
NavigationBar don't have to scroll with UITable

I'm developing an iPhone app. I'm using a UITable subclassing UITableViewController. I added a NavigationBar to the view: UINavigationBar *navBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 48.0f)];[self.tableView addSubview:navBar];, now the problem is that the navigation bar scroll down with the table and ...

WPF ScrollViewer with ListBox

Guys, Need your help. I have a ListBox (with virtualization) which displays a ScrollViewer. My ListBox items are expandable, and while expanded their hight may exceed the visible scrolling area. The problem i'm expiriencing is that when the list box item is exceeds the visible scrolling area - scrolling jumps to the next ListBox item ...

Android - Increase Scrollable Area of a WebView (or just any view in general)

I've currently got a webview that when loading has a "loading message" pop down at the top of the screen above it (but the message doesn't fill the whole screen so you can see some of the content it covers). When this happens, I want the scrollable area of the webview to increase to accommodate for the message (and this increased area t...

Main.xml in Android.

Hello I have a bunch of text on my file which i display. I used the Hello World demo to insert this text. Now Whenever i try to edit main.xml it doesn't happen. If anybody knows why that would be cool but I want to know how to add simple scrolling to my text. I don't think I need to use main.xml right. Is there a way I can just add it to...

css set element on bottom fixed with scrolling

Hello, i'm using the jquery dock in my project, but i have the following problem: i want to set the dock at the bottom of the page permanently. When i resize the height of the page so that i can scroll it, the dock is going with the scrolled page. how can i fix my dock at the bootm like in this demo:

TextView scrolling and animation in Android

I've successfully enabled scrolling for an Android TextView by either placing it within a ScrollView or, alternatively, using TextView's setMovementMethod (e.g., myTextView.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod()); ). However, I would ideally like to see the TextView scroll in a fashion similar to the IPhone/IPod touch where the...

Text disappearing in UITextFields in UITableViewCells when scrolling offscreen

Hi guys, this is quite a nobrainer problem but as im quite new to these things I don't seem to manage it . I have a grouped table view with several sections, with different number of text field cells at each section. Have an SQLite database that saves the field values when the user taps a button. Now the problem because of how reusable c...

Horizontal scroll with mouse wheel at Visual Studio

Hi I have a new mouse that has the ability to scroll right and left using it's scroll wheel. While this feature works on web pages, Photoshop and etc., it wouldn't do anything when I use it in the Visual Studio when looking at code that is longer (horizontally) than the window. Is there a way to make it work? Visual Studio is 2010 exp...

Detect scroll event on Android browser

Hello, I'm trying to detect the scroll event in Android browser (my specific version is 2.1, but U want it to work also on older versions). This seems impossible! I first tried this: document.addEventListener('scroll', function(){ alert('test'); }, false); But nothing is triggered (except when the page load). I thought: well, let's...

JQuery scroll to top of iframe parent

Hi, I have an iframe with a feeback form in it. After clicking submit, I want use parent window to scroll to the top. I know I can scroll to the top of a page with: $(\'html, body\').animate({scrollTop:0}, \'slow\'); However, this will only scroll the contents of the iframe, not the parent page. Any suggestions? :) ...

linearlayout clickable? having listview disabled as only child

i want to have the parent linearlayout as clickable which i have done, but its only child is list view disabled which will not pass the event to parent any one? further more i actually want to notify the user to wait for loading data and should not allow the scrolling, of the list can any one help me with this thanks ...

How can I sync the scrolling of two multiline textboxes?

How can I sync the scrolling of two multiline textboxes in C# (WinForms)? When you scroll up/down a line in TextBox A, TextBox B should scroll up/down too. The same the other way around. Is this achievable without custom controls? ...

UITableView scrolling issue after memory warning

I created a UITableView similar to the iOS address book that allows you to pick an image on one row and and there are additional custom cells that have text fields for entering data. I run into this problem only after loading a large image and get a memory warning in the console: Received memory warning. Level=1 I load the image using...

How to speedup & make the cells smooth scrolling in iPhone?

Hi, i did a text rendering program using UIView and UITableViewController. What i did is before going drawRect method, i just calculate all of the cells height as well as each text start & height,width. So that, i can estimate the cell height approximately and then i draw the text. I did this for both portrait & landscape mode. My progr...

jquery animate problem

Hi, I need to modify this plugin to rotate images without waiting for animation to end. If you visit that link you might notice that animation restarts at the the end of previous animation but i want images back to back so i dont want to wait for end of the first animation to start next one. Any idea how to do that. Relevant code snippet...

Stop page from scrolling when intercepting key presses like space and arrows

I'm using JavaScript and Prototype and catching the key presses from the user. I successfully catch return, space and arrows with code like this: Event.observe(window, "keyup", function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case Event.KEY_RETURN: case Event.KEY_RIGHT: case 32: // space // do something break; } }); My ...

WPF Programatically scrolling a canvas in a items control

I have an ItemsControl that contains a canvas within a ScrollViewer. The canvas is large and only a portion of it displays at a time. I want to programatically scroll it (the user clicks and drags the canvas to scroll). I looked through the ScrollViewer methods and tried the following in the mouse event handlers: var scrollViewer = (sen...

wpf scrollbar lineDown method

Hi Is there any way to slow down a bit scrolling ? I have a canvas where I put some controls witch I can move. If control reaches current maxWidth of canvas I use method called LineDown to scroll my canvas. However the scrolling is very fast. Is there any way to slow it down a bit ? Maybe I can set some property wich 'tell' scrollviewer ...

silverlight datagrid multicontrol TemplateColumn TabIndex issue

In SL4 DataGrid I have the following multicontrol column: <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Address Line1&#x0a;Address Line 2" MinWidth="200"> <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Address1}"/> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Address2}"/> <...

two directional scroll view

I would like to have a linearlayout with a header section on top and a webview below. The header will be short and the webview may be longer and wider than the screen. What is the best way to get horizontal and vertical scrolling? Is a ScrollView nested inside a HorizontalScrollView a good idea? ...