public void startElement(String namespaceUri, String localName, String qualifiedName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (qualifi...

Android XML Parsing omitting "&amp;"

Hi again friends... The problem again is that though i have succesfully implemented a SAX parser in my code... It is behaving wierdly. It jus skips the enteries after the & and goes to the next entry. Just wanted to know whether this is the typical working of SAX parser or m i implementing it wrongly??? I have implemented org.xml.sax.Co...

What is the most memory-efficient way to emit XML from a JAXP SAX ContentHandler?

I have a situation similar to an earlier question about emitting XML. I am analyzing data in a SAX ContentHandler while serializing it to a stream. I am suspicious that the solution in the linked question -- though it is exactly what I am looking for in terms of the API -- is not memory-efficient, since it involves an identity transform ...

Encoding problem

Hi, I have to parse the content I get from the web and it can contain special characters. In this case the content string appears like the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <products> <product> <id>1</id> <price>2.14</price> <title>test &#382; test</title> When the contet above is passed to the method ch...