
Website Session Analysis

I'd like to know the best way to deep dive into the flow of my users. For example, I have 4 pages in my flow, how can I analyze which users abandon on which step? I can definitely do it by hand with logging, etc, but I'd rather use an off the shelf solution. I have apache request logs, as well as google analytics. Can these analyze user...

Structure Saved in a Session Variable

The ReportInfo is a structure. The structure works fine on one web page but I am trying to use it on another web-page. Here is where I saved the ReportInfo structure to the Session Variable Session["ReportInfo"] = reportInfo; On the other web-page, I re-created the Structure and then assign the session variable to it, like this... r... session state server with SQL Server

We're trying to get session state working using the following web.config line: <sessionState mode="SQLServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="Data Source=dbServer;User ID=stateUser;Password='thepassword'" cookieless="false" timeout="20"/> On dbServer, we've run the following ...

Session State with MVP and Application Controller patterns

Hi, I've created an MVP (passive view) framework for development and decided to go for an Application Controller pattern to manage the navigation between views. This is targeted at WinForms, ASP.NET and WPF interfaces. Although I'm not 100% convinced that these view technologies really swappable, that's my aim at the moment so my MVP f...

c# stateserver maintains session between machines

Hi, I am sure that I have made some painfully obvious blunder(s) that I just cannot see. I am hoping one of you can set me straight. I my session management is working perfectly except that if a user on one machine enters data, a user who starts a session on another machine will also retreive the session information from the first. No...

SQL Server Session State causing Serialization error

I have an .Net 3x application using default WCF serialization and recently setup application to use SQL Server Session state and am not being able to store those objects in session state with sql server, only in proc session state. Getting errors on various classes stating: Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'S...

Popup while session timeout

How to set a pop up message box saying... "please end your session and start again" in my webform? ...

Session problem in website

I have an website, where there is no where session is implemented. But i could see the session is timing out when i take the website after deploying in the production server ... i checked the session entries in the web.config file... and searched session in the code.. nowhere i find the entry... now i want to put a message b...

Should session state be stored in a database separate from application data?

I am using SQL Server for persisting session state in a web application. Is there a best practice for the location of the session data? Should it be in the database along with the application data or in a separate 'Application Services Database' as Microsoft suggests by default. The application services database would also hous...

membership timeout and session timeout

I need to set memebership timeout to be less than session timeout to avoid using the membership and the login session is expired, this is a problem that i face in my application that i am using login control and when the user send a comment and the login control session is expired it should not accept the comment and i knew later...

Alternatives to using session variables in ASP.NET (including MVC)

I apologize if this has been asked before, but I haven't quite found the specific question I have in my head. For the website I am building (using ASP.NET MVC) - performance is an important feature. Also, there is a chance that the site could be hosted in an environment where the Application Pool gets recycled every 20 minutes (or soone...

if session expires whether the viewstate remains ?

i have set the session timeout to 20 minutes in IIS level and there is no session entries in the web.config. How can i know whether my session exprired in my website? does the state will maintain ? do i can see the values in the text-boxes after the timeout? ...

Dont know how to store session id in sql session state

I am new to ASP.NET. I am creating a website in which i have to create session for every user who gets login into the site. Now I am not been able to picturize how to store session in my database. I read few books for the same and got how to configure Session state. But i m still at the same place where i started. I am not able to get ...

Session state. How to manage session with custom mode?

I am working on a website and this is my first web project. Scenario for Session I have created a database for my project with security level little bit high. I want to manage session for each and every user who is logging in to my website. Session state can be used using Cookie as well as URL, only one at a time. Now I went over wi...

How does ASP.NET (or any web framework) implement persistent session state?

For various reasons I am fed up with ASP.NET session state and I'm trying to do it myself (separate question coming soon related to why I'm fed up and whether it's feasible to do it myself, but for now let's assume that it is). Security concerns aside, it seems like tracking sessions involves little more than storing a cookie with a gui...

strongly typed sessions in

Pardon me if this question has already been asked. HttpContext.Current.Session["key"] returns an object and we would have to cast it to that particular Type before we could use it. I was looking at various implementations of typed sessions

disable php automatic addion of ?PHPSESSIONID=xxxx to url

I'm developing a web site which uses wp-cumulus on its home it's a flash component to show a nice cloud tag. in order to use it I issue: <script type="text/javascript"> [...] flashvars.tagcloud = "<tags><a href='/tag.php?tag=Marinetti'>Marinetti</a>...

ASP.NET 2.0 in Virtual Trying to Use SQL State Server

We have IIS 6 running on a W2003 Server. The root web site is running a v1.1 site. Under this site we have a virtual running a v2.0 site (with a separate application pool). The web.config for the root site is using SQL as its state server and has a 1.1 SQL state server database installed. The 2.0 virtual web.config does not need state an...

I'm having an issue with a Session State Provider for ASP.NET using MySQL and ODBC

Hey there, Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction or knows the answer. I'm using a recreation of the sample MSDN SessionStateStore provider which is designed for MSSQL server. This one was done by Harry Kimpel. The particular issue I am having is with the "CreateUninitializedItem" routine. Basicaly the error I get often...

ASP.NET Session State Service in Sql Server but w3wp.exe #private increasing

I have recently moved our ASP.NET session state from InProc to a Sql Server solution. I can see session data being inserted into the Sql Server database. I'm monitoring the w3wp.exe process using the "Private bytes" & "# Bytes in all heaps" performance counters. As I navigate through the website it places data into session, however the ...