
Why do modal dialogs that are opened through a menu item's click event process all window messages?

So for the past day or so I have been fixing a bug that is caused by a modal dialog. I work on an application which communicates with the server through the Windows message pump. When I use ShowDialog() to show a modal form, the message pump is blocked and none of my messages are processed, yet they do build up in the queue (expected b...

Looking for a replacement for windows messages used in inter-process communication in Delphi

Hi a have a multithread application (MIDAS) that makes uses of windows messages to communicate with it self MAIN FORM The main form receives windows messages sent by the RDM LogData(‘DataToLog’) Because windows messages are used they have the following attributes 1) Received messages are Indivisible 2) Received messages are Queued ...

Determine if a given window is currently being moved.

Basically, I'm looking for a IsWindowMoving(HWND) Win32 API call. I need to know if the user is currently moving a window. The window doesn't belong to me, so listening for WM_SYSCOMMAND / SC_MOVE or WM_MOVING isn't possible (I don't want to subclass or hook due to 32/64 interop). ...

Firefox/Gecko control interfering with Windows Forms key presses

Edit: In addition to the bounty, we're willing to pay $250 to have this bug fixed in the Firefox/Gecko codebase. Here is a simple test project (Visual Studio 2008 C#) that reproduces the problem. Edit #2 we're willing to pay $600 to have this bug fixed. See above for sample project that reproduces the problem. We have a Firefox (Gecko)...

What conditions need to be fulfilled for a window message to be posted?

I've successfully registered a window class using RegisterClassEx and created a window using CreateWindowEx: m_hInstance = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL); ... m_hWnd = ::CreateWindowEx(0, "CMyClassName", "Message Window", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HWND_MESSAGE, 0, m_hInstance, 0); The associated window procedure receives messages 36, 129, 131, and 1, a...

Delphi MDI - handling open/close/activate child form

Hi, I'm developing MDI application which assigns a tab for each created MDI child. I need to "catch" OnActivate, OnCreate and OnDestroy events of child form in the main (parent) form code. Simply calling the code in children form is impossible for me, as there are many form's classes that are used as MDI children, also the plugin can loa...

Delphi 2009 - Handle when window is restored via double clicking the SysMenu?

Hi, I need to handle when the user restores the form by double clicking the title bar. I tried handling the WM_SYSCOMMAND window message however this only works if the user restores the form via clicking the restore button in the system menu. I am using DevExpress ribbon form components if this matters. Thanks. ...

Is it possible to tell Scintilla to ignore certain keystrokes and pass them to the parent window?

I would like Scintilla to ignore certain key combinations like, Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+D, and to notify the parent window when they are entered. I read through the documentation and could not figure out how to do this. Is this possible? ...

Execution difference between "App.exe" and "App.vshost.exe" with WndProc

I am attempting to adapt an application developed in VS 2008/C# that listens to another application's WM_ messages through the use of the Control.WndProc method. When the "app.exe" version is run, WM_USER messages are visible and processed; however when the "app.vshost.exe" version is run, these same messages are no longer visible to th...

ESP error when sending window messages between threads

I have an Observer class and a Subscriber class. For testing purposes, the observer creates a thread that generates fake messages and calls CServerCommandObserver::NotifySubscribers(), which looks like this: void CServerCommandObserver::NotifySubscribers(const Command cmd, void const * const pData) { // Executed in worker thread // ...

PostMessage() or such on OS X. Sending messages to a window

What is the equivalent of PostMessage/SendMessage in Windows on Mac OS X? I have recently started out with Mac development, with most of my experience coming from Windows and nix. I want to hook a window and simulate mouse clicks or keyboard presses. Also I want to be able to find a function like GetWindowText or any function that can ...

How can I get text from another application in c#?

Hello, I am a beginner in C#, and I try to get text in list box of an application but i don't know how to begin. I tried this code to get the list of IDM: [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = fa...

How to know if someone else handled OnContextMenu

I have a CWnd derived class that has a WM_CONTEXTMENU handler (OnContextMenu), which has my default context menu. This class is being used at several places in my application. Some of the places where it's being used also handle the WM_CONTEXTMENU at the parent level (the window parent). They basically override the default context ...