
Obfuscate / Mask / Scramble personal information

I'm looking for a homegrown way to scramble production data for use in development and test. I've built a couple of scripts that make random social security numbers, shift birth dates, scramble emails, etc. But I've come up against a wall trying to scramble customer names. I want to keep real names so we can still use or searches so r...

The best approach to scramble CSS definitions to a human-unreadable state throughout an ASP.NET application

I'm not sure if it will bring anything beyond saving on traffic through the removal of long-worded names, but I would definitely want to hide my system of namings, declarations and their organization. The thing is that manual Find&Replace is going to take a very long time, and each slight modification could probably require the process ...

Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt?

I plan to store foreign account information for my users on my website, aka rapidshare username and passwords, etc... I want to keep information secure, but i know that if i md5 their information, i can't retrieve it later to use. Base64 is decrypt-able so theres no point using that just plain off. My idea is to scramble the user and ...

Code Golf - Word Scrambler

Please answer with the shortest possible source code for a program that converts an arbitrary plaintext to its corresponding ciphertext, following the sample input and output I have given below. Bonus points* for the least CPU time or the least amount of memory used. Example 1: Plaintext: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ...

Scramble a column in SQL Server?

We have a web app we'd like to demo to prospects, but our best way of doing so is with existing data, for a full experience. Certainly, we don't want to do this with actual customer names or addresses, etc visible in the app. Is there an easy way in SQL Server to randomize or scramble a varchar or text field? None of these columns are...

Visual Studio weirdness

Hi guys, I have no one else to count unless this fantastic community, I know this is a non-programmer question but I can't figure it out why this is happening. To a client I developed, using 960.GS a layout with a simple login user page / choose product / register products using .NET (ASP.NET 3.5) and all was ok, they agreed and I star...

Blackberry scrambled device ID in 8 characters unique

Hi, I need to scramble Device IDs on the Blackberry for privacy matter. When I call the function DeviceInfo.getDeviceId() I got a 9 characters number. After convert it in Hexa, I got the real PIN number for the device (or device ID depends how you call that) on 8 characters. Like I said, for privacy matter I can't store the PIN as is i...

scramble function won't output

this function will not give me an output when tested in python's IDLE: import random def scramble(string): rlist = [] while len(rlist) < len(string): n = random.randint(0, len(string) - 1) if rlist.count(string[n]) < string.count(string[n]): rlist += string[n] rstring = str(rlist) return ...