
firefox reading web page from local JS file -- access to restricted URI denied, code: 1012, nsresult: NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI

My problem is -- I have a html file which is really JS program, which reads web pages and show them in customized manner (i.e. it displays the same content in a different way). Basically, I create XMLHttpRequest object and then"GET", web_page_address, false); req.send(""); This gives me (in firefox) an error: Error...

Rails authlogic disable_perishable_token_maintenance

I set disable_perishable_token_maintenance(true) in my User model. If I want to create a user, I have to set perishable_token column default value to '' in my users database table. My question is: Is it safe to have empty perishable_token columns? What would you do to make things more secure? ...

AIR - Making use of air.swf file in an internal network

Hello StackOverflow community, The air.swf file referenced here: used to launch AIR applications from Flex applications requires the use of an air.swf file located here: We have tried to download this SW...

JBOSS Security: web.xml vs. jboss-web.xml

What is the relation between web.xml and jboss-web.xml? Seems like: Jboss-web.xml specifies the security domain (which can be found in login-config.xml) web.xml specifies what the security level is I don't understand what happens when jboss-web.xml specifies a weak security domain. Ie: one that cannot do what web.xml s...

SSRS 2008 Snapshotting Security

Hi, I'm writing a report that will show data based on the User!UserID built into the SSRS infrastructure. The data is sensitive to the user's department. In addition to these department users, there will be admins that should be able to run for all departments, or have a report parameter to run for a specific department. Ideally, I'd...

Web Security: Worst-Case Situation

I currently have built a system that checks user IP, browser, and a random-string cookie to determine if he is an admin. In the worst case, someone steals my cookie, uses the same browser I do, and masks his IP to appear as mine. Is there another layer of security I should add onto my script to make it more secure? EDIT: To clarify: my...

Is there a Veil-like plug-in for MySQL?

We have a MySQL database and would like to have row-level security implemented at the database level. I have been playing with the Veil plug-in for PostgreSQL and like what it does. Is there something similar for MySQL so we do not have to convert over to PostgreSQL? Update It isn't so much that we would be using veil, or its MySQL e...

Using WCF HttpBindings on a LAN

We have a WCF-based client server that operates over a LAN. We've been getting along ok by using the NetTcpBinding, chosen because we couldn't get either HttpBinding to work between hosts. (Within a single host works fine, but is not useful for the production environment.) We're now back at the point where we want to explore using eithe...

IIS7.5 and MVC 2 : Implementing HTTP(S) security

This is my first ASP.NET MVC application, and my first on an IIS 7.x installation whereby I have to do anything over and above the standard. I need to enforce Windows authentication on the /Index and /feeds/xxx.svc pages/services. In ASP.NET Web Forms, I would apply the Windows permissions on the files and remove Anonymous authenticatio...

How can we secure our data from DBA?

Hi guys, I have very confidential data in my database. I am trying to secure my data from dba. I am a member of development team. We develop our software and delpoy in a server which has its own dba. We have limited control over the server. In this scenario how can i deny dba of the server to lookup my data and deny making changes to ...

Calling IPrincipal.IsInRole on Windows 7

We use NTLM auth in our application to determine whether a user can perform certain operations. We use the IPrincipal of their current Windows login (in WinForms applications), calling IsInRole to check for specific group memberships. To check that a user is a local administrator on the machine, we use: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrinc...

Why Shouldn't I Programmatically Submit Username/Password to Facebook/Twitter/Amazon/etc?

I wish there was a central, fully customizable, open source, universal login system that allowed you to login and manage all of your online accounts (maybe there is?)... I just found RPXNow today after starting to build a Sinatra app to login to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, OpenID, and EventBrite, and it looks like it might save s...

How do API Keys and Secret Keys work?

I am just starting to think about how api keys and secret keys work. Just 2 days ago I signed up for Amazon S3 and installed the S3Fox Plugin. They asked me for both my Access Key and Secret Access Key, both of which require me to login to access. So I'm wondering, if they're asking me for my secret key, they must be storing it somewh...

Django view security and best-practices

Hi everybody, I've recently begun working on Django and now my app is nearing completion and i've begun to wonder about security and best-practices. I have view that generates a page and different functions in the page post AJAX requests to individual views. For example, I have a view called show_employees and I can delete and update e...

How can I reliably check client identity whilst making DCOM calls to a C# .NET 3.5 Server?

I have an old Win32 C++ DCOM Server that I am rewriting to use C# .NET 3.5. The client applications sit on remote Windows XP machines and are also written in C++. These clients must remain unchanged, hence I must implement the interfaces on new .NET objects. This has been done, and is working successfully regarding the implementation of...

Secure Way of storing Passwords to APIs without OpenID?

I asked a similar question here a while back but all the answers were offering OpenID which is nice but it doesn't work with services that require authentication that don't use it (such as EventBrite). Say I want to create an app that lists your events from event brite, and their analytics (which eventbrite includes). Any person can si...

Is Storing Cookies in a Database Safe?

If I use mechanize, I can, for instance, create a new google analytics profile for a website. I do this by programmatically filling out the login form and storing the cookies in the database. Then, for at least until the cookie expires, I can access my analytics admin panel without having to enter my username and password again. Assum...

Execution difference between "App.exe" and "App.vshost.exe" with WndProc

I am attempting to adapt an application developed in VS 2008/C# that listens to another application's WM_ messages through the use of the Control.WndProc method. When the "app.exe" version is run, WM_USER messages are visible and processed; however when the "app.vshost.exe" version is run, these same messages are no longer visible to th...

Stealing Cookies with no user input?

I'm creating a static site generator with a dynamic admin backend for one user. The site accepts no user input. Does this mean that I am safe from attackers who are trying to steal my admin cookie? (there is no user input, so XSS and other methods don't work, right?) ...

How can I sign a Windows Mobile application for internal use?

I'm developing a Windows Mobile application for internal company use, using the Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK. Same old story: I've developed and tested on the emulator and all is well, but as soon as I deploy to advice I get an UnauthorizedAccessException when writing files or creating directories. I'm aware that an application ins...