
Seam: Session component is null and taglibs are compiled in each request

Hi all, I made a change to our cluster-deployed application to be authenticated via Oracle SSO with Dynamic Directives using a servlet Filter. The filter sits in front of all the application (even in front of the Seam filter). If the request is a servlet request and the principal is null, then I redirect to SSO for authentication. This...

Seam Session scoped component vanishes in next request.

I have the Seam session-scoped component, CustomIdentity which overrides the standard Seam Identity (also session-scoped). The extended CustomIdentity has a property @Out(required=false, scope=ScopeType.SESSION)private User user In the overriden login() I define a User object, populated with information from the Principal of the Http...

Seam framework, maven-ear-plugin and Jboss as 5.1.0

Can someone provide me a working example of pom.xml which is used to build and deploy ear archive on jboss 5.1.0. In my application I have two modules - web (.war archive) and java (.jar). I'm trying to accoplish the above task using the following pom.xml <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3...

How do you specify OrderBy clause on two columns

We would like to orderBy 2 columns in the Seam EntityQuery interface as well as the JPA model. How do we do this? @Entity public class A{ @OrderBy(???) // should this be hardcoded here, is it database agnostic List<B> bobjects; } @Entity public class B { public short startTimeHrs; public short startTimeMins; } @Name("bList") p...

Can the SEAM authenticator reside in the ear file lib folder?

For a couple of reaons we have a project-commons.jar located in the lib directory of our ear. project.ear project-web.war project-ejb.jar lib project-commons.jar Currently if I annotate a class that is placed in project-commons.jar as the @Name("authenticator") @Scope(ScopeType.APPLICATION) SEAM reports a stack trace (be...

Java framework for social network

Is there a Java analogue to Pinax/Django? (Perhaps an extension to Jboss Seam and/or functionality already built into Seam?) Please analyse and compare Pinax/Django, Seam, and any other good Java/Python frameworks in the following criteria (ranked in order of importance): Security (sensitive financial information) Ability to interact ...

JSF -- <ui:repeat /> over a java.util.Set?

Does the <ui:repeat /> tag support iterating over a java.util.Set? I've tried iterating over my JPA domain entity objects contained in a Set, but receive errors. Is there something I'm missing? Does an additional flag need to be present or something? ...

What's the point of Scope on Unwrap (Manager) components

Consider this example @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION) @Name("test") @BypassInterceptors public Class Test { @Unwrap public List<String> test() { //do a long and major calculation and return the List } } Then you have a view and you are getting your list <h:selectOneMenu value="#{someBean.text}"> <s:selectItems value=...

How does Seam Framework handle composite primary keys in pages.xml using EntityHome?

How does Seam Framework handle composite primary keys in pages.xml using EntityHome? The usual approach is to assign an ID to entityHome components, like: <page view-id="/team-list.xhtml"> <param name="club" value="#{}" converterId="javax.faces.Integer" validatorId="javax.faces.LongRange" /> </page> This assigns the (ato...

After adding login-required in pages.xml styles are no longer loaded.

In a seam-gen generated application I added the login-required attribute, to force a user login. After that the CSS-Styles from richfaces aren't loaded neither in the login page itself nor at the other pages after successful authentication. (The application is unusable) <page view-id="*" login-required="true"> <navigation> <...

Seam & multiple wars: Contexts.getSessionContext() is null in other war

Hey all, I am using Seam 2.2.1.CR1 on Weblogic 10.3.2 and JSF 1.2. I have an ear application with 2 war files. The first war is a JSF / Seam application, the second one does have JSF / Seam, but also has some Servlets pages as well. When I set things in the Session context in the first web application: Contexts.getSessionContext().se...

Shorten path of REST service in JBoss Seam application still wrong

I got a similar question as: But couldn't comment on the shipmaster answer because of my initial rep. His comment Jul 19 at 18:10 misunderstood the situation: Faces servlet is mapped by url-pattern *.xhtml and Seam Resource ...

How to authenticate users by their role declarative?

How can Seam be configured to use different security-constraints for different web-resource-collections? In web.xml I included a sections like <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>AdminPages</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/secure/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <au...

Seam Faces causes a deploy-time error.

I'm running a Java EE 6 application out of an EAR (bundling an EJB-JAR and a WAR) on GlassFish 3.0.1, using ICEfaces 2.0 Beta 1 and a Seam Faces 3.0.0 Alpha 3 Snapshot. When I deploy the EAR, I get an error. This error doesn't happen when I remove Seam Faces. Here's the error from my GlassFish log (I redacted the first bit, where it jus...

How to access *.properties file in Seam application.

Is there a way to access properties files in seam app? I'm looking for some kind of resource loader.. Thanks in advance! ...

Multiple pages in JSF not calling backing bean mutators.

I'm currently developing an additional page to an already existing website. Actually that part isn't really that important - the page performs it's own separate functions. Anyway, originally, this "page" consisted of two pages controlled by one jpdl pageflow. Everything worked correctly, except when referencing the second page. The user...

Seam GWT pageflow transition

Hi I am trying to integrate, Seam and GWT. I was wondering if can specify html pages in Seam page flow. Is it possible ? If yes what will the name in the tranisition stand for ? ...

A4j buttons don't fire

I used richfaces in a JSF project. Now I'm trying the same with Seam. But I always get the same JavaScript error: Message: Object required Line: 2791 Code: 0 URI: http://localhost:8080/myapp/a4j/g/3_3_1.GA/org/ajax4jsf/framework.pack.js The s:button tag works <s:button id="eMail0" value="sButton" action="#{Mailer.sendMail}" /> Bo...