
Easiest way to create a scrollable area using wxPython?

Okay, so I want to display a series of windows within windows and have the whole lot scrollable. I've been hunting through the wxWidgets documentation and a load of examples from various sources on t'internet. Most of those seem to imply that a wx.ScrolledWindow should work if I just pass it a nested group of sizers(?): The most auto...

How do I get the dimensions of the view (not obstructed by scrollbars) in a wx.ScrolledWindow?

Is there an easy way to do this? Alternatively, if I could get the width of the scrollbars, I could just use the dimensions of the ScrolledWindow and subtract them out myself... ...

How do I add ScrolledWindow support to a custom Widget in GtkMM?

I am writing a custom widget for Gtkmm that is supposed to display a huge dataset (imagine something like a 4096x256 character datasheet). Mostly for reasons of elegance, but also for a possible usage in a Glade/Gtk-Builder editor, I want this widget to support ScrolledWindow natively, that is, once it is set as the child of ScrolledWin...

How to construct simple wxWidgets image display

I wrote a wxPython program that I am translating to wxWidgets. The program has a scrolled window that displays an image. Following Rappin, wxPython In Action (Listing 12.1), I used a StaticBitmap within a panel. While surfing the latest wxWidgets documentation, I found a dire warning that wxStaticBitmap should only be used for very sm...

Python Tkinter Tix: How to use ScrolledWindow with grid in Tix NoteBook

Hi guys, I'm adding several widgets to a Frame which is located in a tix.NoteBook. When there are too much widgets to fit in the window, I want to use a scrollbar, so I put tix.ScrolledWindow inside that Frame and add my widgets to this ScrolledWindow instead. The problem is that when using the grid() geometry manager, the scrollbar ap...

GTK Scolled Window - Keep Scroll Bar at bottom

I have a GTK/C++ program that uses a ScrolledWindow. I keep adding data to the list within the scrolled window, and I want to keep focus on the newest item. But I also want to allow the user to scroll through the data to select an old item. Is there a way to do this? I've looked everywhere but can't find anything. ...

Flicker-free drawable ScrolledWindow

I'm trying to build a ScrolledWindow that you can draw on using the mouse, and it's working too, but I'm getting a nasty flicker when the user is drawing on the window while the scrollbars aren't in the "home" position.. To reproduce, run the attached program, scroll a bit down (or to the right) and "doodle" a bit by keeping the left mo...