
ASP.Net MVC: How do you access the session from a different project within the solution?

I have 2 projects in my solution. MVC Web application Class library The MVC Web application references the class library. The class library contains a class that extends the default ASP.Net Controller. I'm putting a variable in session in the application's Global.asax. protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs args)...

Spring 3.0 set and get session attribute

I want to read a domain object (UserVO) from session scope. I am setting the UserVO in a controller called WelcomeController @Controller @RequestMapping("/welcome.htm") public class WelcomeController { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) public String processSubmit(BindingResult result, SessionStatus status,HttpSession ses...

Enabling Session State in SharePoint 2010?

I have a web service built for SharePoint 2007 that I am trying to port to SharePoint 2010. This web service is dependent on session state to function properly, but so far, I have been enable to get session state to work at all in SharePoint 2010. This web service runs as its own web application under t he /_vti_bin virtual directory. ...

When should I use session variables instead of cookies?

Session variables and cookies seem very similar to me. I understand the technical differences, but how do you decide when to use one vs. the other? ...

PHP Session Variables

A user will click on a link which will open a new page (code below). My problem is that when this new page is opened, it creates a NEW session ID. How do I stop this from happening? require_once('../../config.php'); //Database connection details require_once('../../connect.php'); //Connect to database session_start(); <--------...

Passing session variables to different application on different server

HI, We have two applications to be hosted on two different servers. The applications will be built in .NET3.5 and hosted using IIS. We want to share the session variables between the application which will be on different servers. Is there some way through which we can achieve this. ...

How to use session variables in windows application using VC#?

Hi im new to . . im doing my final year project.How to use session variables in application using VC# and I also need to check with data base? ...

SessionAttribute and SpringFramework

How can I set session attribute using spring framework and annotation? Something equivalent to request.getSession().setAttribute("key", "value"); Thanks. ...

Where I should declare a session variable in

I am building a Application. I need to save a HashTable in a session. At page load i am writing protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Session["AttemptCount"]=new Hashtable(); //Because of this line. } } Here problem is, when a user refresh the page, session["Atte...

simplexml_load_file and $_SESSION

Hi everyone, I have a problem using simplexml_load_file and session vars in PHP. So, I have 2 PHP files, one generates some XML and the other one reads it. The file that generates XML should read some $_SESSION vars, which had been set in the other, but it won't... For instance, say the first file is something like: FILE 1 (reads XM...

Session variables clearing on response.redirect ('page.aspx",false)

I have an webforms app that loses it's session variables on response.redirect. I've read Bertrand Le Roy's blog about this and still can't get it to work. The page works in production. However, when I try in the VS2k8 IDE, the session variables are there right before response.redirect and on the first line of the next page, the variabl...

Inserting Session variables into a form via PHP

I am trying to insert a Session Variable $_SESSION['MM_loginName'] into a table via a form. I know the Session Variable works on the new page by using: <?php echo "MM_loginName = {$_SESSION['MM_loginName']} <br>\n"; ?> I have read that this might work (if register globals is off): <input type="hidden" name="loginName" value="<?ph...

Using session variable as search parameter for a table

I have been using SESSION Variables to enter data with loginName as way to retrieve only records that contain that Users loginName. How do I create a form that can search using this parameter and bring up all the records that the user created. This is what I use to input the SESSION variable into the record. <input type="hidden" name...

C# Storing alternate text in session variable or retrieving from db

I'm building a web system and various clients will have alternate text for default instances throughout the site. One place is the main nav but there are others. The default may be "project" but they may want to call it "event". I'm heading down the road of calling all the terminology settings (there's a list of about 15) and creating...

[php] Reading or altering $_SESSION data outside of the current session context

Usage case: In order to handle acces rights for a web application without having to check them each time a page is displayed, I came up with this sheme: When an administrative user grants or removes access rights to an application user, check if there is a session currently associated with him. Case being, alter session data. Does php5...

In Symfony, sharing data actoss subdomains

Hi, I have a site which I am doing credit card transactions. The issue is this: if the user goes to: and then the logic redirects the user to, I lose my session data. As the title suggests, I am using Symfony, version 1.2 Now, looking in my apps/site/config/factories.yml file, I added the below...

ASP.NET Server Controls and <%$ %> params like ConnectionStrings

Is there a complete list of the objects you can tap into with <%$ %> tags in ASP.NET I know you can do things like <%$ ConnectionStrings:northwind %> in the ConnectionString attribute of the <asp:SqlDataSource> tag. Can you also do this with Cookies and Session? Is there a <%$ %> reference page out there? ...

How do I set a value to the Session in on an onClick event of a normal htmlElement?

I need to make a Function that receives a Session Key and a Session Value and call this function on a normal HTML onClick event. When this function is called the Session variable is assigned the Key I sent with the Value I sent. So far I have this: <script runat="server" type="text/C#"> protected void setSessionValue(string key,...

Haw can i use a value from a session variable within the attribute of a control?

I have an ASP control custom built and I need to pass a value taken from a session variable to it like so: <custom:control id='mycontrol' value="+Session['myControlValue']+"> ... </custom:control> the above code obviously doesn't work, I need a way to insert the Session value in the control in this way somehow, can anyone help? ...

How do I retrieve row ID from an MVCContrib HTML Grid?

Hi, I currently have a product view page that contains an MVCContrib HTML Grid with a select link at the beginning of each row. If the select link is clicked, it takes me to a different page. My question is whether it is possible to retrieve the productID from the row that is selected and pass that to the next page. Maybe this is pos...