
WCF contract changes that affect clients

I was curious if someone could outline which types of WCF contract (interface) changes on the server side would break a client trying to send in a message, and why. I believe WCF can handle certain discrepancies, but I'm not sure exactly what you can change safely, and what you can't. Add/remove parameters from an OperationContract? A...

How can we use a DataMember of a DataContract in silverlight

I am creating an application in which i made a WCF service and now a DataContract Class which have some DataMebers in the ServiceContract I am using that DataContract Class No I am able to access the operationContracts but now I want to access the DataMember of the DataContract Class in the silverligh XAML.CS page Please Suggest How ...

this Operation is not supported in WCF Test Client Error

Hello, Actually i implemented WCF service in IIS Host Using WCF Test Client tool I get this error: "this Operation is not supported in WCF Test Client". http://desbiz:49615/GestionProvision.svc Using wsdl in IExplorer all is ok. http://desbiz:49615/GestionProvision.svc?wsdl The contract is: namespace Security.Provision.ServiceCon...

WCF - separating service contracts and partial deriving?

So, I've seperated my WCF service contracts into discrete contracts for re-use. I use to have IOneServiceContract that contained 3 functions: Function1, Function2, Function3. I've seperated this service contract into two discrete service contracts: IServiceContract1 and IServiceContract2. IServiceContract1 contains Function1 and I...

How to expose service contract interfaces with multiple inheritance in WCF service on single endpoint

I have only simple data types in method signature of service (such as int, string). My service class implements single ServiceContract interface say IMathService, and this interface in turn inherits from some other base interface say IAdderService. I want to expose the MathService using interface contract IAdderService as a service on a ...

WCF ServiceContract and svcutil issue

Hi, I have a public interface auto-generated bu svcutil: [System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace="...", ConfigurationName="...")] public interface MyInterface Then I have asmx web service inheriting it and working fine. I am trying ot convert it to WCF but when I instrument the service (in asmx.cs code behind) with Se...

how to use MessageParameterAttribute in wcf

hello, I wanted to know what is the use of MessageParameterAttribute in wcf. In my function: [OperationContract] public float GetAirfare( [MessageParameter(Name=”fromCity”)] string originCity, [MessageParameter(Name=”toCity”)] string destinationCity); I dont use fromCity or toCity anywhere in the implementation or even while using a...

wcf class implementing multiple service contracts

Hello, I have a class TestService which implements two service contracts called IService1 and IService2. But I'm facing a difficulty in implementation. My Code looks as follows: Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/ServiceModel/Service"); Uri baseAddress1 = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/ServiceModel/Service1"); ServiceHos...

WCF class implementing two operation contracts in different service contracts with same name

I have declared two service contracts as follows: [ServiceContract] public interface IContract1 { [OperationContract] double Add(int ip); } [ServiceContract] public interface IContract2 { [OperationContract] double Add(double ip); } I have a class which implements these two contracts. I have created two endpoints for ...

Can I find out what WCF methods are supported on the endpoint before calling it?

I have a versioning issue with a WCF service contract in which one of the many endpoints which are called for the operation is missing one method from the contract. My question is, how can I make sure the command is available on the client before attempting to call it? I tried: foreach (var od in proxy.Endpoint.Contract.Operations) ...

Provide ServiceKnownType during runtime?

I've got a working WCF interface using more than 100 ServiceKnownType in the contract like this: [ServiceKnownType(typeof(RowUser))] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(RowRegion))] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(RowDocument))] [... loads more ...] [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)] public interface IServiceBrowse : IDisposable { [O...

generate wcf server code from wsdl files

Greetings, I would like to generate some contract based on wsdl file. I used svcutil but I suspect it generated it wrong as all contract methods have void returned type. Is there any tool for this purpose? EDIT: here is the wsdl file: <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-...

Generic ServiceContract

[ServiceContract] public interface ISecurities<T> : IPolicyProvider where T: EntityObject { [OperationContract(Name="GetAllSecurities")] IEnumerable<T> GetSecurities(); [OperationContract] IEnumerable<T> GetSecurities<T1>(List<T1> lstIdentifiers) where T1 : FI_CusipMaster; [OperationContract] T GetSecurity<T1>(T1 lstIden...