
Postgres: making a schema restricted/unchangable?

We like our production environment with a restricted/unchangable schema -- the development side can be owned by the developers and changed as they like -- and we like to vet changes as they are promoted. I'm wondering if this may be a solution to making that happen: postgres% create proddb with owner=postgres; unixside% pg_restore --d...

Need to provide nhibernate configuration a path to an assembly

I have a solution that uses NHibernate to generate the db schema based on the mapping files. I'm trying to break that functionality out of the solution so it can be used as a stand alone console app. I was able to provide a path to the mapping files like so: NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg = new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration(); ...

NHibernate - How do I change schemas during run time?

I'm using NHibernate to connect to an ERP database on our DB2 server. We have a test schema and a production schema. Both schemas have the same table structure underneath. For testing, I would like to use the same mapping classes but point NHibernate to the test environment when needed and then back when in production. Please keep in min...

Where I can find the official XSD schema for RSS 2.0

I am looking for the XSD schema of RSS. Via Wikipedia I have found several pages on the specifications of RSS 2.0 but none offers an XSD schema. I found several correct xsd files around on the web but all these schemas are created by individual developers. I'm surprised not to find a site official RSS 2.0 specification and provides a for...

In Sql Server 2005, how do I setup permissions using schemas and db roles?

Here is my current setup: Database Role - MyDbRole Schema - MySchema User - MyUser MySchema is owned by MyDbRole. MyUser is mapped to my database that contains MyDbRole and MySchema. It is mapped using the MyDbRole database role. I thought that MyUser would now have access to any object within the MySchema schema, because it is owned ...

How do you set permissions on a schema that has objects accessing other schemas?

I have 2 schemas and one of the objects in the first schema needs to access an object in the other schema. For example: CREATE VIEW I.ITest AS SELECT 1 as TestColumn GO CREATE VIEW O.OTest AS SELECT * FROM I.ITest GO EXEC ('SELECT * FROM O.OTest') AS USER = 'TestUser' DROP VIEW O.OTest DROP VIEW I.ITest In the above example...

Strange XML schema

Ok, so I have been tasked with writing an XSD from an XML document given to us by a vendor. This vendor does not have an XSD they can furnish, so I am reverse engineering one. Here is an example of the way this xml is formed: <field name="id">1</field> <field name="Sport">Football</field> <field name="Position">Quarterback</field> <fi...

*.dmp file import in Oracle

I need to import data from *.dmp file say mydump.dmp. What I'm doing is: imp myuser/mypass file=mydump.dmp log=mylog.log And I'm getting: only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBA I know the DBA credentianls to db but I want to import dump into 'myuser' schema. So how to do it? ...

Oracle same table name on different schema?

Is it possible to have same table name on different schema with different data on the tables within the one database? I think rather than create multiple database (that hold same table name) i should create multiple schema instead. Something like: Schema 1: table A, table B Schema 2: table B, table X PS: table B hold different da...

Using a schema other than 'dbo' in LinqToSql Designer

Is there a way to specify in a data connection or the LinqToSql Designer a schema? Whenever I go to setup a data connection for LinqToSql there doesn't seem to be anyway to specify a schema and I get 'dbo' by default. I figure that I can't be the first person to use a schema other than 'dbo' with LinqToSql, so I must be missing somet...

Where do I find the schema for .NET v2.0.50727 (SP2) machine.config file on XP?

Where do I find the schema for .NET v2.0.50727 (SP2) machine.config file on XP? ...

Database Design for Betting Community

I'm creating a online community for a soccer betting game available in my country. I've a pretty good idea how the whole system should work but I'm having some trouble figuring out the ideal database design and I need some help with it. The usual work flow should be something like this: Everyone is welcome to register as a member; eac...

using xsd.exe to generate xsd schema for a generic class.

Hello Everyone, I recently discovered the cool abilities of xsd.exe to generate schemas from types in a dll. However I am having trouble generating them for generic types. For example what command line paramters would I use to generate a schema for List? If it matters, I am using these schemas with linq to xsd to create strongly type...

Base64 XML binary content

I have to send binary data in XML and the standard way of doing that is using base64; however I have two options: store the binary into a xs:base64binary store the utf-8 encoded string representation of the base64 binary into a xs:string element In the first case the schema reads: <xs:element name="Image" type="xs:base64Binary" /...

XML custom serialization in asmx web service

Hi, I try used custom XML serialization on my own class with IXmlSerializable, and also use xml scheme. public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService { [XmlSchemaProvider("GetSchemaDocument")] public class EmployeeDetails3 : IXmlSerializable { public int employeeID; public string firstName; ...

Generating C# class file from XML Schema....How to? thanks .

Hello. Good day. I want to parse a complex XML schema file and export to a C# file. Does i need take use System.XML.Schema namespace ? I don't know how to start my job. Thanks in advance. BR! Nano ...

Tool to Document SQL Server Schema

Can anyone recommend a free (or cheap) program out there which allows me to easily document what certain tables and fields are used for in our applications? Ideally, when we update a fields type, it would automagically update in this tool. Also, showing what fields are indexed etc would be beneficial. What solutions have you guys / gals...

XML Schema : substitution groups

I'm investigating substitution groups in XML schema and I can't seem to find the official spec. can anyone point me to it ? I'm wondering if an element with substitution group attribute can replace an element inside a complex or only global elements as w3schools claims : "Note that all elements in the substitutionGroup (the head e...

How does Doctrine handle changes to the database schema?

In brief, what happens when you add a column to a table? What happens when you remove one? In more details, suppose you have the following: class User extends Doctrine_Record { public function setTableDefinition() { $this->hasColumn('username', 'string', 255); $this->hasColumn('password', 'string', 255); } }...

Reload column names in ActiveRecord model class

I have a script using ActiveRecord that creates column names dynamically based on values read from a CSV file, something like this: FasterCSV.foreach('votes.csv', :headers => true) do |row| column_name = "roll_call_id_#{row['roll_call_id']}" if ! connection_pool.connection.add...