
w3wp is using lots of memory and the process is not responding.

Can someone give me step by step instructions or point to the correct references in the correct order so I can determine the root cause of this issue? ...

Can I set the process title for IIS6's w3wp.exe?

In Visual Studio's "Attach to Process" dialog I can see a Title column for each of the processes available. Is there any way for me to set the title for a specific w3wp.exe process to reflect the application pool it's hosting? PS - I'm aware of iisapp.vbs and the way it enables me to identify which w3wp.exe belongs to which application ...

How can I determine which w3wp.exe process belongs to which web site?

I have an IIS6 web server that is hosting two application pools. Occasionally, one of the w3wp processes will spike the CPU for a while, and both app pools seem to suffer the consequences. I'm not sure which one is which, and without that information I don't know which application to blame. How can I tell which w3wp belongs to which A...

W3wp againt asp.net development server

can you explain w3wp ,,attaching to w3wp while debugging asp.net internal layers is good ...

How can I guarantee the w3wp process exists before turning on perfmon logging?

I have a batch script I run before our performance tests that does some pre-test setup on our server; it clears log files, starts the proper services, restores the database, sets some app settings and turns on perfmon logging. My problem; the w3wp process we need to monitor is not always present at the time we turn on perfmon logging. I...

Can VS 2008 kill w3wp before building a project?

Is there a way that I can make VS 2008 always kill the w3wp process before building a project? I feel like it used to do this on my machine, but now I always have to kill it manually before kicking off a build or else it will fail to deploy the new binaries to my localhost. EDIT: If I don't manually kill the process before kicking off ...

How do you automatically attach to a specific IIS pool on remote server?

Currently three developers share one IIS box for testing. Because of third party utils and other restrictions we can't run the project locally so remote debugging is the only option. Our current process is to remote to the webserver, run iisapp.vps to get the PID of our individual sites and then run remote debugging in VS2008, to connect...

vs2008 attach to process, can't see which process

Hi, In vs2003 (and vs2005(not sure about that)) when I attached to a process, before actually attaching I could see which process were running under w3wp (I have a couple of websites running locally) so I knew which exact .net application I was about to debug. however in vs2008 the window doesn't show up anymore.. now I have to attach ...

Long Running Workflows in Sharepoint, do they block the w3wp process

We have a WSS 3.0 installation with Search Server, which is used to search for documents and Save the search definition to repeat the search later. The users want the option to be able to download all the files in their search results as a one-off Zip file. I have a very basic solution where the Zipping of the files is done in the web p...

Asp.net crashing in mscorlib

This is related to another question of mine After eliminating the obvious (or so I thought) and biggest memory consumer (images in asp.net cache), not much has changed. We use Enterprise Library Exception Handling in this web (don't know why, but we do) and these exceptions do not get logged. Just for the record, server has 4 GB of memo...

High CPU on w3wp

I've deployed a .NET website to a 2008 (IIS7) server and the site seems to fly for up to 30-50 concurrent users. When load testing it the site comes to a grinding halt sometime after 100 concurrent users. Page loads go from 1.5 seconds to 90+ w3wp hits 100% and stays that way until I stop the load test. SQL on the other hand idles at...

How to restart the w3wp.exe process using asp.net C#?

How to restart the w3wp.exe process using asp.net C#? For example, I want to click a button in a webform page to restart the w3wp.exe process in the server. ...

ASP.Net web site gets burst of requests that crashes IIS worker process

I'm running a fairly high volume asp.net web site across a two serve cluster. Typical load is around 20 requests/second per server as logged by the ASP.Net Apps performance object. At periodic times during the day the performance counter logs anywhere from 2,000 to 9,000 requests/second. The worker process dies at this time and reports ...

sharepoint 2003 Faulting application w3wp.exe after installing SP3

Hi there I upgraded our sharepoint 2003 to SP3 and applied post sp3 hotfixes to both SPS and WSS. Now I have a random problem. When I launch sharepoint I get an error message An unexpected error has occurred. Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily disable Web Parts or remove personal ...

ASP.NET: High CPU usage under no load

Hi everyone, I´m facing a huge problem since a couple weeks. I´ve an asp.net application hosted under IIS7 (W2008 SP1), and every a couple hours it starts consuming near 50% of the CPU when maybe there're no users connected. It´s understandable since we are using Quartz.net to make some application recicling, but we could not reproduce t...

HASP key on ATL Web Service and Windows Vista / IIS 7

Hi! I developed a ATL C++ Web Service on VS 2005 to access a HASP hardware key. This code works fine on Windows XP and IIS 6. When i try it to run under Windows Vista and IIS 7, the w3wp.exe process that is responsable to run the web service, crash with a access violation error. Someone had already this problem ? sugestions needed. Than...

AppPool and worker process

A simple question: Is the AppPool same as the worker process w3wp? If this is the case when the w3wp.exe shuts down after "idle timeout" why does the AppPool show as still running on the IIS Manager? Also, when the w3wp.exe shuts down after "idle timeout", does it not restart automatically? or does it restart only when traffic comes i...

Which requests cause a w3wp process to grow considerably?

On a production environment, how can one discover which Asp.Net http requests, whether aspx or asmx or custom, are causing the most memory pressure within a w3wp.exe process? I don't mean memory leaks here. It's a good healthy application that disposes all it's objects nicely. Microsoft's generational GC does it's work fine. Some reques...

Is that possible to run IIS's w3wp.exe in limited user account?

Hi, I am using Windows 7 and IIS 7. I am writing Delphi DataSnap ISAPI. I wish to trace bugs occurs in my ISAPI dll. I learn using "w3wp.exe -debug" may help to debug ISAPI dll in Delphi IDE. However, I wish to debug my ISAPI in limited user account instead of administrator group. I have set access right to folder "C:\Windows\Syste...

Slow ASP.NET app load times - Can I track/trace/time the whole load cycle?

Hey all. The ASP.NET web app project I'm currently working on is getting slower over time to re-load (In IIS or the .NET dev server). Currently it takes: 1:28 minutes to load via an F5 debug 41 seconds to refresh in browser, after a build (not rebuild) The machine's reasonably fast - A Core 2 Quad 2.40ghz, 8 gig o' RAM, running the ...