
jquery ui sortable serialize from children

I want to send an Array with image paths and captions to a PHP script after I sorted the images. I can do 'serialize' or 'toArray' on the lists, but how to get the attributes from the img tag? <ul class="gallery"> <li id="li-1"> <img src="tn/001.jpg" alt="first caption" /> </li> <li mycaption="some caption" id="li-2"...

Soap Ui serialization error

a:DeserializationFailed The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type PerformanceManagement.BusinessObjects.Alert...

How to serialize an Object of type System.Net.Mime.ContentType?

I want to parse a text message and store in into an object of type System.Net.Mime.Attachment. The problem comes when I want to serialize this object. Error: Type "System.Net.Mime.ContentType" is not marked as serializable. How can I avoid this? Thanks. ...

How do I create a form that uses custom variables for a serialized field in rails?

MODEL: class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :details validates_presence_of :name, :details end VIEW: <% form_for(@listing) do |f| %> <div class="text_field"> <%= f.label :name, "Name" %><br /> <%= f.text_field :name, :autocomplete => "off" %> </div> <!-- CUSTOM DETAILS HERE! --> <% end %> ...

Serializing MDI Winforms for persistency

Hello, basically my project is an MDI Winform application where a user can customize the interface by adding various controls and changing the layout. I would like to be able to save the state of the application for each user. I have done quite a bit of searching and found these:

C# xml serializer - Unable to generate a temporary class

I am trying to serialize an xml to a class with the following way: XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PSW5ns.PSW5)); StringReader stringReader; stringReader = new StringReader(response_xml); XmlTextReader xmlReader; xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader); PSW5ns.PSW5 obj; obj = (PSW5ns.PSW5)ser.Deserialize(xmlReader); xml...

Given the Following List (UL), how can it be serialized and sent to the Database

I have the follow structure which is created with a nested sortable: <UL id="container"> <LI id="main1"> <input type="checkbox" /> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur <UL> <LI id="child2"> <input type="checkbox" /> In hac habitasse platea dictumst. ...

unserialize problem in php

hi i'm using serialize/unserialize functions in php 5.2. the text to be stored is POSTed via a form. btw, no white-space before or after. if text contains " or ' it serializes successfully. the problem is it does not unserialize back. what i'm doing wrong? ...

serialize/deserialize a LinkedHashMap (android) java

So i want to pass a LinkedHashMap to an intent. //SEND THE MAP Intent singlechannel = new Intent(getBaseContext(),singlechannel.class); singlechannel.putExtra("db",shows1);//perase to startActivity(singlechannel); //GET THE MAP LinkedHashMap<String,String> db = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>(); db=(LinkedHashMap<String,String>) ge...

jQuery: How to reverse sortable('serialize') arrays from last to first?

The discussion begins How to reverse it from last to first, updateList.php?id[]=5&id[]=4&id[]=3&id[]=2&id[]=1&&action=update? <ul> <li id="oreder-5">5</li> <li id="oreder-4">4</li> <li id="oreder-3">3</li> <li id="or...

Using java to send/receive different objects through UDP

Hello everyone, I am writing a program in Java where there are communications between two or more machines using UDP. My application sends objects after serializing them through the network to the other machine where it will be deserialized and dealt with it. I was successful in sending one kind of objects so far. My problem is that I ...

Howto serialize multiple Lists with Jquery

I have 3 sortable UL's and a simple jquery/javascript <ul class="sortable" id="menu1"> <li id="id_1">whatever</li> <li id="id_2">you</li> </ul> <ul class="sortable" id="menu2"> <li id="id_3">wanne</li> <li id="id_4">put</li> </ul> <ul class="sortable" id="menu3"> <li id="id_5">in</li> <li id="id_6">here</li> </ul> $(function() { $(...

Deterministic key serialization

I'm writing a mapping class which persists to the disk. I am currently allowing only str keys but it would be nice if I could use a couple more types: hopefully up to anything that is hashable (ie. same requirements as the builtin dict), but more reasonable I would accept string, unicode, int, and tuples of these types. To that end I wo...

In Django : How to serialize dict object to json ?

I have this very basic problem, >>> serializers.serialize("json", {'a':1}) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/core/serializers/", line 87, in serialize s.serialize(queryset, **options) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/core/seria...

jQuery UI Sortable - serialize multiple columns

Dear stackoverflow experts, I have a little script which allows me to use jQuery to sort div tags nicely between 3 columns. The jQuery can be seen below: $(".column").sortable( { connectWith: '.column' }, { update: function(event, ui) { alert($(this).sortable('serialize')) } }); If I move an item from column 1 to column 2, it will ...

jQuery serialize does not register checkboxes

I'm using jQuery.serialize to retrieve all data fields in a form. My problem is that it does not retriev checkboxes that is not checked. It includes this: <input type="checkbox" id="event_allDay" name="event_allDay" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /> but not this <input type="checkbox" id="event_allDay" name="event_allDay" class...

Where to store the session object in a Standalone application?

I'm having a session object that does NOT implement the java.lang.Serializable. (its a legacy application, and now I can't go and change the code) Is there any way where I can store the session object some where and later GET BACK THE SAME STATE in a STANDALONE application. One thought is to use RMI. Is there any better way of achievin...

Serialize PrinterSettings gives exception

I am trying to persist the PrinterSettings (VB.NET 3.5), but keep getting exceptions reading back in. Here is the code I am using. Works fine on other types of objects. I have tried changing the default printer to a different printer, also used Microsoft XPS Document Writer. I read that .NET 1.1 had a problem serializing printersetti...

Deserializing a MemoryStream - unexpected behaviour

Hey all, At the moment I am experiencing a very frustrating problem. I will try to abstract the problem to make it a bit easier. It has to with serializing my custom object to a database in one process and deserializing it in another process. I have two assemlies; AppToDB.dll and AppFromDB.dll. I have a 3rd assembly - MyCustomObject.d...

R: Creating a CSV out of serialized objects

I'm trying to take a list and serialize each item and put it into a CSV file with a key to create a text file with key/value pairs. Ultimately this is going to run through Hadoop streaming so before you ask, I think it really does need to be in a text file. (but I'm open to other ideas) This all seemed seemed pretty straight forward at f...