
Javascript object "is not defined" error after ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude

I have an external js file that is basically a js object. I am using the ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude method to include the file on page, and after that I am using the ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock method to call a method of the js object, but am getting a js error of 'DynamicLoadingPanel is not defined'. I know th...

How do I use ScriptManager.GetStateString()?

According to the MSDN documentation, ScriptManager.GetStateString() "Retrieves a string that contains key/value pairs that represent the state of the Web page." When I call the method it returns what appears to be a hashed string - how do I parse this into something useful? What exactly is returned by the GetStateString method? EDIT: ...

"Custom" ScriptManager control?

I'm looking to build a control that essentially abstracts a ScriptManager. I need it to look/feel just like as close to a regular ScriptManager as possible. The reason for this is so we can use an "#if not DEBUG" statement to dynamically load the .js files in CompositeScript for release, but also maintain easy debugging in our dev envir...

Can someone give me the source code for the ScriptManager (

I know I can load the symbols for the class but i can't get it to work. I tried everything so i give up. I only need the code for this class. It's because i am using a custom script manager and i must know how the .net one works. thanks. [batenzetata] ...

How do I register a Javascript function to run with every postback?

I have a treeview in a user control. I need to run a javascript function with every asynch postback to scroll the div it's in to the right position. I've got it working, but I think there has to be a "cleaner" way to do it. In the Page_Load function of the control, I have the following code. Is there a better way to do it? ScriptMan...

ScriptManager ServiceReference loading animation

I'm using a ScriptManager / ServiceReference to call an ASMX from client side code, just like the Calling Web Services from Client Script in ASP.NET AJAX example. Is there an easy way to show/hide a loading animation when I'm fetching data from the web service? I could show it when I call the service, and hide it in the callback. Is t...

RegisterClientScriptInclude doesn't work for some reason...

Hey, I've spent at least 2 days trying anything and googling this...but for some reason I can't get RegisterClientScriptInclude to work the way everyone else has it working? First off, I am usting .NET 3.5 Ajax,...and I am including javascript in my partial page refreshes...using this code: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(thi...

Error while using Script Manager

"Only one instance of a Script Manager can be added to the page. " Such Error occurs when I use Script Manager in my 2005 application. What should I Do? ...

Does AjaxControlToolkit ToolkitScriptManager cache combined js on client?

Usual javascript files can be cached on a client-side if web server sets the expiration. If user has once downloaded it, it will be cached by his browser. And what about AjaxControlToolkit ToolkitScriptManager? Are combined JS files cached on a client? How can expiration time be managed? ...

How do you use ScriptManagerProxy in a custom ASP.NET control?

Basically, I have created a custom control that uses an UpdatePanel, and as I understand it I need to use a ScriptManagerProxy to make it work ( since there should only be one ScriptManager per page, and is is declared in my .aspx page ).So, how do you use this beastie, is it just a matter of adding: <asp:ScriptManagerProxy ID="ScriptMa...

ScriptManager in a User Control inside a UserControl

Hello, I have an user control, userControl1.ascx, and another user control, userControl2.ascx. userControl2 is inside userControl1. userControl1 is inside an UpdatePanel control. userControl2 has a button in it then I want to have do a normal post back when pushed. I want to use ScriptManager.RegisterPostBackControl(button). I h...

Add items to js array with UpdatePanel

I'm creating a javascript array in an overridden PageLoad() event on a class that I'm including inside my UpdatePanel using something like this: Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration("myArray", "'one','two','three'"); I have a button I'm using to "Post Back" (with ajax since it's in an update panel) that then shows a specified nu...

ASP.Net AJAX - IE 6/7 Memory Usage?

Hi, We're carrying out testing of our ASP.Net AJAX application, and are finding memory usage in Internet Explorer 6 & 7 increases by at least 2mb for each page refresh - whether refreshing the same page or navigating to a new one. This happens on the most basic of maintenance screens, and even on the main page where we've only got the ...

what is difference, if we write script manager with end tag and script manager as a empty tag in

what is difference if we write script manager with end tag and script manager as a empty tag in this format : <asp:ScriptManager runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> and script manager as a empty tag. <asp:ScriptManager runat="server"/> I found this question in some interview question's book.. plez give me some knowledge about it ...

AJAX: Statusbar: force update of UpdatePanel while function executes

Hi Guys, I have a label inside an update panel which I wouldl ike to use as a status bar. Basically the user clicks a button which executes a main fucntion that performs a series of tasks. I'd like to inform the user as to the state of the function as it progresses e.g.: Stage 1: Retrieving data... Stage 2: Calculating values... Sta...

Register several composite scripts per ASP.NET Page

I want to place several composite scripts to Page. But ScriptManager contains non-Enumerable property CompositeScript. Is it possible to register several CompositeScript`s per Page? ...

UpdatePanel does not fire on first click of link button

I have an update panel on an .aspx page. Within this aspx page I have a few ascx controls. One of the controls has my link button. When that button is pressed I'd expect to get the results I intend to get, but I expect to not see a page flicker or see the page postback. It does both. After I change some search information and click the l...

Making a concurrent AJAX WCF Web Service request during an Async Postback

I want to provide status updates during a long-running task on an ASP.NET WebForms page with AJAX. Is there a way to get the ScriptManager to execute and process a script for a web service request concurrently with an async postback? I have a script on the page that makes a web service request. It runs on page load and periodically us...

ScriptManager duplicates javascript

Hi! I have a usercontrol that can be used in for example a gridview itemtemplate, this means that the control might or might not be on the page at page load. In the case where the control is inside an itemtemplate i will popupate the gridview via asynchronous postbacks (via updatepanels). The control itselfs registrers scriptblocks sin...

Disable ScriptManager programmatically when ScriptManagerProxy controls are present

I've tried following this advice for disabling a ScriptManager programmatically, to no avail: StandardScriptManager.ascx: <%@ control language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" codebehind="StandardScriptManager.ascx.vb" inherits="StandardScriptManager" %> <h1>...