
JavaScriptSerializer and monodevelop

Im reading this book but I JavaScriptSerializer from the System.Web.Script.Serialization namespace because it seems to be unavailable? ...

Why am I getting a serialization error?

I have the following code: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string xml = @"<ArrayOfUserSetting> <UserSetting> <Value>Proposals</Value> <Name>LastGroup</Name> </UserSetting> ...

Java text extraction and data structure design

I have a huge set of data of tables in Open Office 3.0 document format. Table 1: (x range)|(x1,y1) |(x2,y2)|(x3,x3)|(x4,y4) (-20,90) |(-20,0) |(-5,1) |(5,1) |(10,0) ... Like wise i have n number of tables.All of these tables are fuzzy set membership functions.In simple terms they are computational model's according to...

VS2005 WinForms - ContextMenuStrip serialization problem

Quick Steps to reproduce problem: Create a new class, "TestUserControl", that derives from UserControl. Add a ContextMenuStrip from the VS ToolBox. Add the following property on the class... [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] public ContextMenuStrip OwnContextMenuStrip { ...

Javascript object serialisation with toSource() converts special chars to hex code - how to reverse?

If I'm converting a simple JavaScript object to a string, all special chars will be converted to hex code. function O() { = "<üäö!"; } var myObject = new O(); console.log(myObject.toSource()); Result: {name:"<\xFC\xE4\xF6!"} How would I avoid this or convert all hex chars back to utf8 chars? ...

Inconsistent type not expected serialization fault

Does anybody have any idea what could cause an inconsistent fault like: [FaultException1: Type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]' with data contract name 'ArrayOfstring:' is not...

protobuf-net and interface support

This question directly in large part to the protobuf-net maintainer(s) but anyone else please comment. I was trying to serialize a class that contains a property which has an interface type, ie: [DataContract] public class SampleDataClass { [DataMember(Order=1)] public int Field1 { get; set; } [DataMemb...

IXmlSerializable dictionary in C# without 'Key'/'Value' nodes

I'm trying to serialize a dictionary in C#. All the examples I've been able to find create XML like the following: <Dictionary> <ArrayOfEntries> <Entry> <Key>myFirstKey</Key> <Value>myFirstValue</Value> </Entry> <Entry> <Key>mySecondKey</Key> <Value>mySecondVal...

Serialization of vectors in C++

Hello All, I'm trying to serialize a set of structs in C++. This works great for all data except a vector contained in my struct. I can write the data to disk, and then read all data back into memory. The only problem is when I try to access an element of the vector I get a segmentation fault. My code is below. Any help is greatly appre...

Serialization in

Hi, Is it true that every object that use .ToString() in can be called as serialization ? If yes then why and if no then why not.. Thanks ...

Xml Serialization / Deserialization Problem

After writing and reading an xml string to and from a stream, it ceases to be deserializable. The new string is clipped. string XmlContent = getContentFromMyDataBase(); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyObj)); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms); char[] ca = XmlContent.ToCharArray(); ...

Serializing classes in a dynamic assembly

Hello, at runtime I generate a dynamic assembly, that contains the data model for my application. Every class is annotated with the DataContractAttribute and every property - with the DataMemberAttribute. Now if I try to serialize an object, the resulting XML contains only the root node, but no properties. However if I define the exact ...

binary serialization, adding a new field to class - will it work?

I have a client and a server application which communicate over .NET 2.0 Remoting using binary serialization. A small change has been made to one of the data transfer object's interface and the implementing class, well, an array of strings field was added. If I to redeploy a new version of server application, will my old clients cont...

Using two different serialization methods for the same Object

I have a city map with streets that I need to (de-)serialize. Each street is identified by City and id, like this: private final City city; private final long id; The city contains a list of all streets in this city (City.streetList), so that when saving the model I can just do something like serializeToFile(modelFile, currentCity); ...

Implementing custom serialization to multiple formats: ISerializable or a custom solution?

Hi all, With an application I'm currently developing I've come across the need to serialize some business objects to a number of different proprietary formats. I'm struggling with coming to a decision on the best way to approach this and would like some opinions. I know that .NET provides us with the ISerializable interface which I ca...

Serializing object as JSON without adding anything to prototype

Is there any JSON parser/stringifier for Javascript that does not add anything to the prototype (like Date.prototype)? Because my script is going to be used as a third party script, I want to eliminate the conflicts it may cause. I am not keen on writing my own serializer/desrializer beacuse probably this was done somewhere else, and b...

How to put a Vector into an intent.extra?

Hi :-), I've started to write a small app for android. It looks very nice, but there is one thing I don't understand. I've created a new intent in the activity A and I've added a serialized vector intent.putExtra("key", vector). On the called activity B I'm doing this: Vector<ItemModel> items = (Vector<ItemModel>) getIntent().getExtras...

Very compact object serialization method

I'm building a realtime action multiplayer game in Flash which is using too much bandwidth because it sends message objects as XML (as required by the Smartfox server). I'm now trying to cut down on that by serializing my objects to strings before feeding them to Smartfox. I've tried JSON but it doesn't help much. Is there another seria...

Serialized PHP array in Flickr

I have this serialized array but I have no idea how to get the id: 7796249@N02 a:2:{s:4:"user";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:4:"nsid";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:8:"username";a:1:{s:8:"_content";s:9:"ilhan.z.y";}}s:4:"stat";s:2:"ok";} $array = unserialize('a:2:{s:4:"user";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:4:"nsid";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:...

What is the difference between XmlArrayAttribute and XmlArrayItemAttribute?

What is the difference between XmlArrayAttribute and XmlArrayItemAttribute? Please explain both sides (i.e. serialzing and deserialzing). ...