
Is RESTful JSF possible?

I recently sat down to port a simple Rails app I have to JSF (using Seam) to get a feel for which I would be more productive in. The Rails app is RESTful, which I like. Upon starting into JSF, I was surprised to learn, perhaps incorrectly, that JSF only support POSTs, which makes it inherently non-RESTful. I searched around a bit but ca...

Is this a ManyToMany JPA/Hibernate relationship or there is another way to map this ?

Hi, I'm getting started with JPA and created the following (simplified) tables; airport -------- id (pk) city code ... trip -------- id (pk) originAirport_id (fk) destinationAirport_id (fk) ... I'm trying to map this in JPA/Hibernate. In My trip object I created 2 airport objects: private Airport airportFrom; private Airport ai...

seambay webservice example unable to deploy on weblogic10.0MP1

I need to develop jax ws webservice using seam and deploy the same on weblogic.Tried few things but nothing worked. So was trying seambay example, while deploying the ear on weblogic I am getting following error. Unable to deploy EJB: AuctionService from ../jboss-seam-bay.jar: Unable to deploy EJB: ../jboss-seam-bay.jar from...

Seam 2.2.0 URL rewrite not working

I'm trying a simple example of URL rewriting, but it's not working for me. I'm using Seam 2.2.0 deployed to JBoss 5.1.0. My pages.xml contains: <page view-id="/html/index.xhtml"> <rewrite pattern="/home" /> </page> and <page view-id="/html/common/redirect.xhtml" action="#{redirectAction.redirect}"> <rewrite pattern="/link"...

How do you use Seam page parameters?

I have a bunch of Seam form pages; each has a command button that calls a sendEmail() method in a custom utility class. The method looks like this: public String sendEmail(String mailFile) throws SMTPSendFailedException { status = "Processing email now..."; renderer.render(mailFile); status = "Email sent successfully."; ...

SSL with multiple domains and one application in JBoss Seam

Hi, I have 2 domains name, say, and I would like setup pages.xml so that make a redirect from first domain to second domain, through a web link, and change scheme from http:// to https:// at the same time, without losing session context. Is this possible? How can I do it? Thanks you very much. David ...

Error Class has not been enhanced

Hi I am using javax.Persistance.Entitmanager using seam. @PersistenceContext (unitName="unit1") EntityManager em; String query="select p from com.hp.mps.afd.model.CoreRegion p"; Query qu=em.createQuery(query); productList= qu.getResultList(); my persistance.xml is HAWKEYE_DS com.hp.mps.afd.model.CoreRegion But w...

Design guidelines for secure JEE web applications and Seam

I attend in process of designing JEE web application. It consist of: - backend module (EJB 3.0) - 3 web modules (JSF) Our application must be secure, so some colleagues claim that it must be splitted into two or more separate servers - backend in one server, webapps in other(s). In our case performance isn't a problem but this architecu...

JBoss Seam - Massive Messaging in Application

I'´m currently twiddling with an application that has a setup matching the following chat analogy: a chat is an object that is held in memory and contains a list of chat messages a chat is rendered in several browser windows and updates are pulled in with a4j:push The programmatic setup looks like this: an instance of a chat object w...

Seam 2.0 to 2.1 (2.2) migration

I was curious what kinds of obstacles have you encountered when migrating my app from seam 2.0 to 2.1. Obvious ones are mentioned in: migration guide, but I encountered some problems with rule based security, that are not mentioned there. Firstly I want to post descriptions of my problems and my solutions with migration, so people can...

Why may `@In(create = true)` not create the object in Seam?

I have a very simple piece of code that reads like: @In(create = true) OutletHome outletHome; It was working fine (using Seam 2.2.0.GA), and the object was being created and injected without any problems. But when I tried changing it to: @In(create = true) OutletHome deactivationOutletHome; It suddenly stopped working, causing the ...

seam 2.2 with microsoft access

is it possible to import a MS access database (.mdb) in a seam project using JBoss tools within Eclipse (Ganymede)? Starting a new seam project, I cannot see any field which uses ms access as database type. Any answer is appreciated. ...

seam @create doesn't finish before other methods called on component

Ok I'm having a problem with SEAM (2.1.1.GA) that doesn't make any sense to me. I have a component which is session scoped and annotated with @AutoCreate. The component has a creation method annotated with @Create. The problem is that BEFORE THE CREATE METHOD COMPLETES seam is calling another method on the same component instance. Bec...

Texturing error on a Sphere

I have a number of spherical longitude/latitude coordinates for points on a sphere that I need to visualize. For that purpose, I transformed the points to cartesian coordinates and built a mesh of triangles that I can render with VTK. Works so far. Now I want to use a texture for the sphere model. Therefore I transformed the spherical c...

Recommended Practise to Externalize Queries in J2EE (Specific Seam)

For the statistics part of an application there are several queries that often change and are also rather long. Both IMHO arguments to remove the queries from the source code and put them somewhere where they can be easily edited in an eye friendly format and also copy / pasted from and to a QL editor. This disqualifies named-queries fro...

basic authenticator in SEAM

Hi, I want to do a basic authenticator handler in SEAM. I put this in components.xml: <web:authentication-filter url-pattern="/test/resource/rest/*" auth-type="basic"/> I have also put in web.xml the filter: <servlet> <servlet-name>Rest Servlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>test.BasicAuthenticationServlet</servlet-class>...

Seam - Interceptors

Hi all, I want to intercept all method invocations to all seam components to see if that would help in logging exceptions. I was thinking that I could do this by getting the list of all components and registered interceptors and simply adding the one I want to that list. Walter ...

Pattern to model a business object in Seam framework ?

Hi, I habe been studying Seam framework for a long time. Altough i do not use it at work, i like its approach. It is very interesting. But i have some doubts. After reading Seam in Action book, i think it is not possible you bind more than one parameter to a business method. Something like @Stateless public class BusinessObjectImpl imp...

add library to seam project

Hi, How can I add an library to a seam project? Do I need to copy them manually somewhere or edit the build.xml to do it for me? Or is there an automatic way provided by seam to add new libraries? BR, Cleber ...

Seam auto login using credentials

Hi guys, I succesfully created a project using seam credentials for authentication, but right now some requirements has change (as usual) and i need authenticate the user automatic. See example bellow: user call the page: http://server%3Aport/project/index.jsp?parameter=xyz. This page has to call a seam component and get the parameter ...