
jQuery.ScrollTo / jQuery.SerialScroll Horizontal Scrolling

Hi, I am looking to implement horizontal scrolling using jQuery.SerialScroll (based on jQuery.ScrollTo). I currently have a continuous horizontal scrolling working with liScroll as I discuss in this post. However, now I need discrete scrolling and I have SerialScroll working perfectly for vertical scrolling. For some reason, if the '...

serialSroll - How do I scroll an inner div?

This is a test page I've put up: I am trying to auto-scroll the DIV upon page load. I've tried so many different combinations in script.js that I am about to give up. Anyone could help? ...

ScrollTo, SerialSroll Help! Dreamweaver behavior? Plug-in 'How-to' for newbs?

Pretty comfortable with html, CSS, Dreamweaver. Just begun learning Javascript but really, just. Have been trying in vain for more than 1 1/2 weeks to dissect the ScrollToLeft function in the product pages of this site: www_dot_alvr_com (then click on "jewelry" then "necklaces" for example and you see these cool scrolling columns of ima...

Conditional Function for Start: setting in Ariel Flesler's SerialScroll

Site is Located @ I'm using serialScroll to animate a number of divs containing dancing characters, and using LocalScroll to animate the content divs. My issue is that when you try and load a URL with a hash ( for example the character divs do not animate to the correct...

Having a hard time implementing jquery serialScroll to a website. Need help!

Here's the page I am attempting to implement it on. I have a custom script with figures out the width of all the images, adds it up, then sets the width of that page... I'd like to be able to set the arrows at the top to scroll to the next div (div.portfolioImage). I've followed Ariel Fischer's d...

jquery.serialScroll not working

Hi - I am having issues with jquery.serialScroll not working in my case. I have a div id=ticker which basically works like a scrolling ticker. something like this - (whats happening section). So i am prepending dynamic content to div id=ticker, and i want scrolling animation from top-to-bottom as shown in the...

issues with horizontal scrolling using jQuery.ScrollTo / jQuery.SerialScroll

Hi, I am trying to develop auto horizontal scrolling for our website using - jQuery.ScrollTo / jQuery.SerialScroll. I am not sure if this is the best jquery library to do that, but if there's something better, please let me know. Here's the behavior that I want, check out foursquare's "Recent Activity" list. The data that will refresh ...

js carousel with dynamic content

spend soo much time trying to solve this, but here goes: requirements: vertical list of items, in a div-container, structure div/ul/li user should be able to scroll through list, with smooth scrolling by hovering over the div, scrolling accelerates towards the top and bottom the scrolling is endless towards both ends (ie. at the end o...

jQuery Serialscroll CSS problem

Hi there, I'm having a terrific problem with an implementation of serialscroll. I've set it so that each list item is 100% width, to get a full screen slideshow going. You can check out the full code here: The CSS is fairly simple: #slideshow { width: 100%; height:100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; position:...

How to center the selected item in a slideshow, using jQuery.serialScroll?

Hello everyone, For my website, I am trying to make an horizontal navigation. The navigation works well with the plugin jQuery.serialScroll, however I do not manage to make sure that the item selected is centered, notably when the different items have different widths. I can change the offset, but it will change for the whole slideshow...

How to combine localScroll with serialScroll plugins ?

I have correctly implemented the serialScroll plugin, and the "slideshow" works well. However, in my webpage, there are some links in other tags that are linked to parts located in the different items of the slideshow. I cannot manage to make those links to work. I think I should use the localScroll plugin from the same person, however ...

jquery.serialScroll offset problem (picture align)

Hi there, I am trying to implement jquery.serialScroll as gallery with fixed width and random width pictures (here). Everything works fine but I cant properly set the offset setting, so when you scroll to last picture there is a lot of grey space on the right. When I had tried to set offset (about 700), gallery froze down :( Do you kno...

Jquery SerialScroll: continuous both left and right

Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me.. I've been looking all over for a scroller that fits my needs. I want to be able to make a scroller that scroll continuously to both left and right, as long as the left or right button is hold down (using onmousedown). SerialScroll is the scroller nearest my widh.. However, my tries haven't ...

Auto-scrolling in jQuery.scrollTo / jQuery.serialScroll works like crazy

Hi, I used the following tutorial to make a parallax content slider for my webiste: I got it working nicely, but wanted to add auto-scrolling functionality. I did it by adding jQuery.serialScroll and using setInterval but it works like crazy n...