
How does a website know the Google query I used to find it?

When I search for something such as "rearrange table columns in" on Google, and click the link to Wrox's forum site, the site greets me with a message such as "Your Google search for 'rearrange table columns in' brought you to Wrox Forum...". How does a site know what query I typed into Google? And how could I add such...

how does google populate the link descriptions on a search page?

I assumed it was strictly by the meta 'description' tag. But I noticed that SO doesn't use this tag and has descriptions for its links in google search. I have not yet added meta tags for the site I'm developing (and in google search it just shows the title of my site with no description), but would it be useful to include meta descrip...

What is a good Web search and web crawling engine for Java?

I am working on an application where I need to integrate the search engine. This should do crawling also. Please suggest a good Java based search engine. Thank you in advance. ...

Where can I find a list of Hebrew stop words?

Where can I find a list of Hebrew stop words? Edit: edit my answer to add more, if there are more... ...

Highlight search terms in PDF

Hello, I'm trying to build a cakePHP app, that indexes PDFs and allows me to search inside the documents. If I do a search, the engine should give me x,y coordinates of the search term, in order to highlight the text and create a jpeg from the temporary manipulates file using imagemagick. The simple ability to highlight search terms wo...

Mobile phone (iPhone, Windows CE, Symbian, Android) search engines (text indexers)?

I'm looking for search engines that will run on one or more of the mobile platforms listed in the title. Something like Lucene (which 'should' run on Android) or minion. What are my alternatives on each platform? Have you made them run? What are the limitations you stumbled upon (cannot index more than 20 megs, for example)? ...

Any alternatives to Google Trends?

I'm writing a small helper utility for obscure software that is used at a local shop. Basically, I would like to know if anyone searches for anything associated with that software and if publishing my work on the Internet would make any sense. I entered the name of the software into Google Trends, but my terms "do not have enough search ...

Indexing algorithms to develop an app like google desktop search ?

Hi Friends, I want to develop google desktop search like application, I want to know that which Indexing Techniques/ Algorithms I should use so I can get very fast data retrival. Thanks, Sunny. ...

Highlight search terms in forum when coming from websearch

in the recent past i’ve noticed quite often that, when searching something with google and looking at one of the search results, that the search terms are bold on the site. how can this be done? is it a feature of google which is messing around with other sites (i hope not!) or are some sites parsing the referrer and check for search en...

How to change PHP form redirection depending on radio button or drop-down list selected?

Hi! The idea is to be able to perform some search query depending on radio button selected or drop-down choice. I know my PHP code is wrong, that's why I need your help ;-) My testing page is available here (click). HTML code is: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "

Opening MySql database to search engines.

Hi, Most of my content on my web application gets stored in MySql database. I want to open this content for search engine to index it. What is the best solution to do this. Best could be either performance oriented or ease of implementation. Thanks in advance! ...

.Net based open source search engine?

Hello eveyone, I am looking for an easy to use, maintain and extensible search engine (intranet, enterprise search engine) based on .Net technologies, better open source which is more capable of extension. Just similar to Apache Lucene and Apache Solr. I want to search html page only. I tried Microsoft Search Server and find it is not ...

.Net based web crawler sample

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5. I want to find a tool (open source) which crawls all web pages for a web site, and for any other domain pages which is linked by this web site, I want to skip to crawl them (I only need page for this specific domain only). For crawled web page, I want to store them into local file di...

If i take my website offline for maintenance, does that ruin my Google Juice (tm)?

Hi folks, if I take my website offline (eg. for an IIS7 site, I'm using the app_offline.htm file), then all requests goto my maintenance page. But, Google (and other search engines) don't 'know' that? they try to hit and it returns the maintenance page (and a 404 http status .. which IMO is BAD .. shoul...

How to evaluate a search engine?

Hello I am a student carrying out a study to enhance a search engine's existing algorithm. I want to know how I can evaluate the search engine - which I have improved - to quantify how much the algorithm was improved. How should I go about comparing the old and new algorithm? Thanks ...

Can search engines index pages generated by server side code?

I'm guessing a site like stack overflow doesn't keep an html file around for every question ever asked. Instead, server-side code creates the page every time a question is clicked on(I think). Is it possible for search engines to index every quesiton on Stack Overflow, or would a page-per-question need to be kept in the directory so the ...

Google is changing its referrer URLs from /search into /url. Any known issues?


programmer-friendly search engine?

Google is unfriendly to searching for verbatim strings with characters like $ and #. Is there a search engine that supports searching for verbatim strings? ...

SEO and 301 redirects - Can they have relative paths or must they be absolute?

SEO and 301 redirects - Can they have relative paths or must they be absolute? When doing a 301 redirect for a page, are the BOTs/Spiders going to treat a 301 that goes to a relative path (redirect="../") the same as one that goes to an absolute path (redirect=""). For example I have a parent page with ...

How to get Keywords used from a Search Engine

I am using C# asp.NET and I have searched the internet up and down trying to find a solution to this problem. In google analytics they have the keywords used by search engines so there must be a way to do it. thanks ...