
Web Video Player with frame seek capability

Hi folks, Am trying to build a webpage showing search results identified within a video sample. So when the video sample is played on the webpage there will be option to jump to marked frames within the video file. Is there any open source player that provides this jump capability. I tried FlowPlayer but its seek capability didn't se...

OpenCV Seek Function/Rewind

Hey everyone, I've been trying to find/implement a seek and rewind function (for video (.avi)) using OpenCV in C++, but I cant find a way of doing it, other than going through the entire file once and saving each image. Is there any other way? Any help would be much appreciated; Thanks ahead of time! ...

Android VideoView resume and seekTo

I am playing a Video using a VideoView in my app. On the click of a button, it records the current position of the video, and the app opens up the browser with some url. On pressing the back button, the app comes back to video app and resumes the video from where it left off. I looked at the Android Activity lifecycle and saw that onSta...

seekSeconds() problem in as3

hi, I use seekSeconds() to start a video from a specific time.But when i write seekSeconds(1),seekSeconds(2),seekSeconds(3),seekSeconds(4) and seekSeconds(5) the video starts from fifth seconds.when i write seekSeconds() from fifth seconds to fifteenth seconds the video starts fifteenth seconds.How i can solve this problem .thanks fo...

Ways of Efficiently Seeking in Custom File Formats

I've been wondering what kind of ways seek is implemented across different file formats and what would be a good way to construct a file that has a lot of data to enable efficient seeking. Some ways I've considered have been having equal sized packets, which allows quick skipping since you know what each data chunk is like, also preindex...

How to resume appending data to a file at a specific position? (std::ostream, streampos, tellp/seekp)

I'm trying to append some data to a file, but in some cases want to skip back a bit from the end to overwrite the tail end of the file. However, neither seekp( pos ) nor seekp( offset, relative ) is having any effect for me (except complaining when using a negative offset). Am I using them incorrectly or are they broken? A little exampl...

Is Python's seek() on OS X broken?

I'm trying to implement a simple method to read new lines from a log file each time the method is called. I've looked at the various suggestions both on stackoverflow (e.g. here) and elsewhere for simulating "tail" functionality; most involve using readline() to read in new lines as they're appended to the file. It should be simple enou...

How can I seek to an exact point in a Flash video without a Flash Media Server?

Is the Flash Video (or Flex VideoDisplay) component capable of seeking to an exact moment in a video? It seems to always 'snap' to keyframes (which is understandable). I'm just wondering if there are any mechanisms in the video classes for seeking to exact frames, ie it should do the translation from keyframe to specific frame in the ...

Python: rewinding one line in file when iterating with

Python's f.tell doesn't work as I expected when you iterate over a file with >>> f=open(".bash_profile", "r") >>> f.tell() 0 >>> "alias rm='rm -i'\n" >>> f.tell() 397 >>> "alias cp='cp -i'\n" >>> f.tell() 397 >>> "alias mv='mv -i'\n" >>> f.tell() 397 Looks like it gives you the position of the buff...

Playing an MPEG movie, starting and ending in specific places?

I've compiled an MTS video into MP4 format using FFMPEG. The video is 2 minutes long. I want to be able to play the video back but start at 0:15 seconds and end at 0:45 seconds. Effectively I want the playback software to only show 30 seconds of playback available. The software must be a Flash-based application for integration into HTML...

Does FileInputStream.skip() do a seek?

Hi all, I want to copy the last 10MB of a possibly large file into another file. Ideally I would use FileInputStream, skip() and then read(). However I'm unsure if the performance of skip() will be bad. Is skip() typically implemented using a file seek underneath or does it actually read and discard data? I know about RandomAccessFi...


I want to use the method Seek of the class AVPlayer. But this method take a parameter CMTime. Could anyone knows about this object. In order to move the playback cursor to a given time. ...

C# Disk Seek/Position Change Lag using CreateFile Function

I'm currently using the CreateFile function to read a disk using a BinaryReader, and it seems as though whenever I seek or change the position of my stream, it can take anywhere from 200 milliseconds to 900 milliseconds. The code is basically exactly what you'd think it would be... for (int i = 0; i < f.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1; i++) ...

How to seek a string variable (an html files source code)

How can I seek this sb string variable to get those variables:IMKB's value: 64882,72 how can I get it please show the seek idea using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.IO; public partial c...

Seeking in AAC streams on Android

I'm getting an AAC stream from a HTTP server and using that as the datasource for the MediaPlayer in Android. It plays perfectly fine, but when I try to execute mediaPlayer.seekTo(int position) I get the following errors about a million times: WARN/AACDecoder(13889): AAC decoder returned error -1, substituting silence WARN/AACDecoder(13...

C Program: How to properly use lseek() or fseek() to modify a certain part of a file?

I have a binary file in CSV format that contains multiple records. Each record is entered in as user_name, last_name, first_name, num_wins, num_losses, num_ties. I am creating a method to update a certain players record of wins,losses and ties. The user inputs the username to change followed by the changes to the wins, losses and ties. ...