
navigateToURL with GET parameters in local SWF

I'm running a Flex application locally (local-with-filesystem or local-trusted), and I'm trying to call navigateToURL to a local page using GET parameters. Flash Player in Internet Explorer seems to be ignoring the parameters when opening the local page, though. The same code works as I expect in Firefox, so I'm not sure whether it's ...

Secure to store an ID in an ASP.NET control ID?

I'm auto-generating a form in my ASP.NET page. This is already tested and working. I want to know if: If there are any security problems with storing the database ID as part of my controls ID? I can see think of 2 issues: the id will be visible in page source (not really important in this case), and the possibility someone could change...

Application passwords and SQLite security

I have been searching on google for information regarding application passwords and SQLite security for some time, and nothing that I have found has really answered my questions. Here is what I am trying to figure out: 1) My application is going to have an optional password activity that will be called when the application is first ope...

Php sessions secure log in

My question is about creating a secure log in routine. After comparing the user name and password to the stored values I set a session variable called logged to true. Then as the user surfs around the web page I just check the logged variable for true or false to determine if the user should have access. This is my first time creating s...

How do I ensure that SOAP requests from a flash client to my ASP server are coming from the flash client?

I have a flash based game that has a high score system implemented with a SOAP service. There are prizes involved and I want to prevent someone from using FireBug or similar to discover the webservice path and submit fake scores. I considered using some kind of encryption on the data but am aware that someone could decompile the swf and...

How To Protect Sensitive Keys in Adobe Air Apps?

What are the best practices for delivering an Adobe Air app that needs a private key in order to communicate with some online API? Adobe Air apps seem like they are delivered to the user with full source code, so storing any keys within the source would be a really bad idea. I've read some suggestions saying to download the key from you...

What are the standards for security on the web and web development?

What are the standards that govern security practices on the web and web development? What standards body publishes such documents? ...

PHP's openssl_sign generates different signature than SSCrypto's sign

I'm writing an OS X client for a software that is written in PHP. This software uses a simple RPC interface to receive and execute commands. The RPC client has to sign the commands he sends to ensure that no MITM can modify any of them. However, as the server was not accepting the signatures I sent from my OS X client, I started investi...

Using installed identity certificate from within an app on iPhone

Hi, My question is: is there a way to use the installed identity certificates on the phone from within my app. For example similar case like with Safari: if certain site requires client certificate, the user has to install it on the phone and then when authenticating Safari uses the installed certificate to authenticate. I need to do th...

Should default passwords always be empty?

I'm currently designing a system that requires an admin to log in using a password. For certain reasons, it is difficult to set this password during installation, but it can be changed later. My idea is this: If I leave the default password empty, it is so horridly insecure that every admin is going to fix this as soon as possible. If I...

WebSockets authentication

What are the possible ways to authenticate user when websocket connection is used? Example scenario: Web based multi-user chat application through encrypted websocket connection. How can I ensure (or guarantee) that each connection in this application belongs to certain authenticated user and "can't be" exploited by false user impersona...

What prevents a user from adding controls to an ASP.NET page client side?

This goes back to my other question which I thought was sufficiently answers but upon reflect am not sure that it was (sorry). Backgrounder: I am generating a form dynamically. I am pulling from the database the controls. I must associate each control with a database ID which is not the user's session id. I do this currently by storin...

Basic security, PHP mySQl

So I am making a basic log-in page. I have a good idea of what to do, but I'm still unsure of some things. I have a database full of students and a password column of course. I know I'm going to use md5 encryption in that column. The student enters their e-mail and student ID, and they get e-mailed a password if correct. But, where do...

How to implement a good system for login/out into a webapp

I am one of the developers at PassPad, a secure password generator and username storage system. We're still working on it, but I have a few questions on the best way to implement a secure login/out system. Right now, what we plan on doing is to have the login system save a cookie with the username and a session key, and that's all that ...

securing a webservice for use from a custom iphone app only

I want to create an iphone application which consists of two parts: The app itself and a server side component. On a users request, the app sends data to the server which is to be handled by human operators. To prevent abuse from an iphone app user, the id of the iphone is sent along with the request, and the operators can blacklist pr...

Crossdomain file edit

Hi there. I need to know, where from is my script used (it's for sale, and i don't want any thiefs). I want to write on my server in file, IP of user, domain where from script has been runned, date, etc. I've tried fopen, fwrite, but is_file_writable returned that it isn't. File CHmods are 777, it parent catalog has too 777 chmods. Now...

outputting html in runtime in

Hi all, I'm building a website at the moment, I've some html fragment that is being stored into the database, I've been reading around that inserting HTML at runtime poses security risks by using the InnerHTML property of any html tag with runat server on it. So, my question is there any alternative way to safely display the html code ...

Is it dangerous to store user-enterable text into a hidden form via javascript?

In my MVC application I am using in place editors to allow users to edit fields without having a standard form view. Unfortunately, since I am using Linq to Sql combined with my data mapping layer I cannot just update one field at a time and instead need to send all fields over at once. So the solution I came up with was to sto...

Ajax security problem

I want to create a browser based game and I have a huge problem, the game can be easily hacked. The problem is at a page where you can go to "work", I store in a file the work ending date and the amount of money what you will receive after finishing the work. There are 4 type of works. The problem is that I use ajax to send to a php file...

How secure is my website?

As a beginning web developer, I try my best to clean up all the user inputs through checks and what not. However, today, I found out my website was hacked (I'll share their website on request) and it really made my wonder how did they do it. I'm in the process of getting my website back together. What should I do to prevent these things?...