
What is the difference between Type and Element in WSDL?

In WSDL file a function can return a Type or an Element. I have used only custom types as a results so far. However, I wonder when the Element should be more appropriate then the Type? What is the difference between them? Is there any difference between <wsdl:message name="MyFunction"> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:Pers...

What would be the best schema to store the 'address' for different entities?

Suppose we're making a system where we have to store the addrees for buildings, persons, cars, etc. The address 'format' should be something like: State (From a State list) County (From a County List) Street (free text, like '5th Avenue') Number (free text, like 'Chrysler Building, Floor 10, Office No. 10') (Yes I don't live in U.S...

Cisco IOS "show conf" to XML?

Is there either: A freely available program that can convert the output of a Cisco's "show conf" to some sensible XML, like this (probably not very sensible) block form: Is there either: A freely available program that can convert the output of a Cisco's "show conf" to some sensible XML, like this (probably not very sensible) block for...

Is it safe to extend classes generated from an XML schema?

Suppose I have this (outrageously) simplified XML schema: <xsd:complexType name="Person"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="FirstName"/> <xsd:element ref="FamilyName"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> If I generate a Java class from it I get something like this: public class Person { protected FirstName firstName; p...

How should I manage different incompatible formts of Xml based documents

I have an application which saves documents (think word documents) in an Xml based format - Currently C# classes generated from xsd files are used for reading / writing the document format and all was well until recently when I had to make a change the format of the document. My concern is with backwards compatability as future versions ...

Membership products data schema

I'm trying to model my organization's membership products for accepting and recording membership purchases in our business database. Someday we hope the purchases will be made online and automatically put into the business database. The problem is that our membership products are all over the place. We have 4 types of organizations th...

SQL table with a single row?

What is the point (if any) in having a table in a database with only one row? Note: I'm not talking about the possibility of having only one row in a table, but when a developer deliberately makes a table that is intended to always have exactly one row. Edit: The sales tax example is a good one. I've just observed in some code I'm r...

Firebird database schema/data difference tool

RedGate makes a tool for Microsoft SQL Server that allows you to snapshot the difference between two databases. It generates the scripts needed to update the database schema while preserving the data. I need to find a tool like this for the Firebird database. We use Firebird in an embedded fashion, and would like to push out schema upd...

trying to understand ebay's schema

I want to build a site similar to ebay (a mini version of it, using a LAMP stack as the basic setup I guess or maybe you guys will suggest something else) and I'm wondering how they built their system. The part I don't understand the most is how they manage their categories. They have one search code and probably one code for posting ite...

How to specify a list of choices in XSD

I have an XSD definition that has a list of tagged elements. In what way is it possible to allow developer's to only select from a list of elements already defined in the XML file when entering values for a choice-restricted element? In other words, given this XML declaration: <collection> <myItem name="Item_1"> <childEle...

SQL Server schema best practises

I'm in the process of designing a new database for an application. I'd like to be mindful of the security from the start (which should be the norm!). Anyone got a link to a resource describing the best way to use schemas to implement good security? By using schemas, I mean not just dumping everything under the default dbo schema. Surel...

Validating XML in Python without non-python dependencies

I'm writing a small Python app for distribution. I need to include simple XML validation (it's a debugging tool), but I want to avoid any dependencies on compiled C libraries such as lxml or pyxml as those will make the resulting app much harder to distribute. I can't find anything that seems to fit the bill - for DTDs, Relax NG or XML S...

craigslist’s / kijiji's schema

Hello, I'm curious to find out what kind of database schema craigslist and kijiji uses. They have many categories and cities that grow all the time. The levels also get deeper sometimes (sub-categories, and areas/neighborhoods). The part I don't understand the most is how they manage their categories. What is the database structure be...

Linq2Sql: How to handle tables with the same name and different schema names

I have a database with multiple tables which have the same name but are from different schemas. For example: [DatabaseName].[Schema1].[MyTable] [DatabaseName].[Schema2].[MyTable] When Linq2Sql generates code for this database, it appears to just be picking up the table from the first schema and completely ignoring the second schema: ...

How do you upgrade a database schema with InstallShield?

I am using InstallShield to install a SQL Server DB, and the applications that use it. Now I need a way to go back and say, ok, v 27 of the database now needs moved to 28. I have the alter scripts, and I know based on a table which version any given DB is. How can I make InstallShield do this? ...

suggested database schema for photos website

i am trying to organize my photos and create some ajax front end. I have lots of photos and an existing hosting site that is paid for that has lots of disk space so i dont want to pay to store on picasa web or alternative. I am creating an site to view these photos but i an trying to determine best schema to store then. A have...

looking how to realise a primarykey in a xml schema with autoincrement function

At the beginning i wrote a c# class. Then i created a schema for the class with the “xsd.exe” tool. I posted this schema into the schema collection of my database and created a new xml column: CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION AppointmentSC AS 'its impossible to insert a schema here in the forum' GO ALTER TABLE Adresse ADD xmlAppointment XM...

If a schema requires an attribute and I send it as an element, is it invalid?

A related node here was - but that was more a design question. My question is about validity. If a schema requires <record name="foo" description="bar" /> and I supply <record> <name>foo</name> <description>bar</description> </record> Will the XML be conside...

Mysql Database Design A Complex Shopping Catalogue Part

Hello All. I want to make an anouncement system. But i messed the database design part. The system will have unlimited categories and their items so every category will has strange properties for example car has a model, trade, manufacture date, color, gear type. . . and more another example Real Estate has a door count, gardened, du...

User-configurable signalling mechanism in Django

The question here is whether something like this already exists or, if not, whether there's a better way to achieve it than what I describe below. I need to allow an arbitrary Principal (User, Group, Site Admin) to add Event Sinks (like email addresses, Webhook URLs, etc.) to the system (through the web interface) and, for each one, spe...