
How can I highlight text in Scintilla?

I am writing an editor using Scintilla. I am already using a lexer to do automatic syntax highlighting but now I'd like to mark search results. If I want to mark only one hit I can set the selection there but I'd like to mark (e.g. with yellow background) all the hits. I writing this in Perl but if you have suggestions in other languag...

QScintilla scrollbar

When I add a QsciScintilla object to my main window the horizontal scrollbar is active and super wide (tons of apparent white space). Easy fix? ...

Retrieve text from a scintilla control using SendMessage

I'm attempting to retrieve the document text in Notepad++ using SendMessage in C#. Below is my current code. The first call to SendMessage correctly returns the length of the text. The second call to SendMessage does not insert the text into the StringBuilder variable text. Why not? [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SendMessage", ...

Does notepad++ show all hidden characters?

In notepad++ I have set "replace tab with 2 spaces". When coding in python I copy-pasted some code from the web and it appeared indented correctly. But running the code resulted in indentation errors, which I solved in the end by removing all "visible" spaces at line beginnings and inserting the same amount of spaces again. Could it be...

wxWidgets: how to change caret style in StyledTextCtrl (sending a command to scintilla)

wxWidgets has wxStyledTextCtrl which (as I understand) uses Scintilla behind the scenes I don't know much about Scintilla API, but I kinda have the idea that you issue commands to it. In particular, I want to make the cursor have a block style, I found in Notepad++ the following snippet: execute(SCI_SETCARETSTYLE, CARETSTYLE_BLOCK) ...

Scintilla .NET - Can't find libraries.

Hello, I'm trying to get Scintilla .NET working in a C# form I'm making. I've followed the directions provided in the readme such as adding the Scintilla component to the toolbox, but when I try to drag the component to a C# form I get this following error: I've placed the two included dlls (SciLexer.dll,...

How to syntax highlight using scintilla?

How can I syntax highlight using the scintilla. I have no idea how to use it. I need a code sample that loads scintilla, puts a String[], and runs it in a richtextbox. ...

Is it possible to tell Scintilla to ignore certain keystrokes and pass them to the parent window?

I would like Scintilla to ignore certain key combinations like, Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+D, and to notify the parent window when they are entered. I read through the documentation and could not figure out how to do this. Is this possible? ...

Line continuation and syntax highlighting in Notepad++/Scintilla

The PHP and HTML syntax highlighting schemes in Notepad++ are generally pretty good at recognizing and highlighting JavaScript sections within a file, except that they don't recognize \ (backslash) as a JavaScript line continuation character, as in: var legend = '<h2>Legend</h2>\ <ul>\ <li><img src="red.gif" />Sunday</li>\ <li><img ...

Problem sending message to wxruby's StyledTextCtrl

I am using wxruby's StyledTextCtrl. I want to get direct function and pointer from the handle so that I can reuse some old codes written in C. But the output of the following code is "0, 0", which means send_msg() returns nothing but 0. require 'wx' module Wx do frame = nil, :title => "stc" stc = StyledTextC...

Is there anyway to enable MultiSelect in the StyledTextCtrl

I've noticed that the StyledTextControl (Scintilla basically) in wxWidgets has a great feature that allows multi-selections of text, just like TextMate. However wxRuby doesn't seem to have the function calls to support that feature. I'm wonder if there is a way to enable it or if there might be a way I could rewrite that wrapper to inclu...

Alternate row coloring in Scintilla

I'm using wxStyledTextCtrl from wxPython, a wrapper around the Scintilla component. Is there any way to get alternate row coloring on it (odd rows in one background color and even rows in another color)? I'm using the builtin python styler to highlight keywords. ...

Scintilla and thread safety

I'm using the Scintilla edit control on Windows (Win32, C/C++) . The control is created in WndProc. I have a second thread, created with Boost.Thread, that act as a spell checker and marks with red squiggle incorrectly spelled words. Therefore, I have two threads altering the content of the Scintilla control. At first, the program was ...

How to Use Scintilla .NET in C# Project?

I am attempting to use Scintilla .NET in a project (I want a good editor + syntax highlighting, etc). Unfortunately, when I reference the binaries in my project, I can't seem to actually use the Scintilla controls. I get two different errors. The first happens when adding SciLexer.dll as a reference to my project. I get a message th...

Unable to Affect Scintilla Control Programmatically at Runtime

I'm attempting to use the ScintillaNET control in an application I am working on. I drag and drop the control into my form and run form. The control appears on the form. This is good. In addition, if I set any of the properties in the control's properties editor (ConfigurationManager.Language, for example), I am able to type in that l...

ScintillaNet - Working out what line a user clicks on

I'm using the ScintillaNet text box control to display some search results and I want to be able to detect when the user double clicks / right clicks on a line in the results so that I can work out which hit they are clicking on. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way of doing this? I can think of a few ways but they all seem a bit...

Gain Access to Mouse Clicks in C# Component

I am using the ScintillaNET component and I am attempting to capture clicks in the margin, as this will determine how I respond. Unfortunately, the margins capture the mouse events (and don't provide a way, from what I can see, to get the click information - number of clicks, mouse button clicked, etc). If this is indeed the case (I am...

Why doesn't my QsciLexerCustom subclass work in PyQt4 using QsciScintilla?

My end goal is to get Erlang syntax highlighting in QsciScintilla using PyQt4 and Python 2.6. I'm running on Windows 7, but will also need Ubuntu support. PyQt4 is missing the necessary wrapper code for the Erlang lexer/highlighter that "base" scintilla has, so I figured I'd write a lightweight one on top of QsciLexerCustom. It's a litt...

Adding text to Scintilla without loosing formatting

I'm starting development using scintilla in VB.NET and I'm creating a serial terminal program. The Scintilla control shows what data has been received in my computer serial port. I need to programmatically add text to control. When I use: Scintilla1.Text = Scintilla1.text & "New Data received" & chr(13) the text is added to Scintil...

How make autoscroll in Scintilla?

Hi I have a simple VB.NET application using Scintilla. I don`t know how can I make the control auto scroll when text is added to it. Can anyone help? Thanks ...