
How to increment a number in several files if the number is not always the same ?

Hi, I have several files containing this line Release: X I want to increment X in all the files. If X was constant between the files, I could have a bash script looping around the files and doing ($1 containing the former release number and $2 the new one, ie. $1 + 1) : sed 's/Release: '$1'/Release: '$2'/' <$file >$ Now,...

search integration

Hi there, I am working on a website that currently has a number of disparate search functions, for example: A crawl 'through the front door' of the website A search that communicates with a web-service etc... What would be the best way to tie these together, and provide what appears to be a unified search function? I found the foll...

bash script to show compatible commands based on "Windows-speak"

Problem: Customer X is a Windows user who wants to be able to trigger pre-packaged bash commands by using mnemonic keywords or "tag hints" when she is logged in to her RedHat box via shell. Example: Customer X logs into host using ssh and wants to do some routine file operations. She wants to be able to type copy file and get back a ...

C# Code/Algorithm to Search Text for Terms

We have 5mb of typical text (just plain words). We have 1000 words/phrases to use as terms to search for in this text. What's the most efficient way to do this in .NET (ideally C#)? Our ideas include regex's (a single one, lots of them) plus even the String.Contains stuff. The input is a 2mb to 5mb text string - all text. Multiple hi...

Django objects.filter, how "expensive" would this be?

I am trying to make a search view in Django. It is a search form with freetext input + some options to select, so that you can filter on years and so on. This is some of the code I have in the view so far, the part that does the filtering. And I would like some input on how expensive this would be on the database server. soknad_lis...

How to create search engines like google?

Any kind of language or algorithms i can look at? Or is that any open source application i can tap on? ...

How would I implement a simple site search with php and mySQL?

I'm creating a site that allows users to submit quotes. How would I go about creating a (relatively simple?) search that returns the most relevant quotes? For example, if the search term was "turkey" then I'd return quotes where the word "turkey" appears twice before quotes where it only appears once. (I would add a few other rules to...

Filter out common words for search query

Are there any easy ways to implement filtering a user's input (possibly a question) by extracting the meaningful data in the query? I basically want to filter out any noise words so I can send a 'clean' query to Google's search api. ...

Find Unique Characters in a File

I have a file with 450,000+ rows of entries. Each entry is about 7 characters in length. What I want to know is the unique characters of this file. For instance, if my file were the following; Entry ----- Yabba Dabba Doo Then the result would be Unique characters: {abdoy} Notice I don't care about case and don't need to order...

How do I build a search mechanism for my application?

It seems to be a common requirement nowadays to have a search feature that can search almost anything you want. Can anyone give me samples or tips as to how to go about building a one stop search for an application? For example: you have 3 tables customers, products, employees. The application has a master page that has a textbox at the...

How can I search and replace in a PDF document using Perl?

Does anyone know of a free Perl program (command line preferable), module, or anyway to search and replace text in a PDF file without using it like an editor. Basically I want to write a program (in Perl preferably) to automate replacing certain words (e.g. our old address) in a few hundred PDF files. I could use any program that suppor...

2 Column Mysql Date Range Search in PHP

Hello.. MySQL column > sdate, edate ( its 2 column). sdate is start date for project starting and edate is end date for project ending. so i need to make search between them.. <strong>Search</strong><br /> <form method="post" action="search.php"> Start Report Date : <input type="text" name="sdate" /> End Report Date : <input type...

finding long repeated substrings in a massive string

I naively imagined that I could build a suffix trie where I keep a visit-count for each node, and then the deepest nodes with counts greater than one are the result set I'm looking for. I have a really really long string (hundreds of megabytes). I have about 1 GB of RAM. This is why building a suffix trie with counting data is too ine...

How to create metadata for jpeg images in xp.

I have an archive of Dilbert cartoons, and would like to organize them in a way, that I can find the one I need based on something on the order of a keyword search. I am looking for suggestions on a reasonable way to accomplish that programatically. I am leaning towards perl for an implemenation. ...

Find() vs. enumeration on lists

Hi all, I'm working with a code base where lists need to be frequently searched for a single element. Is it faster to use a Predicate and Find() than to manually do an enumeration on the List? for example: string needle = "example"; FooObj result = _list.Find(delegate(FooObj foo) { return foo.Name == needle; }); vs. string ne...

Typeahead / Incremental Search in java

Hello, we've got a list of search-result mappings, e.g. a simple url mapping might look like "stackoverflow" -> "" "joel" -> "" so searching for the exact phrases is working fine. Now we're looking for an incremental search / typeahead, e.g. "stackover" would also return "www.stackoverflow....

What are some options for implementing search on a ASP.NET MVC website?

I am currently finishing up my first ASP.NET MVC application and would like to implement site searching. What are some options for allowing a visitor to search the site? ...

Php/ MySql 'Advanced Search' Page

I'm working on an 'advanced search' page on a site where you would enter a keyword such as 'I like apples' and it can search the databse using the following options: Find : With all the words, With the exact phrase , With at least one of the words, Without the words I can take care of the 'Exact phrase' by: SELECT * FROM myTab...

Implementing keyword comparison scheme (reverse search)

I have a constantly growing database of keywords. I need to parse incoming text inputs (articles, feeds etc) and find which keywords from the database are present in the text. The database of keywords is much larger than the text. Since the database is constantly growing (users add more and more keywords to watch for), I figure the bes...

Flex Matching Many Database Records (Quicksilver-like or Launchy-like matching)

Assume I have a database table with many names. I'd like to "flex match" against these names. I'm not sure if "flex match" is the proper term to use, but let's go with that for now. There have been similar discussions on "fuzzy matching," but I'm not really interested in phonetic matching. I'm interested in what I'd call ordered-subs...