
what is purpose of database scheme

What is the purpose of database scheme? Where can I find more information about this? It's not table, it's not database, what is it? ...

Can database Schemas help improve performance?

I have a normalized Database. And i have like 150 Clients that connect to this database and use it as an application. I am wondering if Schemas would make the queries run any faster. Simply because I ran a query on a stripped down database and it ran fast and i ran it on my live database and it was much slower. Also If i implemented...

Automatic database schema generation and migration with Perl

In Ror or Django or web2py you can "describe" a database (as a set of classes that remaps to tables) and the framework (having being provided with a connection string to the desired database) generates the tables, fields, relations and in the case of RoR and web2py it also keeps it up-to-date (eg, removing a class drops the table, adding...

What is the most efficient procedure for implementing a sortable ajax list on the backend?

The most common method is to assign a sequential order field for each item in the list and do an update that maintains the sequence with every ajax sort operation. Unfortunately, this requires an update to each item of the list every time someone sorts. This is fine for small lists, but what's the best way to implement sorting for larger...

Java, UnmarshallingException caused by XML attribute with special chars: ;ìè+òàù-<^èç°§_>!£$%&/()=?~`'#;

Hi, my xml file has a tag with an attribute "containsValue" which contains the "special" characters you can see in the subject: <original_msg_body id="msgBodySpecialCharsRule" containsValue=";ìè+òàù-<^èç°§_>!£$%&/()=?~`'#;" /> in my xml schema the attribute has xs:string: <xs:attribute name="containsValue" type="xs:string" /> ...

Please Explain Drupal schema and drupal_write_record

Hi. A few questions. 1) Where is the best place to populate a new database table when a module is first installed, enabled? I need to go and get some data from an external source and want to do it transparently when the user installs/enables my custom module. I create the schema in {mymodule}_schema(), do drupal_install_schema({tablena...

Schema qualified tables with SQLAlchemy, SQLite and Postgresql?

I have a Pylons project and a SQLAlchemy model that implements schema qualified tables: class Hockey(Base): __tablename__ = "hockey" __table_args__ = {'schema':'winter'} hockey_id = sa.Column(sa.types.Integer, sa.Sequence('score_id_seq', optional=True), primary_key=True) baseball_id = sa.Column(sa.types.Integer, sa.Forei...

VB.Net Validate an xml against a schema (strange problem)

I have written a small XML validator, that takes in an XML file and an XML schema and validates the XML files against that schema. It works well, except for an XML file, with this content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xc:program xmlns:xc="http:\\\Schema\XC10" xc:version="" > <xc:namespaceDecls> ...

e-commerce product data/metadata schemas

Trying to figure out how is product data/metadata schema designed. For example, how does an e-commerce site enter a product spec. Does it copy and paste from mfg spec sheet, enters it in their own fields or something else? Here is an example, looking at the D3000 Nikon DSLR Manufacturer:;disp=...

SQL DB schema design in context of MVC model development tips/tricks

I'm looking to replace our current model (written entirely in Tcl (please don't even start)) with a new model based around an SQL (sqlite) database, and I'm looking for books/articles giving advice on how one goes about designing a DB schema as well as the model interface around it. I've been reading questions about updating bad DB sche...

XSD: xs:sequence & xs:choice combination for xs:extension elements?

Hi, My question is about defining an XML schema that will validate the following sample XML: <rules> <other>...</other> <bool>...</bool> <other>...</other> <string>...</string> <other>...</other> </rules> The order of the child nodes does not matter. The cardinality of the child nodes is 0..unbounded. All the chi...

C#: Validate an XML string against Schemas. .NET 2.0

C# VB.NET 2.0 I have XML string object being sent to me. I have the location of the schemas (5 of them) that I need to validate this XML against. Most of the examples I see are .net 3.5, but not many on 2.0. The XML String does NOT Declare what schemas to use, it only has the namespaces on a good handful of elements. Thanks. ...

XSLT to alphabetize XML

I have about 10 xml schemas that I have to clean up by alphabetizing the elements/types. I googled for a while and found someone's solution, Here which doesn't work for me for whatever reason (it skips from xsd:schema straight to xsd:comlplexType name=Account). Here is the simplist example, as you can see the first 10 or so elements a...

SQL for Opening Hours

Hi, In my shops database I need to have the opening hours. Do you have an idea how i can implement this in my dB? The opening hours are from Monday to Sunday, each day can have 2 opening windows (ex 09:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00) ...

Separating weakly linked database schemas

I've been tasked with revisiting a database schema we designed and use internally for various ticketing and reporting systems. Currently there exists about 40 tables in one Oracle database schema supporting perhaps six webapps. However, there's one unifying relationship amongst them all: a rooms table describing the room. Room name, pu...

Schema for storing "binary" values, such as Male/Female, in a database

Intro I am trying to decide how best to set up my database schema for a (Rails) model. I have a model related to money which indicates whether the value is an income (positive cash value) or an expense (negative cash value). I would like separate column(s) to indicate whether it is an income or an expense, rather than relying on whethe...

Grails - Updating the Domain after going live - Will I lose my data?

Hi, I'm half way through writing my first grails app. It's going really well so far but I've only just realised that when I go live I won't be able to change the domain model around so much. The application is backed by a MySql database, I currently only have one object of interest 'Person'. If after deployment I want to add a 'Group' ...

Why does Schema Compare in Visual Studio 2010 show differences when there are none?

I had hoped that Visual Studio 2010 would have brought some improvements to the Schema Comparison function. I suspect there are some, but I can't get something basic working. I've sucked in a schema from a SQL Server 2005 database. Then to assure things were working, I did a schema compare choosing the database as the source and my sc...

MSDiscoCodeGenerator failed. Initialization failure.

I am getting an error while updating the webservice reference. I doubt this is beacuse of the error in the machine.config file where I set up the usage of my custom SchemaImporterExtenstion. PLease let me know how can i solve this? ...

Changing database structure at runtime with Entity Framework?

Hi. I have to write a solution that uses different databases with different structure from the same code. So, when a user logs to the application I determine to which database he/she is connected to at runtime. The user can create tables and columns at any time and they have to see the change on the fly. The reason that I use one and th...