
Help with designing a schema for a lyrics database

I'd like to work on a project, but it's a little odd. I want to create a site that shows lyrics and their translations, but they are shown simultaneously side-by-side (so this isn't just a normal i18n of the site). I have normalized the tables like this (formatted to show hierarchy). artists artistNames albums albumNames ...

Copy SQL Stored Procedures between DataSources/Schemas?

Hi Friends, I've created SQL stored procedures in our development schema and its working fine. Now we are in the task of moving our development codes to production one. How do I copy those stored procedures from one schema to another schema? Do I need to re-compile whole procedures on targeted schema? Or Is there any way register those p...

Hidden Database Schemas and Open APIs?

The Media Wiki database Schema, here, has taught me a lot. Cannot-understand: In contrast, it seems rare that other services of the size, such as Youtube, publish their database schema. Oddly, some of such services have presently opened APIs, but not schemas. Question: What is the relationship between schemas and APIs? Why are some sch...

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio doesn't recognize new Schema

I have created a new Schema in a database called Contexts. Now when I want to write a query, Management Studio doesn't recognize the tables that belong to the new Schema. It says: 'Invalid object name Contexts.ContextLibraries'... Transact-SQL: INSERT INTO [Contexts].[ContextLibraries] (ChannelId, [IsSystem]) VALUES (@ChannelId, 1) W...

Limits on PostgreSQL schema changes inside transactions?

My database background is with Oracle, so I was surprised to discover that Postgres includes schema changes in transactions - if you begin one, create a table and then rollback, the table goes away. It works for adding and removing columns as well. Obviously this is very nice. We're about to make some changes to the way we deploy schema...

How to find data table column reference in stored procedures

I have changed a column name in a table in my SQL Server 2005 database. I also have a rather large collection of stored procedures that may or may not be referencing that column. Is there a way to find what stored procedures are referencing that column without actually going through each stored procedure and search for it manually? Is...

Has anyone written a higher level query langage (than sql) that generates sql for common tasks, on limited schemas.

Sql is the standard in query languages, however it is sometime a bit verbose. I am currently writing limited query language that will make my common queries quicker to write and with a bit less mental overhead. If you write a query over a good database schema, essentially you will be always joining over the primary key, foreign key fie...

In ROWLEX is there a way to remove "rdf:datatype" from serialized object?

In ROWLEX is it possible to remove "rdf:datatype" attribute of each property and/or use common RDF Schema instead? Example: <MyOntology:Channel> <MyOntology:title rdf:datatype=""&gt;My news</MyOntology:title> <MyOntology:description rdf:datatype=""&gt;M...

To build an App for an Internet site without its API and Schema

I was asked to build a control-system for a Ebay-like Finnish auction-site The system would reopen closed auctions by a specific rules. It would be completely external from the main site, running at an external website. The site is however unwilling to release its API and Schema. I know no way to build such a system without k...

Validating XML Docs Against a Wide Array of Constraints

I need to validate XML files against a wide array of constraints: type and/or format of element's text, co-occurrences, date comparisons and date math, as well as some user defined rules from a database (i.e. element X can only contain child elements A, B, and C) and I am not sure how to go about it. The current incarnation of this ap...

Getting around the 32-relationship-per-table limit in Access

I am attempting to build a database for inventory control using a large number of tables and enforced relationships, and I just ran into the 32-relationship (index) limit for an Access table (using Access 2007). Just to clarify: the problem isn't that the Employees table has 32 explicit indexes. Rather, the problem is the limitation on...

SQL 2008: How do I change db schema to dbo

I imported a bunch of tables from an old sql server (2000) to my 2008 database. All the imported tables are prefixed with my username ex: jonathan.MovieData. In the table properties it lists 'jonathan' as the db schema. When I write stored procedures I now have to include 'jonathan.' in front of all the table names which is confusing...

How do I move a table into a schema in T-SQL

I want to move a table into a specific Schema using T-SQL? I am using SQL Server 2008. ...

XSD : model properties (name/value pairs)

I have a XML defining properties like : <properties> <property name="play_sound" value="true" /> <property name="duration" value="30" /> </properties> Is it possible, with an XML schema, specify conditions such as "if the property name is 'duration' then the value must be an integer". I think it is not possible so, what is th...

How do create table with dynamic no. of columns for data entry

Hi I'm currently working on a project where I need to save data depending upon the active no. of items. Its like.. Stores can have n no of items which can be dynamically added or reduced from admin back-end. Each item can either be activated or deactivated. NO problem. But I need to manage/save these dynamic n no. of items in a table...

XML Validation

Hi, I want to validate an XML file against RELAXNG schema provided. Searching on the net gave me hints to create a Schema instance using SchemaFactory by providing the appropriate Schema Language. So as per my requirement I used: *SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.RELAXNG_NS_URI);* But the following exception was thrown at run: ...

How to reference a non-nested group of tags in XSD

Is there a way to refer to a group of non-nested XML tags in XSD schema, e.g.: <foo> <a>a_val</a> <b>b_val</b> <c>c_val</c> <d>d_val</d> </foo> <bar> <e>e_val</e> <b>b_val2</b> <c>c_val2</c> <f>f_val</f> </bar> What I want to achieve is to have tags <b> and <c> extracted separately as complexType or abstract elemen...

How can I update the schema of a single archetype object on demand in plone?

I have hundreds of thousands of objects based on plone archetypes (plone 2.5.X) that need their archetypes schema updated to the latest. The archetype schema migration tool is great for a small/medium number objects but is bringing my server to its knees trying to migrate them all, to the point where I always end up killign the script. ...

How can I update my SQL Server database schema?

Usually throughout development of a project I will deploy frequently, just to make sure I wont have any problems in production. Also, throughout development, I find myself changing the database's schema. How can I easily update the database in production? I have been dropping the old database and reattaching the new one. Is there a fa...

How to get around the "xs:group cannot be placed inside xs:all" limitation?

Is there any reason why <xs:group> cannot appear inside <xs:all>, but only inside <xs:sequence>? Let's see an example. Say, there is a list of tags (<a> to <d> and <e> to <f> - see example below) which do not appear in any particular order, but always wrapped into another object (either <foo> or <bar>); <foo>={<a>, <b>, <c>, <d>}; <bar>...