
web service serialization problem

hi there, I have a web service. A method of this web service, returns WSSonuc class. [Serializable] public class WSSonuc { public int M_Durum { get; set; } public object M_SonucNesne { get; set; } } this is my Web service method: [WebMethod] [SoapHeader("_ticket", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.InOut)] public WSSonuc f...

Problem Deserializing with Jackson using JAXB annotations in Spring MVC

I'm having trouble getting Jackson to correctly deserialize json into an object when calling a service (specifically we're using Jackson's ability to use JAXB annotations since we also want the service to use XML). I'm using Spring MVC and I'm using the RestTemplate class to make calls to the service. Here is where I setup the MappingJ...

What is the quickest way to serialize a Java object to Map (and parse back) with minimum code writing?

Hi guys, I have a system that entities (from database, represented as Java objects through ORM) will be read by XML-RPC clients, my existing way is to serialize them via a StructSerializer, which in its code, we read properties out from the Java object, including calling another StructSerializer to serialize/parse a property, e.g. Surr...

Clojure data structure serialization

I have a complex Clojure data structure that I would like to serialize - basically the entire current game state for an online game I am developing so that I can implement save game files. My requirements are: Some form of human-readable text format (I'd probably prefer s-expressions, JSON and XML in that order but open to others) Sup...

Serialize Object to XML in with specific format

Hello everyone. Im trying to Serialize an object( a class in this case) with an specific fomat. I got something like this: <ns:pay xmlns:ns=""&gt; <ns:Payment> <ns:customerKeyValue>5555</ns:customerKeyValue> <ns:bankCode>BBBB</ns:bankCode> <ns:paymentAmount>456</ns:paymentAmount> <ns:paymentCatego...

JSON array doesn't populate

For some reason the following JSON string creates the correct number of records in the custom objects array, but does NOT populate the objects in the array with and values. Help appreciated! JSON String { "Grids": [{ "CommitImporterGrid": {"CostDivisionCode": "DL", "CostDivisionKey": 5, "CostDivisionName": "Direct Labor", "SourceType...

How to store a Collection of Objects in the Clipboard?

I have a class Slide, of which I want to place several instances in the clipboard. It works perfectly fine for a single instance. But when I try to, for example, put a List<Slide> in the clipboard, the SetDataObject call will silently fail. Internally, a COMException will be thrown and is swallowed. This is because List does not impleme...

Enable Jackson to not output the class name when serializing (using Spring MVC).

Is there a way to force Jackson not to put the class name in the Json output? I asked a question that led to this question, but I'm asking what I hope is a more focused question. I'm using Spring MVC while doing this, but I'm not sure how much that matters. So, instead of {"NamedSystem":{"name":"Bob Dole","id":"0198b96c-fe18-4aa6-9e6...

Debugging Serialization Issues in C#

I recently implemented a Copy&Paste feature into an application I am working on. This works pretty much as intended. I create a new item in my user interface and can copy and paste it as often as I want without any issues. But when I copy&paste an item that was produced by a previous copy&paste action, I get a SerializationException. It ...

Using fwrite on file descriptor / Convert file descriptor to file pointer

Lately, I've been working on some small data serialization demos. However, I was wondering how to transfer binary data from a structure into a file descriptor. I am aware that the only (simple) way to do this is through fwrite (if write does this, then please say so), so is there either: A) An fwrite call to use on file descriptors? o...

serialization using c#

Can serialization be used as a secure means to store the state of program? ...

Medium Trust with ISerializable

I'm running a site in medium trust, one class implements ISerializable. Eberything works fine locally, but on the server, I get the error: Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: 'User.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)'. Security accessibili...

Serialize JSON to query string in JavaScript/jQuery

I'm trying to find information on how to serialize a JSON object to query string format, but all my searches are drowning in results on how to go the other way (string/form/whatever to JSON). I have { one: 'first', two: 'second' } and I want ?one=first&two=second Is there a good way to do this? I don't mind plugins or whatnots - i...

Queue<T> DataContractJsonSerialization in Silverlight 4.0

Can anyone serialize a Queue using the DataContractJsonSerializer in Silverlight 4.0 ? Here is some example code that throws. If not what additional collections can not be serialized using the Json Serializer ? public String Serialize() { String jsonString = String.Empty; using (MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(...

Generic ServiceContracts and String.Format-style names

I am aware of formatted DataContract names, as described here: (Customizing Data Contract Names for Generic Types near the bottom). Example: [DataContract( Name = "SearchCriteriaFor{0}", Namespace = "" )] public class SearchCriteria<T> { ... ...

Object Serialization and IDisposable

public static string SerializeObject<T>(T obj) { try { string xmlString = null; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encod...

Deserialize or Parse JSON from a NetworkStream using JSON.Net

Hi I am sending serialized objects via a NetWorkStream to another computer, on the receiving end I would like to deserialize these objects. I will be sending many consecutive objects, when I am receiving data via the NetworkStream, how do I know when the first JSON Document ended in order to have JSON.NET Parse the document from the re...

jquery: how do I serialize file type input in jquery

Hi, I want to serialize file name of the file being uploaded in the input type file , but when I serialized the form in jquery I just got the input type text and others not the file - how do I do it? is it something jquery fails to achieve?? this is the html, [PHP]ask_add_xml.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form_q...

How do I serialize a System.Windows.Media.Color object to an sRGB string?

I need to serialize a color used in a WPF application to a database. I'd like to use the sRGB values, because they're more familiar to those of us that have spent the last few years doing web development. How can a get an ARGB string (like #FFFFFFFF) from a System.Windows.Media.Color object? UPDATE: I was misled by the documentation on...

Serialization tree structure using boost::serialization

I have to serialize libkdtree++ in my program, the tree structures are briefly described as following: struct _Node_base { _Node_base * _M_parent, *_M_left, * _M_right; template<Archive> serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & _M_left & _M_right; } } template<typename V> struct _Node : public _Node_base {...