
DataContractJsonSerializer or JsonTextWriter for arrays

I'd prefer to use Microsofts System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer to serialize my objects in JSON so I do not have to reference any third party assemblies. I'm trying to serialize arrays into a JSON string. There maybe just 1 array, with every other entry being the name and other being the value. e.g.[ "name1", "...

Can I use an extension method with a Structure in VB.NET?

I am wondering whether I can use DataContractJsonSerializer to serialize a Structure type, or does it have to be a reference/Class type? I have the following code: <Extension()> Public Function ToJSON(ByVal target As Object) As String Dim serializer = New System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(target.GetType...

Performance difference between Serializable and Externalizable (Java)

Hi I am working in a highly distributed environment. A lot of network access and a lot of db access. I have some classes that are send over and over the network , and are serialized and de-serialized. Most of the classes are quite simple in their nature , like : class A{ long a; long b; } And some are more complex ,( Compound - C...

Streaming, custom serialization of huge objects in .NET

In .NET, I would like to call a REST-style web service which expects a POST body which is a binary serialization of a class on the following form: public class Test { public string Name; public byte[] Data; } The bitstream should be exactly the same as when using BinaryFormatter.Serialize(). The problem is that the Data member...

Why is setting the classloader necessary with Scala RemoteActors?

When using Scala RemoteActors I was getting a ClassNotFoundException that referred to scala.actors.remote.NetKernel. I copied someone else's example and added RemoteActor.classLoader = getClass.getClassLoader to my Actor and now everything works. Why is this necessary? ...

Memory Leak with Plist Serialization

Please help me with this memory leak. In the leaks tool it shows a leak: NSCFString (32 bytes) in the library "Foundation" Responsible Frame: NSPropertyListSerialization. I am releasing the error but still a leak. What am I missing? Many thanks! NSPropertyListFormat format; NSString *anError = nil; id plist; plist ...

WCF serialization and Value object pattern in Domain Driven Design

Hello, The book Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans describes pattern called value object. One of the important characteristics of a value object is that it is immutable. As an example I have a value object "Clinic" which must have a name and an id. To make it a value object I do not provide setters on name and id. Also to make sure th...

java serialization

Hi all, I am trying to write message to a file using serialization.Message consists of two fields- date and TibrvMsg(TibrvMsg is a propriotory message by Tibco and this class is not serializable as per their documentation).So my custom message is: Message msg = new Message(TibrvMsg msg). Problem is though i m declaring Message Serializab...

How to refactor a class that is serialized in .NET?

I have a C# class that is serialized to disk by the BinaryFormatter, such as this example: // Version 3.0 [Serializable] public class Person { public string FullName; [OptionalField(VersionAdded=2)] public string NickName; [OptionalField(VersionAdded=2)] public DateTime BirthDate; [OptionalField(VersionAdded=3)...

Is there a way to determine in the constructor of a class if an instance is being deserialized?

Lets say I have business class: public class Foo { public int Prop1 {get;set;} public int Prop2 {get;set;} public Foo(int prop1, int prop2) { this.Prop1 = prop1; this.Prop2 = prop2; } public Foo() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } The business class is only valid if both properties a...

Strange .NET remoting SerializationException with MarshalByRefObject

I'm having a remoting issue in my application. Since the architecture is quite complex, I'll try to make an simple example with dummy names to illustrate the problem. Consider these components: MyApp.Client.exe: client application MyApp.Service.exe: Windows service that hosts the server MyApp.Server.dll: server implementation MyApp.Sh...

Java: Generic JAXB Serialization

I'm looking for a generic way to serialize objects in Java using JAXB XML Serialization. I'd like to have something like this: public static <T> String serializeUsingJAXB(T entity) { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(T.class); // ... } However, it looks as though due to type erasure, T.class doesn't work. What wi...

How Do I Make Json.NET the Default Json Serializer

If I have a web service (.asmx) and I want it to use Json.NET to serialize all the objects that I return from that web service, is there a way to do that? In other words, I have a class like this: [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptOut)] public partial class Person { public string FirstName {get; set;} publ...

ANTLR Serialization

What is the best strategy of making Abstract Syntax Trees serializable to an XML File? ...

Java serialization - incompatible serialVersionUID

I understand the theory behind incompatible serialVersionUIDs (i.e. you can discriminate different compilation versions of the same class) but I am seeing an issue that I don't understand and doesn't fall into the obvious error causes (different compiled version of the same class). I am testing a serialization/deserialization process. A...

REST-ful WCF service: Deserializing C# List of Strings not working properly

I've got a REST-ful WCF service that returns back an XML response. It is comprised of objects that are serializing and de-serializing correctly, with the one exception that my List property on a node is not deserializing correctly. The XML looks like: <ShippingGroups> <ShippingGroup> <ShippingGroupId> b0b4d8a4-ff1f-4f02-a47c-263ef8a...

Custom WebFaultException on WCF Rest Serialization Failure?

With an object like this: [DataContract] public class SampleItem { private int _id; [DataMember(IsRequired = true)] public int Id { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } } private string _stringValue; [DataMember()] pu...

How can I XML Serialize a Sealed Class with No Parameterless Constructor?

I'm currently using an XMLSerializer to serialize a list of a class of my own. One of the class's properties is an instance of a sealed class that does not have a parameterless constructor, so the XML Serializer refuses to serialize the class. How can I get around this? I need that property to be serialized. Is there some way for me ...

How do you construct an object without initializing it? (.net)

When you new an object in C# a few things must happen: memory for the object is created, and whatever other book-keeping CLR whats to do fields are initialized to default values the constructor is invoked Serialization frameworks seem to have some magical way to do 1 without doing 2 and 3. Or maybe it's not so magical after all. How ...

Properties serialization/deserialization

Hi, I have a class which stores data collected by the webserver. It contains several properties like: private string _actionName; public string ActionName { get { if (_actionName == null) _actionName = Request.Params["action_name"] != null ? Serve...