
Serving ads via HTTPS

I know there is no such thing as a dumb question but this is: Can you serve contextual based ads via adsense or others on a site that is entirely behind https? ...

Byte Serving PDFs from SQL varbinary

Hi I am want to take advantage of the web optimization for pdfs by allowing users to download them a page at a time. The pdfs are configured for fast web view. I am serving the pdfs from sql server 2008. The c# .net 3.5 web app untilises linq to SQL to load the files into a binary array from the database. The file is opended in PDF ...

How to check the scalability of my application

I have developed an application that will create lot of PDF's and serve those file. (Its normal Servlet-Buffering serving). How to make sure my application works efficient with multiple request? Is there any tool available to test the load/scalability/efficiency and how many parallel request does my code handle with the current server ...

django file serving issues

I have in my url patterns, urlpatterns += patterns('', (r'^(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': '/home/tipu/Dropbox/dev/workspace/search/images'}) In my template when I do <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}style.css" /> It serves the css just fine. But the file logo.png...

Image serving and storage mechanism

Hi, My website serves multiple images and videos and targeted customers are only from one country. The size of storage is increasing day by day due to so many images and videos. It is becoming difficult to take backup also. I have seen some articles that Akamai and Amazon S3 provide image hosting services. Will this be suitable for my ...