
WCF: Interfaces, Generics and ServiceKnownType

Hi guys I have the following: [ServiceContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(ActionParameters))] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(SportProgram))] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(ActionResult<SportProgram>))] public interface ISportProgramBl { [OperationContract] IActionResult<ISportProgram> Get(IActionParameters parameters); } When I run the ...

ServiceKnownTypeAttribute doesn't pop up in WSDL

I have an service Interface: [ServiceContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(Models.ArticleImage))] public interface IPhotoManagementService { [OperationContract] bool Login(string username, string password); [OperationContract] bool IsLoggedIn(); [OperationContract] void UpdateImage(string articleID, string selectedImage); } As yo...

Understanding ServiceKnownType in WCF

I am having a little trouble understanding ServiceKnownType in WCF. Taken from this blog, the following code does not work: [DataContract(Namespace = “”)] public class Shape{…} [DataContract(Namespace = “”)] public class Circle : Shape {…} [ServiceContract] public interface IMyServer { [O...

Applying ServiceKnownTypeAttribute to WCF service with Spring

I am trying to apply the ServiceKnownTypeAttribute to my WCF Service but keep getting the error below my config. Does anyone have any ideas? <object id="HHGEstimating" type="Spring.ServiceModel.ServiceExporter, Spring.Services"> <property name="TargetName" value="HHGEstimatingHelper"/> <property name="Name" value="HHGEstimat...

on wcf type is not expected even though its on ServiceKnownType(typeof(...))

i am using third party classes in my service, so i cant edit them. third party [Serializable] Class B : E [Serialazable] Class E : A service [ServiceKnownType(typeof(B))] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(E))] fun(A pic) client for some reason : throw an exception that B is unexpected and add it to ...

WCF: Is serialization of a generic interfaces possible?

I'm trying to implement a service contract that contains a method which takes a generic interface, and that generic interface itself is given an interface parameter. I've decorated the service interface with ServiceKnownType, I have decorated the service implementation with regular KnownType, and I have decorated the datacontract impleme...

WCF with shared objects and derived classes on client

I have a WCF serivic and Im sharing types with a client in a shared assembly. If the client create a derived class will it be possible to pass back the derived type to the service so that I can read the added properties through reflection ? I tried but having issues with KnownTypes since the service dont know how to deserialize the deri...

WCF client proxy exception - "Type cannot be added to list of known types"

Guys, I am having problems creating WCF client proxy for service code like in this example: // data classes [KnownType(typeof(ClassA))] [KnownType(typeof(ClassB))] public abstract class BaseClass : Dictionary<string, ITest> { } public class ClassA : BaseClass { } public class ClassB : BaseClass { } public interface ITest { } // se...

WCF Client having problems recognizing ServiceKnownTypes?

How would I tell the WCF service what KnownTypes to use when passing data back to the client? I know I can use the [ServiceKnownType] attribute, which makes the service call run fine from a WCF Test Server, however it still fails from the client. Am I missing something here? [OperationContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(SubClassA))] [Se...