
How do I load SciLexer.dll in Visual Studio 2008 Designer, on Windows 7 64-bit?

We develop a WinForm application using Scintilla.NET (1.7) component, which uses SciLexer.dll (unamnaged). At run-time, we distribute both 32bit and 64bit SciLexer.dll, and we load the correct one when the application starts (everything works fine). On our new development environments (Windows 7 64-bit), all our solutions build and run ...

Reading lines from a .NET text/scintilla box without using too much memory?

I have to create a C# program that deals well with reading in huge files. For example, I have a 60+ mB file. I read all of it into a scintilla box, let's call it sci_log. The program is using roughly 200mB of memory with this and other features. This is still acceptable (and less than the amount of memory used by Notepad++ to open this...

Where did System.Design go?

I am making a C# project in which I am using ScintillaNet, and it says: The referenced assembly "ScintillaNet" could not be resolved because it has a dependency on "System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" which is not in the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client...

Scintilla custom syntax highlighting not working

I have a Scintilla control that I create in C#, and the syntax highlighting doesn't work. It sets the font correctly which tells me that the file is being loaded, but the syntax highlighting doesn't work at all: Scintilla r = new Scintilla(); r.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; r.ConfigurationManager.IsUserEnabled = true; r.ConfigurationManager.Cu...

Example of configuring wxStyledTextCtrl/wxScintilla control as code editor for custom language

How do you enable actions like Goto line number Find(/Replace) There don't appear to be default triggers for these actions. There are a bunch of methods on the control, but I'm missing the first step of how to get the 'events' that would trigger these. For instance, how does one hook ctrl+f or F3/Alt+F3 in the control and make them d...

Adding a new lexer to scintilla/scite (...and eventually wxPython StyledTextCtrl)

Has anyone of you successfully added a lexer to scintilla? I have been following the short instructions at - and even discovered the secret extra instructions at (Changing Set of Lexers) Everything compiles, and I can add the lexer t...

Right-clicking causes a text selection in Notepad++ to disappear if the cursor not within the selection.

Many editors -- even Scintilla-based ones(e.g. Programmer's notepad) -- allow programmers to copy/cut a text selection by right-clicking the edited document and selecting appropriate lines (copy/cut/...)on a pop-up menu while the mouse cursor NOT within the selection -- it's very convenient. Left-clicking then anywhere in the document re...

How to override PASTE operations in ScintillaNet?

I am using the Scintilla control from ScintillaNet, and I need to have some control over the paste operations (in order to be able to check some things and/or update the text to be pasted). I've tried to create a subclass of the Scintilla control and override the WndProc method. Then, I intercept the WM_PASTE message (0x0302), no luck. ...

How to reset all keyboard shortcuts in notepad++?

I have removed the shortcut for SCI_DELETEBACK and as such my backspace key now outputs a backspace character rather than actually deleting characters. For whatever reason, it's not possible to re-assign this key (probably because they've assumed no-one will be stupid enough to try and change it) so now I'm stuck. Ideally I'd like to r...

I want to make my own source code editor, what are the good choices to make ?

I've had it of those dozens of editors which never provides simple things like: distinguish type keywords and instruction keywords so I can put different colors on them. being cross platform using a standard GUI lib like qt gtk etc (notepad++, yes, I almost hate you). enough keyboard shortcut like duplicate line, comment selection, and...