
Database flexibility and privacy, hidden structure, software compatibility and 'public' permissions

Hi everyone, I'm one of those that recently decided to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL and with it a lot of old habits are being torn apart. However there is functionality from MySQL I would like to preserve in PostgreSQL. So... topics: User should have ability to create tables under a restricted namespace. Tables of one user shoul...

NHibernate calling Oracle stored procedure with schema prefix, how?

I have NHibernate calling stored procedure in Oracle working currently. However, how do I specify a schema prefix in the {call} syntax in the tag? I tried <sql-query name="my_sproc"> <return class="my_sproc_class" /> {call schema2.my_sproc (:p1)} </sql-query> But NHibernate run-time came back with 'schema2' not defined while 'sc...

T-SQL schemata to organize code

Hi, I have a ms sql server database with a growing number of stored procedures and user defined functions and I see some need to organize the code better. My idea was to split sps and functions over several schemata. The default schema would hold the the sps called from the outside. The API of the database in other words. A second schem...

How do I make a stub XML file from a schema using Python

I want to create a stub xml file from a schema ... what packages are the best to use for this? x ...

Please suggest one .Net ORM, which supports runtime schema evolution

All RDBMSs support the ALTER TABLE command, which allows administrators to add new columns to tables, or to change the types of existing columns. I am looking for such a runtime schema evolution function in .Net ORM. I have scanned a few ORM frameworks, and I cannot find an intuitive solution to such an evolution. The closest is OpenAc...

xml schema construct for elements to occur any number of times in any order.

i wanna write an xml schema that can accept some elements that can occur any number of times in any order. like following examples. it should satisfy all similar combination. lease help me and thanks in advance. Example 1 <root> <node1> one </node1> <node1> two </node1> <node2> three </node2> <node1> four </node1> ...

Grant user DDL permissions on specific schema

Using SQL Server (2008), is it possible to grant a specific user full control of the objects under a specific schema? This includes create/drop/alert table. Its important that this user isn't not given db_ddladmin role because that would give him access to other tables. ...

Parsing an XSD to list elements

I have been trying to parse one(actually - many) xsd files to write out the list of element-names, respective element-type and documentation. I looked into XSOM, SAXParser, Xerces, JAXP - all of which make it easy to read an xml and read nodes. Reading an xsd without equating to element names (to get a list of all element names) seems d...

How strict should I be with creating a separate association table?

Let's say I have a table that has a report_type column and I have only 2 report types. Is it worth it to create a report_types table with them, and then reference it with a foreign key to this table? Or is it acceptable to store the report type as a string in that column? ...

SOAP Message contains an extra tag after generation from WSCF Blue in Visual Studio 2008

Hello there, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 to write a simple web-service but have been running into some problems. You might need to format my The full expected message is something along the lines of: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace = "" elementFormDefault ...

[C#] How to Validate XML Against Schema (XSD)? Something is wrong.

Hello, I do not know enough about the XML namespace to see my error. Do you? public static bool ValidateXml(string xml, string xsd) { try { // build XSD schema StringReader _XsdStream; _XsdStream = new StringReader(xsd); XmlSchema _XmlSchema; _XmlSchem...

Issues Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition and GDR

I have Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite, that included Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition. I have VS 2008 SP1, .net framework 3.5 sp1. In a project SQL parser, we need to add two assembly references two: Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.dll Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql.dll those assemblies: are in Vi...

Using xs:extension & xs:restriction together?

While writing an XML schema, I am attempting to do something like this <xs:complexType name="ValueWithUnits"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="uom" fixed="second"/> <xs:minInclusive="0"/> <xs:maxInclusive="10"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleC...

XML schema pattern for validating a logical expression

I am writing a schema to validate an xml document that can contain an attribute that is a logical expression. i.e. test="@a empty and @b empty and @c is keyword" (@x are "reference ids" that refer to elements in the schema that are being tested). I'm using patterns for this and have several that work. <!-- @refid is | is not keyword --...

How to validate an LDIF?

How to validate an LDIF? Similar to XML, XMLSchema and Schematron are there any libraries to validate an LDIF with an LDAP schema? Thanks, Chenz ...

Should a referencing column be restricted to a single table?

I'm working on a project, and we've been creating tables that store references as a combination of two columns. An example: we have an 'alerts' table, that is used to deliver information to the user. An alert can refer to a number of different things, you can be alerted about a new message, or if another user has mentioned you. Thes...

Schema compare fails, SQL Server 2008 R2 & VS2010 Premium with time out expired error

I have a VS2010 DB Project migrated form VS2008 and a couple of schema comparisons created. I get the following error: Error 1 An error was received from SQL Server while attempting to reverse engineer elements of type Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel.ISqlUser: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of th...

(Where) is there a W3C XML Schema for XHMTL 1.1?

There is an old W3C recommendation containing an XML schema for XHTML 1.0, and claiming that schemata for 1.1 will be forthcoming. I'm not having any success with Our Friend Google on this. Is it out there? ...

Fluent Nhibernate with SQL Compact: Schema Issue

Good evening people, I have been using Fluent Nhibernate for a while, I've never really dug too deep into its functionality or the many ways it can be configured. In every project I have used it in I have configure it as follows: if (nhConfig == null) { nhConfig = new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration(); ...

Is there a performance decrease if there are too many columns in a table?

Is there some performance loss if one of tables in my database has huge amount of columns? Let's say I have a table with 30 columns. Should I consider splitting the table into few smaller ones or is it ok? What is a recommended maximum amount of columns per database table? Thank you. ...