
Main Program and Shared Library initializes same static variable in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0

Does anyone know why a library initialized within dlopen() would initialize a static variable owned by the main program. Both the main program and shared library have a copy of the static variable, but for some reason the shared library re-initializes the main program's copy of the static variable and destructs it, causing a segfault wh...

How can I prevent segmentation faults in my program?

I have a C assignment. It is a lot longer than the code shown below, and we are given the function prototypes and instructions only. I have done my best at writing code, but I am stuck with segmentation faults. When I compile and run the program below on Linux, at "735 NaN" it will terminate, indicating a segfault occurred. Why? What am ...

Why does this cast to Base class in virtual function give a segmentation fault?

I want to print out a derived class using the operator<<. When I print the derived class, I want to first print its base and then its own content. But I ran into some trouble (see segfault below): class Base { public: friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Base&); virtual void Print(std::ostream& out) const { ou...

Segmentation fault in C recursive Combination (nCr)

PLease help me out here. The program is supposed to recursively find out the combination of two numbers. nCr = n!/ (r!(n-r)! ). I'm getting this error message when i compile it on GCC. Here's what the terminal shows: Enter two numbers: 8 4 Segmentation fault (Program exited with code:139) The code is given here: #include<std...

segmentation fault in file operations in c

#include<stdio.h> /* this is a lexer which recognizes constants , variables ,symbols, identifiers , functions , comments and also header files . It stores the lexemes in 3 different files . One file contains all the headers and the comments . Another file will contain all the variables , another will contain all the symbols. */ int mai...

Why does this C++ code result in a segmentation fault?

I keep getting a segmentation fault when the readAuthor() method is called. Does anybody know why this happens? I am supposed to use dynamic arrays, I know this would be so easy if I was using static array. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; /** declare arrays **/ int* isbn...

What is the difference between a segmentation fault and a stack overflow?

For example when we call say, a recursive function, the successive calls are stored in the stack. However, due to an error if it goes on infinitely the error is 'Segmentation fault' (as seen on GCC). Shouldn't it have been 'stack-overflow'? What then is the basic difference between the two? Btw, an explanation would be more helpful t...

fwrite write an integer

I'm trying to write a word to a file using this function: extern void write_int(FILE * out, int num) { fwrite(&num,sizeof(int),1, out); if(ferror(out)){ perror(__func__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } But I get a segmentation fault whenever it tries to run the fwrite. I looked at the man page for fwrite(3) and I feel li...

c++: Reference array of maps

I have a function which creates an array of Maps: map<string, int> *pMap And a function which writes maps to the array: int iAddMap(map<string, int> mapToAdd, map<string, int> *m, int i) { m = &(pMap[i]); memcpy(m, mapToAdd, sizeof(map<string, int>)); } And a function to get maps from the array map<string, int>& getMap(int...

Segmentation fault C++ in recursive function

Why do I get a segmentation fault in my recursive function. It happens every time i call it when a value greater than 4 as a parameter #include <iostream> #include <limits> using namespace std; int printSeries(int n){ if(n==1){ return 1; } else if( n==2){ return 2; } else if( n==3){ ...

c++ malloc segmentation fault

I have a problem about malloc(). It is weird. My code is in the following. I use random generator to generate elements for an array. The array is opened by malloc(). If the array size is smaller than 8192, it is OK. If the size is larger than 8192, it shows segment fault. void random_generator(int num, int * array) { srand((unsigne...

Getting a seg fault, having trouble with classes and variables.

Ok, so I'm still learning the ropes of C++ here so I apologize if this is a simple mistake. I have this class: class RunFrame : public wxFrame { public: RunFrame(); void OnKey(wxKeyEvent& keyEvent); private: // Configuration variables. const wxString *title; const wxPoint *origin; const wxSize *size; const...

Segmentation fault in my C program

I don't understand why this would give me a seg fault. Any ideas? This is the function that returns the signal to stop the program (plus the other function that is called within this): double bisect(double A0,double A1,double Sol[N],double tol,double c) { double Amid,shot; while (A1-A0 > tol) { Amid = 0.5*(A0+A1); shot = ...

`php -v` segmentation fault

I'm getting an odd segmentation fault in PHP. Every few times, when I run: php -v I see: PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: Aug 19 2009 16:59:56) Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies Segmentation fault (core dumped) Analyzing the core dump (backtrace with gdb): #0 0x00002ba641...

segmentation fault for the simplest program??

Hi, I am just starting out, but this piece of code is giving me a 'segmentation fault' and I can't find out what's wrong with it: #include<stdio.h> int main (void) { int number = 0; int lastDigit = 0; printf("Enter an integer: "); scanf("%d", number); number = number*10; printf("Number times ten is %d.\n", number); return...

segfault during __cxa_allocate_exception in SWIG wrapped library

While developing a SWIG wrapped C++ library for Ruby, we came across an unexplained crash during exception handling inside the C++ code. I'm not sure of the specific circumstances to recreate the issue, but it happened first during a call to std::uncaught_exception, then after a some code changes, moved to __cxa_allocate_exception durin...

Difference in behaviour (GCC and Visual C++)

Consider the following code. #include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include <iostream> struct XYZ { int X,Y,Z; }; std::vector<XYZ> A; int rec(int idx) { int i = A.size(); A.push_back(XYZ()); if (idx >= 5) return i; A[i].X = rec(idx+1); return i; } int main(){ A.clear(); rec(0); puts("FINISH!"); } I coul...

Segmentation Fault?

Hello, when I run this program while inputting a number greater than 46348, I get a segmentation fault. For any values below it, the program works perfectly. I am using CodeBlocks 8.02 on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit. The code is as follows: int main() { int number = 46348; vector<bool> sieve(number+1,false); vector<int> primes; ...

Ruby Enterprise fails to compile with GCC 4.5

Ruby Enterprise Edition fails to compile from sources with GCC 4.5, but sucessfully compiles with 4.3.3. Actually, not sure if it's about GCC, but, in fact, i686 Arch linux system with laest updates won't compile RE. Compilation fails with the message: mkdir -p .ext/common make PRELIBS='-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib...

Why does this C++ code-snippet segmentation fault?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int recur(int x) { 1 and recur(--x); cout << x; return x; } int main() { recur(10); return 0; } ...