
find div inside table cell with selector

Hello, I need a little help here if possible, because I can,t find the source attr of an image with the selector I have already used $(this).children('someclass')just before and the one I am trying to locate is in the same tablecell next too the other div So, it makes no sense to me $(".reg_info_body").hide(); $(".reg_info").toggle(f...

Problems with JQuery selectors and "is"

I'm having difficulty understanding why a particular selector isn't working for me. Admittedly I'm a bit of a JQuery newbie. This correctly selects the first div.editbox on the page and colors it yellow: $('div.editbox:first').css("background-color","yellow"); However, this if ... is construct makes the highlighted border appear for ...

Firebug and CSS cache not showing new selectors

I'm confused by some behavior in Firebug. I'm trying to update my CSS and I made changes to the actual CSS file and saved them. If I update a directive on an existing selector, those changes will be rendered when I reload the page. However, if I add a new class ( e.g. boxQuestion ), and create a new selector, it won't render at all. T...

How to store data on a page and retrieve it through JQuery?

Hi all, I have an array of data that I'll echo to a page using PHP, and I want JQuery to be able to parse it. However, I don't want the data necessarily visible to the user. I have, for example: <div id="data-1"> <span id="width">5</span> <span id="height">10</span> <span id="depth">15</span> </div> <div id="data-2"> <s...

how to exclude second column from selector

Hello, my question is how I can change the selector so that it wil exclude the second column off the hover event I did try some other variations like nth-child, but no luck yet. Could there be something wrong with the syntax maybe?? $('.row_class td:not(:eq(1))').hover( thanks, Richard ...

Is it possible to load a specific div from a variable?

Does anyone know if it's possible to load a specific div from a variable like $item = '#help_mobiel_prive'; $('#infopopup_content').load('help.html'+ $item, function() { only that one doesn't work ...

[jquery] Implement + selector for IE6

Hi, I really like the + selector and don't want to add another css rule just for a IE6 workaround. So is there a jquery-way to check all existing css rules if it's using the + selector and to then modify the element. Something like this: if (IE6) for (var rule in $.cssrules) if (rule.selector.find('+')) $(rule).style = ru...

Using NSProxy and forwardInvocation:

Hi, I would like to code a proxy that forwards method invocations to another object over TCP without NSConnection and NSDistanceObject stuff. What I want is my own protocol. The problem is that subclassing NSProxy and overriding forwardInvocation: is not sufficient. I have also to override methodSignatureForSelector Here is my questio...

jquery next siblings

Hi stackoverflow! (first post!) Ive been trying to get this problem solved, but I cant seem to figure it out without some serious workarounds. if I have the following html code: <ul> <li class="parent"> headertext </li> <li> text </li> <li> text </li> <li> text </li> <li class="parent"> headertext </li> <li> text </li> <li> text </li>...

Turning a complex jquery css selector into a context for caching

After feedback, complete rewrite of the question. I have the following mark up : <body> <h1>Title</h1> <p>bla</p> <div> ... <!-- a thousand tags --> </div> <div id="do-not-modify-me"> <!-- a hundred tags --> </div> </body> I can access to : <h1>Title</h1> <p>bla</p> <div> ... <!-- a thousand tags --> ...

What's the best way to get the underlying DOM element by ID in jQuery?

This sounds like a really basic question. Let's say I have the following Form element <select id="mySelect"> ... Using jQuery, let's say I want to get it by ID so I can directly access one of its attributes like selectedIndex. I don't think I can use var selectedIndex = $("#mySelect").selectedIndex; because the # selector ret...

Objective-C: Calling selectors with multiple arguments

In MyClass.m, I've defined - (void) myTest: (NSString *) withAString{ NSLog(@"hi, %@", withAString); } and the appropriate declaration in MyClass.h . Later I want to call [self performSelector:@selector(mytest:withAString:) withObject: mystring]; in MyClass.m but I get an error similar to * Terminating app due to uncaught excep...

finding the previous item in a JQuery array

I have the jquery: $(".item") which gives me all elements of class item. I need to select an item from the array I get from this method, and then find the item before this. something like: $(".item").select("#3").prev() - except it should work :) so, assuming I had the list of items: <div id=1 class="item"></div> <div id=2 class="...

jQuery get <td> text from <tr> id, <td> is dynamicly generated so I don't know how may or if any

Ok I have a jQuery function already to perform the task I need but is there a way to loop through the cells of a specific with the id="generated_rows" <table> <tr id="generated_rows"> <td class="row_class" id="row_id_1">text 1</td> <td class="row_class" id="row_id_2">text 2</td> <td class="row_class" id="row_id_3">text 3</td> <td clas...

Chaining jQuery selectors :lt and :gt

Imagine I have a table with more than 9 rows. If I do this : $('table tr:gt(3):lt(6)'), shall I receive 3 or 6 elements at the end, and why ? Are all selectors applied to the same primary selection, or are they successively applied on different selections ? ...

How do I make sure my WPF TabControl always has a selected tab when it contains at least one tab?

I have a TabControl whose items are bound to an ObservableCollection: <TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyObservableCollection}" /> The tabs are added and removed as expected as items are added and removed from the collection. However, the SelectedItem reverts to -1 (meaning there is no selected tab) whenever the collection is empty. ...

Jquery selector for the label of a checkbox

<input type="checkbox" name="filter" id="comedyclubs"/> <label for="comedyclubs">Comedy Clubs</label> If I have a check box with a label describing it, how can I select the label using jquery? Would it be easier to give the label tag an ID and select that using $(#labelId) ? ...

Custom WPF Pageing Control derive from Panel/Selector?

I am currently working on a way to create my own WPF control for displaying items in a page-like fashion (like the Google results pages view for example). One Item in the controls children collection should be selected and x bordering children should be shown. The other children (excluding first and last item) should be hidden like this:...

Simplify jQuery Selector

I have a selector, "td > a.leftmenuitem:last, div > a.leftmenuitem:last", and I'd like to simplify it a little. I've tried "* > a.leftmenuitem:last", "td, div > a.leftmenuitem:last", and "(td, div) > a.leftmenuitem:last", none of which work the way the first selector does. Is this kind of thing just not possible in the selector syntax wi...

Android selector & text color

I want a simple TextView to behave the way simple_list_item_1 in a ListView does. Here's the XML: <TextView xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:gravity="center" android:focusable="true" android:minHeight="?android:attr/list...