
How to parse e-mail into database?

Hello. Still sometime I'm desperately searching for some community of developers which is dealing with the parsing of incoming email and storing its structure in the database. Quoting Mail2db developers: Different from traditional mail archive, the Mail2db engine can convert email into real database records stored within a RDM...

Mapping many to many categories to entries ( tagging ), and preserving a hierarchial tree/view of categories?

I'm writing entries for cross-browser bugs/workarounds. I would like the main view to present a hierarchial tree starting with the primary categories and descending into more specific categories: css layout float position specificity js dom html object embed Let's say I want to file an entry and have...

Best practices for configuring a Solr schema

I'm currently configuring my schema.xml file and trying to figure out what's the best way to set up my documents. I use a RMDBS and thus many objects are relational. Take this site for instance; a document typically consists of a question, followed by 0 or more answers. Say you'd want to set up fields for this, you would have to declar...

.Net XmlSchemaSet works on Client but not Server OS?

I have the following code that loads the xhtml_transitional.xsd file (source at private static void SetupSchemas() { if (_xmlSchemaSet != null) return; _xmlSchemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet(); _xmlSchemaSet.ValidationEventHandler += ValidationHandler; ...

Avoid This collection already contains an address with scheme http

Hi all, I have this issue: I have WebSite with pages. http://desiis:90/WebSite1 In this webSite, I have a Service WCF (service1.svc). http://desiis:90/WebSite1/services/Service1.svc When I call to the service, I get this error: This collection already contains an address with scheme http In my localhost all is OK. any s...

How To Store Arbitrarily Wide Tree Of Set Depth

Hello Everyone. I need to store data that looks like this: <root> <child-one> value 1 value 2 ... value n </child-one> ... </root> By this I mean, a very shallow tree with a variable number of leaves. I would have liked to store this data in a relational database, but I cannot find of w...

How to distinguish oracle NUMBER(X) and FLOAT(126) DbTypes from schema in ADO.NET / C# 2.0

I use oracleclient by creating DbProviderFactory and get schema: DbDataReader reader = cmdForSchema.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo); DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); however both float and number have DbType.Decimal as their DataType in in schemaTable. At least we're using NUMBER for integers and it would be nic...

Beginner XML Schema: element with Attribute + Type

Hi. Lets take a look at my test .xsd: <!-- lot of stuff... --> <xsd:element name="root"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="target:child"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="child"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="childAtt...

Database design: Running totals of row counts

I have run into the following situation several times, and was wondering what best practices say about this situation: Rows are inserted into a table as users complete some action. For example, every time a user visits a specific portion of a website, a row is inserted indicating their IP address, username, and referring URL. Elsewhere,...

.Net schema validation does not detect nilled elements

Hi, I want to validate the xml requests received in my WCF webservice. I created business classes by converting the xsd's to code with Xsd2Code.exe (Xsd2Code@Codeplex). Q: Why does the validator not fire when Element BrancheInfo is null? Validation functions: /// <summary> /// If a servicerequest enters our domain, we have to...

Suggested DB Schema for Quotes

How would you save the quote products in a database? Serialize data? They can create however many rows they want... It's for a quote system. Create a quote with however many products. I need to save X Product At X Qty and X Price foreach one. Serialize in the only thing I could come up with, but I hat...

How to set database schema for namespace in nhibernate

Hi, I have a database with multiple schemas: Security, Trade, etc. Each shema has multiple tables. Ie. Security schema has: Users, Roles etc.. Now, can I setup nhibernate so that the schema i bound to namespace. Ie. I have a security namespace in my project with the User and Role POCOs in it. So I wont to set bind database schema to nam...

jaxb or equivalent for Coldfusion

I'm very new to this, so go easy on me. From my understanding, JAXB allows the programmer to use Java classes to write XML, and it takes care of creating the proper XML structure by reading XSDs. This way, when the schema changes, the programmer doesn't have to go back and rewrite a bunch of hard-coded XML because JAXB automatically tra...

inheritance issues with propel 1.5.2

In propel 1.3 and 1.4 the following inheritance structure worked fine. table name="payment_method" baseClass="rwf.lib.SymmetricEncryptedObject"> column name="id" type="INTEGER" required="true" autoIncrement="true" primaryKey="true"/> column name="discriminator" type="INTEGER" inheritance="single" required="true"> in...

Ruby activerecord seems to ignore set_table_name

I'm running ruby on Mac OSX 10.6.4, using Ruby 1.8 and activerecord 2.3.8. I'm running the following code inside of NetBeans 6.9 but I'm using the ruby interpreter from 10.6 I have the following code: require 'rubygems' require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection ( :adapter=> "mysql", :host => "localhost",...

Database Schema Error

When I use the Data-List object in Visual Studio 2008 while creating a website, and select a data source, after I choose my data source and click OK it gives me this error: I've searched the net and found that: I Installed the "Microsoft ...

Schemas and Indexes & Primary Keys : Differences in lookup performance ?

Hi. I have a database (running on postgres, precisely) , with the following structure : user1 (schema) | - cars (table) - airplanes (table, again) ... user2 | - cars - airplanes ... It's clearly not structurized the way classic relational databes should be, but it "just works" as it is now. As you can see, schemas are like prim...

Methods of using a long varchar key as a lookup key

I'm building a commenting mechanism into an application that allows a programmer/plugin author to implement comment threads in a simple manner. The way I wanted to do this is by using a unique identifier for the comment threads, which took the hard work away from the developer by using a unique key for the thread, where you can place co...

Using Fluent-NHibernate with tables in different database schemas

I have a database that I'm running several applications from. I like to separate the tables by creating a schema for each application. For my newest application I'm using FluentNHibernate. Seems like I have most of the plumbing correct but when I try to query one of my tables it can not find my table. I ran query analyzer and saw the sch...

Creating Valid XML Against Schema with XSLT

I'm sorting a list of elements based on type, as defined in my schema. I know that XSLT can validate against a given schema, but what I want to do is check to make sure that my operation (a copy in this case) is valid before I do it. Simplified code: Incoming Data: <?xml version="1.0"?> <sch:foo xmlns:sch="