
How to Remove Vertical slider from QWebView that displays GoogleMap with current lacation?

Hi, I want to remove the Vertical slider from QWebView that displays GoogleMap with current lacation details. My QWebView size is Width:342 and Height:501. In java script I have mentioned the following: <div id="map" style="width: 320px; height: 490px"> How ever when I run the application on Nokia N97, I got the map but height of t...

Clean up after nant build failures.

I'm looking for my nant build script to be able to clean up after itself if a build goes wrong. I'm looking for something resembling the following execution: Target= Software.Build Target= Software.Build.Success *(depends on Software.Build succeeding)* Target= Software.Build.Failed I am looking for a solution that if the Software.Bu...

How to remove a link from content using php?

$text = file_get_contents(''); echo preg_replace('#<a.*?>.*?</a>#i', '', $text) the link contains this content: text text text. <br><a href='' target='_blank' title='title' style='text-decoration:none;'>name</a> what is the problem at this script? ...

Getting server side PHP script to run from android apk call

I've gotten HTTP POST to send strings to the server side PHP script. My log is showing the correct return values. The script runs fine manually from the browser and inserts a new db table row. But can't get the script to run by having the apk call it... though, again, it returns all script page content including strings. How can I get t...

image grid display with "Destiney Rated Images Script"

I'm talking about this "Destiney Rated Images Script" Is it possibile to show all the images in a grid? moreover, What does it mean "Image Types"? Is it a sort of category? Thanks in advance... ...

run perlscript from emacs (cscript example //C:Perlscript)

i would like to create a shortcut key for emacs to execute this command: cscript example //C:Perlscript with being the perl script that i want to execute i already got a shortcut key for executing perl: (global-set-key (kbd "") 'perl-eval) how do i make this? ...

PHP Contact Form - Want to stay on my site after send

I am in the process of creating a PHP contact form and all I have is that little problem, with the php script I have, that when the email was send out a new "Thank you" page is called.So the actual site with the contact form disappears BUT I DON`T WANT THAT HAPPEN.If the send button is hit I want to stay on my site, showing an empty cont...

What is wrong with this use of PIPESTATUS in BASH?

I have a for loop that I pass through ssh to a server that is formatted to look kind of like this... i=0 for cmd in cmd_list; do ${cmd} | sed "s/^/OUTPUT_${i}_: /" & (( i++ )); done; wait The idea is that the for loop will run a list of commands that I give it and pipe each one to sed where sed prepends each line of output with a comm...

How to write tag deleter script in python

I want to implement a file reader (folders and subfolders) script which detects some tags and delete those tags from the files. The files are .cpp, .h .txt and .xml And they are hundreds of files under same folder. I have no idea about python, but people told me that I can do it easily. EXAMPLE: My main folder is A: C:\A Inside A, I...

Run native binary CGI on lighttpd

Hello, I'm trying to set up lighttpd to run binary CGI app (not PHP script or smth, but a binary file, compiled from C++ source). I actually have server.modules = ( ... "mod_cgi" ... ) uncommented, have myApp.exe in htdocs/app, and also cgi.assign = ( "myApp.exe" => "myApp.exe" ) Then, to make all the stuff work by accessing, say, ...

Setuptools : how to use the setup() function within a script (no setup specific command line argument)

Hi there! I'm writing a tool to automatically generate .egg files from python projects. The tool basically discovers some properties to guess the setup options (such as version number etc). Now I would like to call the setup() function, with the context bdist_egg. I do as such : if __name__ == '__main__' project_dir = _get_dir(sy...

Lotus Notes @command to mark the current email as read?

Does anyone know of a way to mark the current email as read using an @command? ...

Placing a couple of custom Jquery Functions into an external Script

Hi all, I have the following two functions and i need help moving these into an external file. $.fn.clearSelect = function () { return this.each(function () { if (this.tagName == 'SELECT') this.options.length = 0; }); } $.fn.addItems = function(data) { return this.each(funct...

Color Generator Script

Are there any open source scripts that will allow you to enter a website url and it will generate a color palette based on your site? I would prefer something that ran on a typical LAMP stack. I've been able to find many websites that offer the functionality as a service but no downloadable scripts... Update: I'm looking for the palette...

Best getComputedStyle() scripts?

I've heard of a few scripts that can return the computed/rendered style of an HTML element. I've found that simply using currentStyle and computedStyle will often be buggy. In addition, simple scripts that find the total offsetLeft/Width will go awry in many cases. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel (if one exists at all), what are ...

Print STDOUT in the middle of 2 Pipes in Solaris(bash) I have the same issue. This command: ./ > ../log/scriptlog.log requires the output of a command go to std out. but inside the script command | mailx -s "Subject" [email protected] what I would like to do is something like : command | tee > /dev/stdout | mailx -s "Subjec...

download xml files from 3 different directory of a ftp server to a local system by using ssis.

Hi, I am new to ssis and my question There are 3 different locations of a ftp server(c:\temp1\,c:\temp2\,c:\temp3) and I have to check all the three locations and if any xml files exist then I have to download to my local working directory(c:\workingxml) in a specific time let's say within 4 A.M. to 8 A.M. and after 8A.M.the 3 differe...

How to unit test functions in a ruby script without running the script

Given a ruby script with a bunch of functions, how can you unit test the functions in the script without running the script itself? Here is an example script, and here is its unit test. For example, using require or load in my unit test causes the script to execute before the tests execute. I have many of these scripts and I really pref...

MySQL inserting text before and after value

I have made an SQL query that picks out web statistics from a database. This information is being picked out on a weekly basis, outputted as a HTML table and then sent by email. One of the rows contains the IP addresses of the visitors. I would like to make the IP address a link leadning to "". ...

Mass Deletion of User Profiles in Win XP ( SP3 )

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has a script to delete all user profiles from a machine without deleting the basic ones that XP needs to operate, mainly: Administrator ( local ) All Users Default User ( Normally Hidden ) LocalService ( Normally Hidden ) NetworkService ( Normally Hidden ) Perferrably in Powershell, .BAT, .VBS, or ....