
How to capture only part of an id?

I'm trying to capture the id of an element that will be randomly generated. I can successfully capture the value of my element id like this... | storeAttribute | //div[1]@id | variableName | Now my variable will be something like... divElement-12345 I want to remove 'divElement-' so that the variable I am left with is '12345' so th...

How do regular expressions work in selenium?

I want to store part of an id, and throw out the rest. For example, I have an html element with an id of 'element-12345'. I want to throw out 'element-' and keep '12345'. How can I accomplish this? I can capture and echo the value, like this: | storeAttribute | //pathToMyElement@id | myId | | echo | ${!-myId-!} | | When I run the test...

Selenium Fitnesse Bridge: How do I store and echo a variable?

I'm using the Selenium Fitnesse Bridge Fixture in order to write tests in Fitnesse for Selenium. It's great because it covers ALL the functions that Selenium has. However, the problem I'm running into is storing variables like I would in Selenium IDE. | !- fixtures.SeleniumFixture -!| | setup | | *chrome /usr/lib/...

Selenium: How do I use javascript to clear a value from a form field?

I'm using the selenium IDE and the Selenium-Fitnesse Bridge fixture and I'm trying to test that when I clear a default value out of a form field, my form displays an error message. So when I record with the Selenium IDE, what it does is the equivalent of telling Selenium to type nothing. | type | text_field | | The problem with this ...

How do I pass control of a browser from one selenium java client to another?

Good day, I have some scripts (in fitnesse) that executes some selenium commands. However, there are some processes wherein it would be too complex (or hackish) with a plain selenium (+fitnesse) approach, so I'm planning to create my own class which will handle those complex processing (i.e. check if the items in the table are sorted in...