
How to return a customized/created selector in jquery plugin

I am learning how to create plugin and have problem in how to create my own customized selector. If I have a table with nth row and nth column below <table id="myTable"> <tr><td></td>........<td></td></tr> . . . <tr><td></td>........<td></td></tr> </table> and I would like to create a plugin that has a selector that...

Java Selector NIO Reading problem

Relevant Code -- Note Instructions is merely a class with several methods which will operate on the data. A new thread is created operate on the data read. READ THREAD: while(true) { System.out.println("."); if( == 0) continue; System.out.println("processing read"); for(SelectionKey s...

jQuery how to select all tr elements from one row and up to a stop

A little odd situation. I'm writing a greasemonkey script on some legacy HTML where everything is put into one table. I want to select all TR elements from the one I click and the next 3-4-5-6 rows up to the next row that contains a TD.class_name table ... tr -> td.class_name tr tr tr tr -> td.class_name ... /table So, i...

jquery click once, then disable/enable element

i have many rows List item - delete List item - delete List item - delete like above 3 rows.. it has delete link, on click i want to disable that link, until i get response from ajax saying ok delete it or no not ok, dont delete it, user is not an owner, then i have to give the element back to clickable.. if that makes sence basica...

jquery selector

Hi i need some hepl to find a selector for jqeury I have these textboxes <input type="text" name="text[1]" value="1,2,3"> <input type="text" name="text[2]" value="1,8,9"> <input type="text" name="text[3]" value="7,4,3"> i need for each these textboxes do a search and find if value=1 exist. I need help to the selector (somthing like $...

XML Schema - Key in sequence

I'm trying to put a key in sequence and am being bombarded with errors. It seems I can't do this. Additionally, I am being told my key needs a field and selector, which I have been able to find very little documentation on. (In fact, in desperation, I downloaded Liquid XML Studio [vs. Notepad] and searched it's help files. . . to find NO...

Select a Tag with a Selector from a Text Variable using jQuery

I have a string which contains text and some <a> tags in it; I want to know how I can select a tag from the variable and loop it. I tried the following but it didn't work: var text = `some string here with <a href="#link"></a> more string and more links also`; $('a', text).each(function() { var string = $(this)...

jquery .each loop and replace to same location?

i got help ( on looping the static var and replacing it value, but just one question is left from it, is how can i replace finded tags with newly changed tags in the text area Code: var length = 30; var end = '...'; var text = `some st...

What is the more correct/efficient selector?

$("select").change(function() { alert($("select option:selected").val()); }); OR $("select").change(function() { alert($(this).attr("value")); }); I am specifically looking at the selector used in the alert. From my testing the result in the same correct values to be displayed...

how can I select with multiple css selector with YUI3

<ul> <li class="selected cell">test</li> <li class="cell">test2</li> </ul> How can I select only the .selected .cell element?'.selected, .cell') <= This selects boths li elements. and I just want to select the first element. Is there something like?'.cell').one('.selected') ??? ...

C# html/css selector

Hello, I'm wondering if there's a jQuery-like css selector that can be used in C#. Currently, I'm parsing some html strings using regex and thought it would be much nicer to have something like the css selector in jQuery to match my desired elements. Let me know if I'm not too clear on the subject. Thanks ...

How to select div in table cell using jQuery

I have the following table structure; <tr> <th><label for="ctl00_bodyContent_username">username:</label></th> <td class="field"><input name="ctl00$bodyContent$username" type="text" id="ctl00_bodyContent_username" /></td> <td class="info"> <div class="message...

FBML multi friend selector in fb:dialog

Hey Guys, Is there a way to show the multi friend selector widget (fb:multi-friend-selector) in an fb:dialog? I have a button, on selecting which I would like to show the friend selector popup and users can send invite to their friends. I got the friend selector working on the main page but have no clue on how to display that widget i...

Cucumber/Webrat: follow link by CSS class?

Hello there, is it possible to follow a link by it's class name instead of the id, text or title? Given I have (haha, cucumber insider he?) the following html code: <div id="some_information_container"> <a href="edit" class="edit_button">Translation here</a> </div> I do not want to match by text because I'd have to care about the ...

JQuery Contains Selector - Multiple Text Items

Hi, I am new to JQuery and maybe am missing the obvious, but how can I filter a table using the contains selector but have it look for multiple strings using an OR operator. In other words, I would like rows containing "Red" OR "Yellow" to be hidden. So far I have this which works by hiding all rows except the given date: $(function()...

Select inner text (jQuery)

<div class="boxen checkedzahlen" id="box41_0_1"> 41 <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="cb41_0_1" id="cb41_0_1" checked="checked"/> </div> Something like this is given, how can i animate the text ("41"), if $(this) <- the class:boxen, is clicked? this > * does not work, this:children also not... ...

What does img[@rel= mean in this jQuery plugin?

Here Is it a deprecated selector? ...

addID in jQuery?

Is there any selector available to add IDs like there is for adding a class - addClass()? ...

jQuery Find not working for :first

I am trying to find some child a elements within a ul parent. But, I need to only find the first a. Here is what I am using $('div.item a').click(function() { $(this).parent().next('ul.subItems').find('a:first').addClass('selected'); }); HTML: <div class="item"><a id="main5830" href=""&gt;Test&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/...

jQuery element[attribute=something] vs element.class performance

I am wondering which way would end up being faster, selecting elements by: $('element[href=#my_link]'); or: $('element.my_class'); I don't like repeating myself when I write code, so I prefer to write it the first way for the most part because then I can add information to it like: <a href="#delete_1">Delete</a> $('a[href^=#dele...