
simple Java "service provider frameworks"?

I refer to "service provider framework" as discussed in Chapter 2 of Effective Java, which seems like exactly the right way to handle a problem I am having, where I need to instantiate one of several classes at runtime, based on a String to select which service, and an Configuration object (essentially an XML snippet): But how do I get ...

Defining a SPI in Clojure

I'm looking for an idiomatic way(s) to define an interface in Clojure that can be implemented by an external "service provider". My application would locate and instantiate the service provider module at runtime and delegate certain responsibilities to it. Let's say, for example, that I'm implementing a RPC mechanism and I want to al...

Definitive list of service providers in Visual Studio 2010?

VS2010 has made it easy to write extensions via MEF exports and imports. However, if you want to do anything useful you have to know what service provider(s) you need to implement your super awesoem extension. Unfortunately, this information is often spread out all over the place, not well documented or both. What I'd really love to s...