
What do you do to make compiler lines shorter?

Often when I'm working on a project with others, the amount of library paths and include paths that get sourced by the compiler in the Makefile get more numerous as time goes by. Also the paths can get very long as well. Here's an example: g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_MOC -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_LIB...

Implementation of an 'install' target with SCons

Hi, I try to setup a build system to build a shared lib MySharedLib and a binary MyBinary that rely on MySharedLib. The build system should be able to install MySharedLib and MyBinary when asked for it, and only when asked for it. import os.path env = Environment() env.Append(CCFLAGS='-g -Wall -ansi -O2') prefix = '/usr/local' lib_d...

Java builder with proper dependency handling

Hello SO, After a recent juggling with our ant scripts I've started to wonder if something better is possible. I need a builder that will know to recompile all required .java files for me. For ex. for this structure public class A { ] public class B extends A {} public class C { B b; } For: Compile('C') Will know to compile A,...

Cant focus WxWidgets frame in Mac OSX compiled with SCons

Hello. I have this WxWidgets test source code that compiles, and when run, it shows a simple frame: /* * hworld.cpp * Hello world sample by Robert Roebling */ #include "wx-2.8/wx/wx.h" class MyApp: public wxApp { virtual bool OnInit(); }; class MyFrame: public wxFrame { public: MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoin...

Scons command with time limit

I want to limit the execution time of a program I am running under Linux. I put in my scons script a line like: Command("com​","",​"ulimit -t 1; myprogram") and tested it with an infinite loop program: it did not work and the program ran forever. Am I missing something? -- tsf ...

How do I use Qt and Scons together?

Dear all, I'm looking to use SCons as my prefered method of building my mainly Qt based applications. I'm just learning SCons and I'm struggling to find documentation or tutorials on the topic. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? This is a start but is there anything better out there? (I work mainly on Windows) Kind ...

SCons, Boost::ASIO, Windows Precompiled Headers, and Linker Errors

I'm investigating using SCons for our build process as we develop C++ for multiple platforms. I'm 99% of the way there in the build configuration, but I'm running into a VERY strange error on Windows having to do with the precompiled header file. Even stranger still is that it only happens on one project. In the SConscript file for th...

Add include directory to scons

I have a project which has been checked out of Subversion and uses Scons for building. However, I have a library installed on my computer which Scons doesn't detect - it just says that the include file can't be found. Is there any way that I can direct Scons to the library location without altering the Sconscript file at all (because I...

ant+cpptasks vs. scons vs. make

I'm looking into scons and I just want to make sure I know what the alternatives are, before I invest a chunk of brain cells into something completely different. I've been using GNU make in the past but have never been particularly happy with it. Particularly: why isn't Ant used more often with C / C++ projects? (given that there's ant ...

problem running scons

I am trying to get started with scons. I have Python 3.0.1 and downloaded Scons 1.2.0; when I try to run scons I get the following error. Am I doing something wrong here? C:\tmp\scons>c:\appl\python\3.0.1\Scripts\scons Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "c:\appl\python\3.0.1\Lib\site-package...

Eclipse CDT + SCons

We have a fairly large C/C++ project using scons for the building. I'd like to go at an attempt to build this through Eclipse-CDT. Anyone have any experience with this and can tell me the steps to set up scons as a builder. (NOT using the SConsBuilder plugin, it will not work with the Eclipse-CDT from Fedora-11). ...

scons backup/restore environment in cheker function

I have written a checker which checks for a single module of Qt4 library using Qt4 tool. I'm trying to save environment in the begining of the test and restore it in the end of the test but it doesn't works. Here is a simple SConstruct to reproduce this issue: def CheckQt4Module(context,module): context.Message("Checking for %s modu...

Why does SCons VariantDir() not put output in the given directory?

I'm thinking about using SCons for a new project. It looks really good, though I'm finding VariantDir quite confusing. I have a simple project with a handful of C source files in one directory, and I want to build in "normal" and in "profile" mode -- with two different sets of options to gcc. I want the outputs to go in the normal/ and ...

How to debug SCons scripts using eclipse and pydev?

I'm a newbie to SCons and also using pydev. Can someone help me with instructions on how to debug scons scripts using Eclipse and pydev? Is it even possible considering the fact that SCons is a seperate app and not an extension to python? ...

why is scons complaining "implicit dependency foo not found, needed by target bar" when foo exists?

Scons is complaining implicit dependency foo not found, needed by target bar foo is created in my SCons build flow, and then consumed in the creation of target bar. After foo is created, SCons complains that it doesn't exist when it re-checks the dependencies before running bar. Why is SCons caching the existence check for foo? ...

Building C++ on both Windows and Linux

Hi, I'm involved in C++ project targeted for Windows and Linux (RHEL) platforms. Till now the development was purely done on Visual Studio 2008. For Linux compilation we used 3rd party Visual Studio plugin, which read VS solution/perojects files and remotely compiled on Linux machine. Recently the decision was to abandon the 3rd party ...

Cross-platform compiling using Visual Studio 2008

Hi, Given: - C++ code base with more than 500K LOC - The same base code used for Windows (Visual Studio 9 2008) and Linux (RHEL) Most of the frequent task during development is of course edit/compile/fix (therefore we like programming :)). Most of our developers are with Visual Studio background only and IMHO its pretty powerful...

Is it possible to automatically generate Xcode projects?

Simple question. Are there any tools for generating Xcode projects from the command line? We use SCons to build our cross-platform application, but that doesn't support intrinsic Xcode project generation. We'd like to avoid creating the project manually, since this would involve maintaining multiple file lists. ...

Scons Install() only working with --install-sandbox

I have an SConstruct file for a python module I'm building: import distutils.sysconfig env = Environment(CPPPATH=['include', distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()], CPPFLAGS='-ggdb', SWIGFLAGS=['-python'], SWIGPATH=['include']) env.ParseConfig( 'net-snmp-config --libs --cflags' ) env.Append( LIBS =...

How do I cache configure settings for static libraries that are built using Ant scripts and SCONS?

Currently, we build a group of static libraries prior to building our app. The issue is that for each library there is some variation of the ./configure, make , test sequence. I would like to be able to cache the results of the configure step to speed up the build, since it is common to build on the same platform multiple times. We are t...