
Select in MySQL where all rows meet a condition

In MySQL, how can you select data where every row meats a certain condition? For example lets say I have a table showing when employees arrived at work, it has three fields: CREATE TABLE ArrivalTimes (UserID INT ,Day DATE ,ArrivalTime TIME ); I want to select all UserIDs of employees who have never been late (arrived 9am or earlier)...

Noob SQL Q: How do I combine 2 select statements into one?

I am a noob when it comes to SQL syntax. I have a table with lots of rows and columns of course :P Lets say it looks like this: AAA BBB CCC DDD ----------------------- Row1 | 1 A D X Row2 | 2 B C X Row3 | 3 C D Z Now I want to create an advanced select statement that gives me this combined (pseudo SQLish here...

Is it possible to take the results of a SELECT and feed them into a VALUES clause?

For Example, is there any way to do something like the following: INSERT INTO table2 VALUES(SELECT x FROM table1 WHERE x > 5 LIMIT 4) ...

What does select(2) do if you close(2) a file descriptor in a separate thread?

What is the behavior of the select(2) function when a file descriptor it is watching for reading is closed by another thread? From some cursory testing, it does return right away. I suspect the outcome is either that (a) it still continues to wait for data, but if you actually tried to read from it you'd get EBADF (possibly -- there's ...

How to do this query in mysql?

SELECT item_name from items WHERE item_id = $var; I tried: $var = 001 || 002 || 003 || 004; $var = 001 OR 002 OR 003 OR 004; $var = 001 or 002 or 003 or 004; But all do not work. Thanks, i try that, but the output only 1 result => 1. What I want is to output all, i.e. 1, 2 , 3 and 4.. Means, I want to select multiple records(rows...

How to select multiple records (row) from a column in mysql?

I want to display four (4) items'name from these id: Can I do like this? SELECT item_name from items WHERE item_id IN ('001', '012', '103', '500') or SELECT item_name from items WHERE item_id = '001' or item_id = '012' or item_id = '103' or item_id = '500' IN RESPONSE TO ALL ANSWERS Well, most of the answers said it works, but it do...

Error 3075 in Select Query

Query gives Syntax error missing operator in query '[Relationship Manager]=John DOE' BCA_Source = " SELECT distinct [Account Data Table less DTA CHD].BCA_ICA, " _ & "[Account Data Table less DTA CHD].[Relationship Manager]" _ & " FROM [Account Data Table less DTA CHD] " _ & " WHERE [Relationship Mana...

Select distinct from multiple fields using sql

I have 5 columns corresponding to answers in a trivia game database - right, wrong1, wrong2, wrong3, wrong4 I want to return all possible answers without duplicates. I was hoping to accomplish this without using a temp table. Is it possible to use something similar to this?: select c1, c2, count(*) from t group by c1, c2 But this re...

how to get ids/names/guids of selected pictures in picture library

I have created a picture library and selected some pictures (through a check box). I have also added a menu item 'Download to my App' in the 'Actions' menu item in the standard toolbar. Now, on clicking the 'Download to my App' option, I want to download the selected pictures programatically to my application. So how can I get the ids/n...

Javascript - form select element open url in new window and submit form

UPDATED - please read further details below original question I have a select form element with various urls, that I want to open in a new window when selected - to do this I have the following code in the element's onchange event:[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank'); This works fine. But I also want to submi...

mysql select from n last rows

I have a table with index (autoincrement) and integer value. The table is millions of rows long. How can I search if a certain number appear in the last n rows of the table most efficiently? ...

Difference between select from table directly and view

What is the difference between SELECT data from table directly or from view? And What is the best use for each one? ...

Why doesn't Ruby's select return the socket?

I'm trying to use select on STDIN and a TCP socket in Ruby, but for some reason, the value returned from select never seems to match one of the choices; it looks like it's the socket that's being returned, but it doesn't match using == (or equal?). Can anyone tell me why the result returned from select doesn't match the objects I passed ...

Selecting an object on a WPF Canvas?

I have a WPF Canvas with some Ellipse objects on it (displayed as circles). Each circle is from a collection class instance which is actually a custom hole pattern class. Each pattern has a certain number of circles, and each circle then gets added to the canvas using an iteration over the collection using the code below. So, the canvas...

fluent nhibernate select n+1 problem

I have a fairly deep object graph (5-6 nodes), and as I traverse portions of it NHProf is telling me I've got a "Select N+1" problem (which I do). The two solutions I'm aware of are Eager load children Break apart my object graph (and eager load) I don't really want to do either of these (although I may break the graph apart later ...

SQL Select syntax workaround

Let's say I have two existing tables, "dogs" and "cats": dog_name | owner ---------+------ Sparky | Bob Rover | Bob Snoopy | Chuck Odie | Jon cat_name | owner ---------+------ Garfield | Jon Muffy | Sam Stupid | Bob How do I write a query with this output? owner | num_dogs | num_cats ------+----------+...

Not able to catch SIGINT signal while using select()

I had defined my own signal handler for SIGINT. But my signal handler doesn't get called The signal handler just terminates the program. But on pressing ctrl+c, the program doesn't quit. Please help... This is how the code looks.. sa.sa_handler = handle_termsig; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, 0); si...

MySQL INSERT INTO ... SELECT throws Error 1064

Trying to duplicate some rows in a table but just change the ssreportid column from 4 to 6: INSERT INTO ssreportparticipant (ssreportid, sssurveyparticipantid) VALUES SELECT 6, sssurveyparticipantid FROM ssreportparticipant WHERE ssreportid = 4 The error says #1064 near 'select 6, ...' but if I just run the select clause, it selects...

html form not working with select list in IE8 (IE7 Compatability)

I've come across a strange problem with a MVC project. the following code works fine in Firefox, chrome, Safari IE8 - BUT not IE8 in IE7 Compatability mode <% Using Ajax.BeginForm("SetStatus", "StatusControl", New AjaxOptions With {.Confirm = "Are you sure you wish to change the Status?", .OnBegin = "Show_Updating", .OnComplet...

MYSQL PHP: Check already made query for distinct field values?

I have a page that that lists products returned from a mysql query. The query can very greatly depending on many different things. What I want to do is give the user an option to narrow the current results by series of drop-downs. For example to narrow the product type. But to get the available product types I am currently just checking...