
Can we change the day and time of a schedule task which is already created

I have already created a schedule task which runs weekly on some day(wed). I want to change the day and the time of the same task. Is it Possible? If it is not possible, then delte the current scehdule task first and recreate a new one is the solution? ...

How to handle time in Java

Hi, I'm working on a functionality related to job scheduling in Java, where I'm required to schedule jobs based on days, weeks, or hours. I'm running into 2 problems: What is a good representation/library to handle a duration of time (not date)? What is a good library to parse a text representation of time, i.e. 2d 3wk for 3 weeks a...

Does Linux Time Division Processes Or Threads

A prof once told us in class that Windows, Linux, OS X and UNIX scale on threads and not processes, so threads would likely benefit your application even on a single processor because your application would be getting more time on the CPU. I tried with the following code on my machine (which only has one CPU). #include <stdio.h> #inclu...

Setting up a scheduled task in .Net

I've read a few posts here on StackOverflow about task scheduling, but I'm not sure that I get it right. I'm coding (in VB.Net) a backup application, that I'd like to add as a scheduled task (in fact, I'd just like to let the user decide to run it every day at, for example, 3 AM). I've read posts suggesting to use a windows service for ...

download only from 1am - 8am (ruby)

I have a script running on windows box that downloads files from the net via http. I want it to download only from 1am - 8am (my ISP's off peak time). I am happy if already started download finishes after 8am but what is the best method to make sure that the script starts downloading after 1am? I want to run the script and go to sleep. I...

Which algorithm to use for generating time table for schools

I'm working on a simple application that will generate time table (daily planner) for schools. I've read up basics of algorithms, but confused as to where to start. The problem: Allocate teachers to classes taking into consideration a lot of constraints like: 1) Subject 2) Expertise of teacher 3) Not more than 2 classes continuously.....

How to get a week's view history of the job i.e running from Autosys Job Schedular?

Hi All, SCENARIO: Previously Jobs are scheduled to run from SQL Server. In the SQL Server database the jobs ran as per their start times mentioned. All the operations such as stopping the running job,starting the job are done by right clicking on the job. View history for the job (status,starttime and endtime of the job) is done by ri...

Security problem when creating a scheduled task

To create a scheduled class, I call the schtasks command from my code, passing it the necessary arguments. Yet, I can't really figure out how to create a task without the user having to input his password. ...

Looping threads accessing pthread mutex

Hey all im building this application in which i have a client represented by a thread, running in loop (until it receives the instruction to terminate) trying to access a critical section of data in the server. When the first client connects to the server, he owns the lock to that mutex. all the subsequent connections are put to a hold...

Explain Quartz Locking

I have some doubt regarding locking mechanism of Quartz scheduling. If we have Quartz cluster as JDBC Job store. One of the node (Node-1) starts processing the job A. And then because of some reason Node-1 goes down. Now this job is in fact locked by Node-1. So how other nodes identify that Node-1 is down one of them has to start proce...

VBA Macro On Timer style to run code every set number of seconds, i.e. 120 seconds

I have a need to run a piece of code every 120 seconds. I am looking for an easy way to do this in VBA. I know that it would be possible to get the timer value from the Auto_Open event to prevent having to use a magic number, but I can't quite get how to fire off a timer to get something to run every 120 seconds. I don't really want...

How to learn to estimate how long assigments will take?

Possible Duplicate: How to estimate the length of a programming task This might be out of scope for this website. If it is, let me know and I'll remove the question. After 15 years in the industry, I still suck at answering the question "How long do you think X will take?" For scheduling purposes, we always have to give an ...

Excel VBA Application.OnTime. I think its a bad idea to use this... thoughts either way?

I have a number of users I support that are asking for things to happen automatically ( well more automagically but that's another point!). One want events to happen every 120 secs ( see my other question ) and also another wants 1 thing to happen say at 5pm each business day. This has to be on the Excel sheet so therefore VBA as addin...

Remote machine cannot access dotNet library when user logoff

hi, I am trying to setup a scheduled task on W2k3 on a remote machine, which need to access the .Net library on UNC path. Service account and password is given to this task. It is working fine when logged on to this remote box using service account, but when logged off, the task always fail as starting due to cannot find the library. ...

Django Timed Events

Hey Everyone, I want to schedule events to happen for my users. Is there an efficient way to do this in Python/Django easily? I'd prefer not to poll a priority queue. Thanks! Edit: I want to clarify that this job is run per user, for potentially hundreds or thousands of users. ...

Scheduling iPhone application execution

I'm writing an iPhone app for a client, and they have requested a feature whereby the app "wakes up" at certain times during the day to display a message to the user. I'm well aware that I can't have the application run in the background and simply move to the foreground at the appropriate time (short of requiring jailbreaking, which is...

Linux kernel scheduling

Hi, I wish to know how Old Linux scheduling algorithm SJF (shortest job first) calculates the process runtime ? ...

Scheduling Students to Classes

I am making a website for a side project at school where students enter the classes they need to take, what days they want or don't want classes, and when they cant have or don't want classes. The basics are there are classes, and each class has many sections at different times with different professors that a student can choose from. Wi...

Search and Matching algorithm

I am trying to come up with an algorithm to do the following: I have total 12 cells that I need to fill until program stops. I have 3 rows and each row has 4 columns. As an example, let me illustrate this as in airplane. So you have 3 rows and each row has 4 columns and you have window/aisle seats. Each row will have a window seat, ais...

Java Scheduling Calendar

Hi. I have a j2ee web application which supports scheduling of execution of jobs. I am looking for a free calendar component written in java which allows scheduling functionalities as well as capable of changing view mode of tasks either by viewing taks for whole year, month view, week view, day view. Do you have any suggestion. Im so...