
Serialize Object in GWT

What's the simplest way to serialize a bean to a string using GWT? I prefer not to use GWT.create() invocations. ...

Partial bean serialization and deserialization+merging

Hi! I am developing a RESTful web service. I have a bunch of entity classes (mostly JPA entities, but also other beans). There are gazillions of object mapping, serialization, binding and whatnot libraries out there. I'm looking for a one that will enable me to: Serialize the entities to XML and JSON Serialization MUST support usin...

PHP Web Service in C# : Invoke() function returns null

I have a problem with consuming a third-party web service in .NET C#. It runs on Apache (NuSoap). Everything works normally up to deserialization (probably...). When I call the SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke() function, I always get an object array with one null object. Bad is that this web service doesn't provide a WSDL document. :-( C...

How to handle serialization changes in .NET 2.0

.NET 2.0 introduced VTS (Version Tolerant Serialization, ) A simple test project reveals that the default behavior in 2.0 is to not throw a serialization exception if a field is added to a class, then an attempt is made to deserialize an instance of that class from a binary se...

Why can't WCF serialize longs or int?

I'm not 100% sure what the correct terminologies are but.. I have a class called InParams with two fields, a string and a long and their corresponding Property accessors to the fields. These are decorated with [DataContract] and [DataMember] respectively. I have a WCF service method called void Test(InParams inParams) The proxy gener...

Language that supports serializing coroutines

I don't think such support exists in current languages. I think what I want to do could be solved by a "workflow engine". But the problem I have with workflow's is generally they are: Declarative/verbose and I find a imperative style much more succinct Heavyweight, I'll have a lot of simple though diverse little state machines I've i...

What is the best way to convert a java object to xml with open source apis

Hi, I was wondering what the best or most widely used apis are to convert a java object to xml. I'm fairly new on the subject. Is there some sort of api call you can make to pass in an object and return xml? Or is it much more tedious where as you need to construct the document manually by pulling out object values? I have been readi...

Serialization / Derialization of a tree structure

I'm trying to figure out the best way to save (serialize) and later open (deserialize) a tree structure. My structure is made up of various object types with different properties, but each inherits from a base abstract "Node" class. Each node has unique ID (GUID), and has an AddSuperNode(Node nd) method that will set the parent of a nod...

How to deserialize somewhat incompatible BinaryFormatter data?

I have an inherited code base that was developed in .NET 1.1. When I migrated it to 2.0, I renamed an assembly. Now, I find that it will be necessary to read old files containing objects serialized by the old assembly and .NET 1.1. Some fields are successfully deserialized, but most are ignored. If I enable FormatterAssemblyStyle....

The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract

I'm trying to serialize and deserialize a tree of Node objects. My abstract "Node" class as well as other abstract and concrete classes that derive from it are defined in my "Informa" project. In addition, I've created a static class in Informa for serialization / deserialization. First I'm deconstructing my tree into a flat list of t...

Boost Deserialization Optimizations?

I'm deserializing a fair amount of data through Boost.Serialization (one for each frame). However, when I output how long the deserialization takes, it varies wildly. It is not unusably slow at the moment, but it would be nice to make it faster. The data represents the same classes, arrays, maps and vectors but merely with different valu...

Collections in DataContracts in partial trust scenarios

I've been pretty confused on one point in design of DataContracts for serialization. Say I have an object (e.g. a Customer) and it exposes a collection property (e.g. an AddressCollection named Addresses). Framework design guidelines dictate that I should not expose a public mutator for the property, i.e., the collection property shoul...

Unserialize in Java a serialized php object

Hey guys, Does anyone know if it is possible, actually if it has been done, to serialize an object in php and unserialize it in Java (java-php communication). Maybe an adapter will be needed. What do you think? Thanks ...

Session state serialization

Hello, i have problem with serialization my session object. What i'm doing wrong? I tried serialize that object with XmlSerializer and BinaryFormatter and there was no problem. When i try save the basket object to the session i'll get error: Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will...

Unable to find assembly

I'm Serializing an ArrayList to a binary file in order to send it across TCP/IP. The serialized file is created by the server and I hope to be able to deserialize it with the client that I'm writing at the moment. However, when the client attempts to deserialize it throws a SerializationException because it can't find the assembly (pres...

Are there design patterns for writing SharePoint workflows that will be upgradable?

Howdy, I have asked a question on another thread about upgrading long running workflows and have not received an answer that I wanted to hear. ( The answer, which matches up with the other research I have done on this topic...

C++ Class Serialization Help

Hi, I quite recently learned about the C++ classes friend keyword and the uses in serialization and now I need some help in getting it to work. I have no problem serializing my class to a file, it's working great, however i'm having a hard time trying to read this file into a vector container. I'm sure I need a loop in my code that read...

How can I create two XML elements during serialization of a .NET object?

I have a class with two properties for max and min values. It looks like this (ish): public class Configuration { public int Max { get; set; } public int Min { get; set; } } When I serialize this I get something like: <Configuration> <Max>10</Max> <Min>0</Min> </Configuration> However, I need an extra element like this: <C...

Serialization Problem in C# with a derived class

Hello, the problem i encounter seems pretty obvious but i cannot find the flaw on my code, so i guess it might be too obvious for me to see the problem... I'm building a notification framework and for that i'm serializing and deserializing a basic class, from wich all the classes i want to send will derive. the problem is that the cod...

Serialization of classes containing generics with backwards compatibility

Hi, I am trying to find out the best way to handle serialisation in my program. I want to serialize private fields (so XML serializer is no option) I want to serialize generic types like Bindinglist (SoapSerializer is no option) I also want to provide some level of support for being able to deserialize object from previous versions of ...