
Why would DATA_TYPE for column schema be negative in ODBC?

I am trying to allow a user to select a table a 2 columns from that table for use in a query. They define the provider and the connection string to choose the database. This is done using the DBProviderFactory and the DBConnectionStringBuilder. The problem seems to be when using the ODBC provider, other providers (OLEDB, Sql) seem ok....

Cannot create schema from Hibernate

I'm trying to propagate the schema from the Hibernate configuration to the RDBMS. The code runs without any error message but the database doesn't get updated. Any hints ? Thank you ! Update That is hibernate-core only with a HSQL database. Update 2 Yes, i should use SchemaExport (i'm away from hibernate a while ),but it don't flush ...

Is there a class built-in to .NET for querying XML DTD information?

Does .NET provide any built-in support for working with XML DTDs? I want to retrieve element type, attribute lists, and entity declaration information. I'm aware of the support for validating against a DTD, but want to be able to work with the DTD information itself. I'd be fine parsing DTDs manually to accomplish this, but would rather...

Is this a valid XML?

I have a feeling this XML is not valid, can someone please explain why? I think it has something todo this the dot i the element name? estate_price.price_suggestion Any thing else not valid about this XML? XML \\ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <iad> <DataTag> <element id="0"> <changed_string>content</changed_st...

Limiting the size of a mysql table

Is it possible to limit the size (in disk size / rows) of a single mysql table? If it is not possible, what is the easiest way to run multiple mysql engines on one physical computer? (my plan is to set one mysql instance's data files to a separate disk partition) ...

MySQL Workbench symbol reference

I'm looking at a database diagram generated by MySQL Workbench (actually, DBDesigner4), but I'm not familiar with it so I couldn't figure out some of the symbols it uses for relationships and fields. Does anyone know a good legend? ...

What does the error "The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty." mean?

I'm putting together an xml schema for a simple xml (see bellow for both xml and schema). But I keep getting the following error with regards to the section node: "The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty." . Browsing the net I could not find any concise explanation as to what it means so I can fix it. Can anyone he...

JAXB XJC code generation - ObjectFactory class is incomplete

Hello I generate Java classes from my XSD schema file using XJC command line tool. The ObjectFactory class generates incomplete content. It generates creation methods without JAXBElement<Type> createType decoration. What may be the reason of this? Regards Dominik ...

Why is the need for MySQL database schema?

What is the need for a database schema (embedded in the DB) if I can configure my MySQL DB structure and write CRUD statements to work with it directly? I've never worked with these, but I'm assuming they're only for performance optimization? I know of schema diagrams that can be exported as .sql commands which generate the DB structure...

Checking that at least 2 of the 5 lines exist on an address in XSL 1.0 before outputing the address node

I'm trying to create an address that validates against a schema set in stone, it requires that at least 2 of the 5 lines have been entered. Only show address node if at least two of the five lines are available. Is there a way I can check this using XSL The input looks like this: <Services Street="1 The Road " ExtraAddress="The Stre...

Can I use just migrations from rails to maintain a database schema?

Our application isn't going to use rails for any part of its final state, but migrations are a fantastic way to define schema in my experience, so I'd like to use just that one aspect of rails. Is this a reasonable thing to do? If not, are there any tools out there than can be used to perform the same sort of job? We have a three-stag...

What does the ref attribute on an element in an xsd do?

As the question says really, documentation seems to say that it references another element in the schema, but how could it be used - I've never seen it in schemas that I have worked with. Anyone got any nice use cases or something that could explain its use further? Thanks :) ...

Xml schema issue - cannot work out how to use key!

I'm trying to make up an xml schema for the following: <tagSet> <Structure> <tag> <name>Steve</name> </tag> <tag> <name>Bob</name> </tag> <tag> <name>Steve</name> </tag> </Structure> </tagSet> I would like my schema to complain that Steve is there twice, but I can't get it to work. I have...

Cannot find the declaration of element 'assignments'

So I am beginning with XML and Schemas and I ran across this today and I have not been able to figure it out. I am getting and error that says, Ln 5 Col 2 : Cannot find the declaration of element 'assignments'. I believe I have declared the element, but perhaps I am missing something and have not. This is my XML file: <?xml ve...

Why not construct UI based on DB schema?

People seem to avoid building user interfaces that pull their information (names, field types, etc. as well as relationships) from a database; they instead hard-code forms (and tables, etc.) that have pretty much the same data names and types and things. Am I making sense? For instance, imagine an emumerated field in MySQL: why not jus...

What does elementFormDefault do for XML/When is it used?

So I found some definitions for elementFormQualifed values: qualified - elements and attributes are in the targetNamespace of the schema unqualified - elements and attributes do not have a namespace So from that definition I would think that if a schema is set to qualified then why must you prefix the type with the name...

Querying across schemas in Postgres

Hi, I am using Postgres and I have multiple schemas (i.e. S1 and S2). I would like to run a query that uses tables in S1 and S2. is it possible to do something like this: select * from S1.table1, S2.table2 Thanks for all replies. ...

Drupal field values and longtext

Hey there. Long time mysql/php user, first time Drupal user. Actually, I'm not doing the Drupal development (I'm just using the database to pull in some data to a separate application), and I'm just trying to figure out if this is how it's supposed to work: Every one of the "value" fields in the content_type_* tables is of type LONGTEXT...

Determine whether to generate ExecuteNonQuery or ExecuteReader from schema

I am attempting to create a stored procedure/ADO.NET mapping mechanism where a stored procedure with parameters becomes object MyStoredProcedure.Execute(out returnValue, param1, param2, ...) The problem comes when trying to generate the actual data retrieval method. I can easily obtain most of the schema information I need from the I...

How to make any tag mandatory in xml schema

My xml tag is given below <ADCNT> <EM> <RUID> </ADCNT> I can make EM tag as mandatory also the same thing I can do with RUID by providing minOccurs = 1 (<EM minOccurs=1>). But I want if both of them are not present then do not validate the xml against schema. If any one of them is present then validate the xml against sche...