
Grails searchable plugin

Hi, In my Grails app, I'm using the Searchable plugin for searching/indexing. I want to write a Compass/Lucene query that involves multiple domain classes. Within that query when I want to refer to the id of a class, I can't simply use 'id' because all classes have an 'id' property. Currently, I work around this problem by adding the fo...

Variable search hint

In my searchable.xml in my android project, I get to specify a hint that appears in the edittext, when no text is written. Is there any way to dynamically set this? In my action, I have two search buttons, that are calling startSearch passing their own parameters. I would like to set hints that reflect the selected action, based on whic...

Doctrine Text Analyzers with other languages

I am planing on using Searchable templates with Doctrine and was wondering if there is a way to add / modify the stop-keywords based on the language of the text inserted in to the database? ...

Proper snowball analyzer configuration when using Grails Searchable Plugin

To improve stemming we want to switch from the default analyzer to snowball, however, having a lot of difficulty with the proper settings and would appreciate any help. In Environment: - Sun's Java 1.6.16 - Grails 1.2.2 - Searchable Plug-In 0.5.5 Config.groovy: Have tried both settings: compassSettings = ['compass.engine.analyze...

Doctrine Searchable with non-ASCII characters

Hi, I have text in Turkish language: "selam günaydın". Doctrine searchable converts it to keywords in table: -selam -guenaydin So "guenaydin" was saved in table as keyword "günaydın" so when somebody writes in search "günaydın" he gets nothing - what can I do? ...

Searchable item enabled?

Hi, How do programmatically see in android that a searchable item (search provider) is enabled or not? This would be good to know so you could tell your users with a message that they should activate it in order to see related search suggestions. Best regards, Anders Tieto ...

List domain-class properties in index with Grails & searchable

Hello, i want to list all propertys available to the searchable plugin in a small form. Is there a smart way to list all indexed properties by lucene/compass? Imagine this grails domain-class: class Person { String realname String login static searchable = { realname() } } It would be nice to get a list li...

Disable grails Searchable plugin default search page?

I'm trying to disable the Searchable plugin default search page (http://localhost/searchable/), but haven't found a way to do it. Anyone know how this can be done, preferably in a legit way, but resorting to trickery if necessary? ...

using custom Id column mapping with Searchable plugin

I have a Domain class with a custom Id mapping ... ... String ensemblGeneId String ensemblTranscriptId String ensemblProteinId String proteinSequence String topologySequence String topologyRatio String description String geneName .. .. .. static ma...

compass.cfg.xml path in grails project with searchable plugin

I installed searchable in my grails project. As I already had the java POJO classes I want to use compass for the mapping customisation. However, it seams that the Searchable.groovy looks for a file compass.cfg.xml at the root of my classpath. This folder is my PROJECT_HOME folder. I also tried to put him at /src/java or in grails-app fo...

How to Get Rid if Intermediary Page in Searchable Dictionary-Like App

Hi to all! I am working on a search app and since I am a beginner, I decided to start from the searchable dictionary sample, which is quite similar to what I'm trying to achieve. Got it to work, but I have a problem: the sample loads a blank page initially, telling the user to press on the search button to start performing a search. Onc...

Not Saving Domain Object with Grails Searchable Plugin

Is it possible to use the Searchable Plugin to create an index of objects and never actually save the objects to the database? ...

Grails searchable: search for a specific field in a member object?

Using the Grails Searchable plugin, I've got these classes: class Person { static searchable = { address component: true } } and: class Address { static searchable = { root false } String country } I want to do a specific search for persons from a specific country. "country:NL" doesn't work. "address:country:NL" doesn't...

How do I map Grails Searchable plugin across more than 2 domain objects?

I'm using the Searchable plugin in my Grails application, but am having trouble getting it to map across more than 2 domain objects while returning valid search results. I've looked through the Searchable plugin documentation, but cannot find the answer to my question. Here's a very basic example of the domains I have: class Article {...

Two searchable.xml activities in one AndroidManifest.xml

I have an Android app which has a few different activities for browsing articles and images downloaded from RSS. I'd like to be able to offer to hook up the search button to the Search dialog, using the a searchable.xml file. I've managed to do this with one search, using: <activity android:name=".search.SearchResultsActivity" ...

How To Search Domain Objects And The Physical Files They Point To Using Solr Or Searchable

I have a digital library system where I store metadata and the path to physical file in the database. The files may be anything: plain text,Word,PDF,MP3,JPEG,MP4... How can I provide full text search to both my domain objects and the physical files (or some text extraction of the files). Is my only choice to store the document text i...

How to Add/Delete words to Android Searchable Dictionary Sample?

Please advice me how to add/delete words to the Android searchable dictionary sample. Thanks. ...

Grails searchable plugin

My application is using the grails searchable plugin, using compass underneath. The tables begin indexed is about 36 mb, and is building indexes of about 350 mb. This is small in most peoples books. If we delete the indexes and start the grails application, the index files are rebuild as expected, but then after about a day of running...