
Is there a way to allow 'this' attribute or 'this other' attribute, but not both?

I am trying to allow for two attribute values for one element. This is how I have it done now, but I only want to allow 1 of the 2, but not both. <contact phoneH="cell">8025550000</contact> <contact phoneW="work"> 8025550094</contact> I am looking to be able to do something like this: <xsd:attribute name="phoneH|phoneW" type="xsd:st...

Database modelling or database design: Which comes first?

I would like to know which is the common practice for a domain implementation. Designing the business objects first, that need persistence or the database schema first, generating it from an entity relationship diagram (and afterwards the ORM poco*'s)? I am going to start a solution, but I would like to know which is the most preferabl...

ActiveRecord - Self Referencing Associations

I'm a total Ruby/Rails/AR noob. I have a very basic sort of database schema that I can't seem to figure out the best way to represent in the Rails Way. Table Post String title, author Text content Timestamp posted Post parent The idea here is that top level posts will have parent that is NULL. Every response will hav...

Sample Database Design for Financial Accounting

Could someone please lead me to a sample database for a financial accounting system? ...

reccomended database schema design books?

I have some good books on database theory (covering relational calculus, tuples, normal forms etc.) but I'd like a nuts-and-bolts text on appropriate database design: appropriate schema design choices and practical issues that come up in the field. Not so much theory oriented but from the perspective of being in the trenches. Could y...

Schema validation, how to display user friendly validation messages?

Hello all , Is there a way to avoid or set up a schema to display better user friendly messages? I am parsing the string and using reg ex to interpret them, but there might be a better way. Ex. "cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'node' is not complete. One of '{\"\":offer,\"\":links}' is expected." Instead I want:...

Can anyone explain to me(beginner) in plain english what "Schema" means?

I need a plain english explanation of "schema" as in Database schema & Xml schema. EDIT: When someone says to create a database schema, does it mean creating constraints for the fields in the tables? ...

How do I show the schema of a table in a MySQL database?

This is a question I did not find answered in Stack Overflow: How do I show the schema of a table in a MySQL database? The answer is to read about the describe command. ...

Over Simple Database Schema: Good and Bad points? with example

I apologise for the long-winded, rantyness of this but I'm up at 3am dreading having to go to work tomorrow and deal with this database... it just feels wrong but maybe I'm wrong and just like things done my way... Please tell me what you think. Our database schema looks something like: page: id, label, contentid, parentpageid content...

Is it possible to use both automapping and schema generation with Fluent NHibernate?

I'm using the following: Fluently.Configure() .Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005.ConnectionString(connectionString)) .Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Incident>() .Where(t => t.Namespace.StartsWith("EDA.DomainModel.POCO")))) .ExposeConfiguration(BuildSchema) .BuildSessionFac...

SOAP, HTTP(S) POST. XML and Schema mess

I am very confused. I have a xsd file, no wsdl and apparently i send this data through SOAP. Now looking at all i went back and notice this (using ssl) The regular session begins with a HTTP POST request sent by the client. The body of the request contains XML document compliant with SOME_API Request schema So... i am not u...

XSD schema, SOAP, REST and a MESS!

I think this person hit on my problem Link I have a schema and a pdf that has something like the below I have NO WSDL file. Absolutely none, i do have a large schema (apiName.xsd). It seems like i need to do something with it but i have no clue what. <xs:element name="CheckDomain"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="d...

convert xsd to WSDL?

I am very confused how i am suppose to send data to a server. I have a .xsd file and i only realized 1 hour ago (and did research) that the schema is actually describing the XML data i am suppose to send. But i have NO idea how i am suppose to generate a XML from it. I dont think i am suppose to go through it by hand? I never used a WSDL...

schema validate xml containing boolean values

Hi I have a xml like this: <xml><fullname> <name attrib="true"/> <lastname1 attrib="false"/> <lastname2 attrib="false"/></fullname></xml> I need to create a schema to validate it in such a way that it will allow only 1 attrib with value "true" (and the rest of them must be false [the attrib attribute is defined to be xs:boolean]), so ...

Database schema for organizing historical stock data

I'm creating a database schema for storing historical stock data. I currently have a schema as show below. My requirements are to store "bar data" (date, open, high, low, close volume) for multiple stock symbols. Each symbol might also have multiple timeframes (e.g. Google Weekly bars and Google Daily bars). My current schema puts th...

SQL Server 2008: N small databases VS 1 database with N schemas

I have a database server with few main databases, and few dozens of small ones. These small databases are kind of intermediary/staging databases for data import from various sources into main database. Data import is a daily task. They are all quite similar in structure as the implementation of these data imports are similar, so basical...

How might you clone a database table via Rails migration?

I want a migration to create a clone of an existing table by just suffixing the name, including all the indexes from the original table. So there's a "snapshots" table and I want to create "snapshots_temp" as an exact copy of the table (not the data, just the table schema, but including the indexes). I could just copy and paste the b...

What is difference between XML Schema and DTD ?

Hi, I have googled this question but I do not understand clearly what is schema and DTD and why Schema is more powerful compared to DTD. Any guidance would be highly appreciated. Thanks. ...

Best database design for a "sensor system"

I'm doing a schoolwork and.. I have to do a vehicle tracker system. I thought of these three designs. What do you think? My database schemas (png at ImageShack ~99KB) Opinions? ...

trying to figure out the best database schema

i want to come up with a generic (if possible) schema to use for a number of different events that i am managing. These events can be weddings, birthday parties, etc So for i have 3 main tables Contact Table - with the usual info like address, phone, etc Events Table - list of events with some info like date, location, etc Now i am t...