
Textmessage containing an appstore link

Hi, how do I build a link, which opens the appstore and shows an app (something like itms://myapplication?action=show). I want to send that link via a text message (over the web). All I've found was the ITMS link generator. Best regards, Stefan ...

Are data-snapshots of line item prices better than calculations in all cases?

I've often seen line_item tables for orders or invoices that copy one or more fields from other tables in order to take a snap-shot of a customer's product order when it was placed. In my schema, however, I can generate a view of an order without copying data. So looking up the order/product/price data is a little more expensive, but I...

is there any api provided by dot net platform to convert a string or bytres array into user defined object?

Suppose i have input array byte A[50]; i have put three diffrent data types values in array as below string of length 42 bytes(converted into binary) long with length 4 bytes(converted into binary) float with length of 4 bytes(converted into binary) Now i have defined a schema like as below <schemaforparsing> <field> ...

Database design question

I am designing a simple database of online exam system. But i can not figure out how the questions and the answers should be stored. I am thinking question and Answer as different entities. There will be both MCQ and short questions in the same question set and the number of questions in a set may be dynamic(choose by teacher). Please s...

FOSS version of SQLCompare or something similar?

Actually, free is good enough, it doesn't have to be open source :) I'm currently using the Schema Compare utility of VS2008, but it doesn't have a command line interface and has some other weaknesses as well. I'm wondering what free tools others are using to provide command line schema comparisons/synchronizations? Thanks. ...

How do I exclude a base class using fluent mappings in Fluent NHibernate?

I have an abstract base class, Entity, that all my POCOs derive from: public abstract class Entity { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } } And the mapping file: public class EntityMap<T> : ClassMap<T> where T : Entity { public EntityMap { Id(x => x.Id); } } This way, I don't have to write Id(x => x.Id) in e...

Wipe all data stored with CoreData when the model has changed

I have an app that fetches data from the internet and uses CoreData to store them in the device, for a smoother experience. Because I use Core Data, every time my schema changes, the app crashes when I try to run it with the previous data stored on the device. What is the fastest way to detect this change and wipe all the data from the ...

Doctrine schema.yml generator

Hi, I am pretty new to doctrine. I made two small projects with doctrine for my own but now I am about to create big project for my client. The project will have more than 50 tables. Is there any way of generating schema.yml? I tried DB Designer and converted it to schema.yml, but I still had to check and rewrite the definitions by hand...

XmlDocument.Validate ignore properties without [XmlIgnore]

I have a object that has a number of properties that aren't present in the xsd file. When doing XmlDocument.Validate is there a way I can tell it to ignore properties that are not present in the xsd and instead just ensure that the properties required by xsd are present in the xml document? I can get around this by adding [XmlIgnore] at...

Database design strategy for a wine review site with top 10 lists and featured wines

I'm building a Wine review site and have run into a database design problem I was hoping someone could help me with. The basic premise of the site is that users will log in a leave reviews of wines they have tested. users wines reviews A user has many reviews, review belongs to user and review belongs to wine. This much is easy. ...

What's the best way to make small schema updates with Doctrine/Symfony?

What's the best way to make small schema updates to your symfony/doctrine application? My issue is, I'm working on a new side-project and occasionally find myself adding a new column here, a new column there as i find the need. However, my DB already has existing data and I dont want to run a complete rebuild and drop my DB with the ch...

What is a good db schema and method to query a "Facebook Wall" feature

I'm writing a simple "Facebook Wall" type feature where a user can post on another person's wall and people can simply reply to that Wall post, or post a new wall post. Users cannot reply to a reply, you may only reply to the original wall post (just like facebook) My original mySQL db schema that I had thought of goes like this: pos...

production schema

Hi, Can someone help me in understanding the difference between production schema and datawarehouse schema. Thanks in Advance Manoj Bhattu ...

A SQL 2005 Database Design and Entity Framework transaction conundrum

Hello. I have a database design issue that I am trying to also fit into Entity Framework. Its complex, I have inherited it and its too late to make drastic changes! I want to draw on others wisdom before I make a decision about how to go original post was much longer, but I think the business logic details are probably not...

Element repetition under <xs:all>

My data structure looks like this <datastructure> <field1>data</field1> <field2>data</field2> <field3>data</field3> <field4>data</field4> <field4>data</field4> <field4>data</field4> <field4>data</field4> </datastructure> All fields must appear exactly one time, except field4 which can appear [0, unbounded] times. Also th...

How to create SimpleType enumeration with xmlspy in schema ?

Hi, I'd like to know how to create a SimpleType that is a enumeration with XMLSpy. Do you have link or something useful that can help me ? it's simpletype for country code enumeration AD ("ANDORRA") enumeration AE ("UNITED ARAB EMIRATES") enumeration AF ("AFGHANISTAN") enumeration AG ("ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA") enumeration AI (...

DB / performance: layout of django model that rarely refers to its parent more than once

Hi! I have an app that's about presenting fictional simplified cities. Please consider the following Django models: class City(models.Model): name = models.CharField(...) ... TYPEGROUP_CHOICES = ( (1, 'basic'), (2, 'extra'), ) class BldgType(models.Model): name = models.CharField(...) group = models.IntegerFi...

Doctrine - schema.yml error

Hi there! I have the following schema.yml file: Page: actAs: I18n: fields: [name,html,urlShortDesc] columns: name: string gender: type: enum values: [html, photoGallery] default: html html: string urlShortDesc: string section_id: type: integer notnull: true relations: ...

Change Oracle Schema at runtime when using SubSonic

In my project, I am using Oracle Database and SubSonic for DAL. I have a problem with SubSonic and Oracle Schema, that is: When developing, I used a schema DEV in Oracle Database and generate DAL using SubSonic. After that when release to customer, he used a new schema TEST in Oracle Database and changed the connection string in

How do I create a multi-column constraint in SQL Server?

I know this is very simple, but how do I do this in plain SQL? ...