
PHP session variables not carrying over to my logged in page, but session ID is

I'm using PHP 4.3.9, Apache/2.0.52 I'm trying to get a login system working that registers DB values in a session where they're available once logged in. I'm losing the session variables once I'm redirected. I'm using the following code to print the session ID/values on my login form page and the redirected page: echo '<font color="re...

How Do I Track and Eliminate Session Abuse?

I'm pretty sure that there have been developers in the past that have severely abused our poor friend ASP.NET session state. Session would love to help track things between requests, but can only do so much! Please help me ease its pain so that it can work with us happily ever after. Does anyone know of a tool that can monitor session...

Cache or class variables?

Is it better practice to use class variables, or the session cache in ASP.NET? I have a variable which I need to persist across page loads. Is it better to use: public class MyClass { private SomeObject anObject; private method1() { anObject = new SomeObject(); } private method2() { // do something with anObject } } ...

‘Remember Me’ login in CodeIgniter

How do you implement this in CI ? ...

How to get Flex to see a .NET Webservice session when I use the proxy auto-generation?

So I have a Stateful .NET webservice (C#) that I would like Flex to use. The only problem is that I don't see a cookie being passed, even though I have the WebMethods decorated with: WebMethod(EnableSession=true) I can't seem to figure out if it is an issue with Flex or .NET. Does Flex 3 (as3) pay attention to the session cookie aut...

What is the best way to access Session Data using JavaScript?

How can you make the Session Data available to a JavaScript method? I found this link when I googled. Anyone has a better trick that does not use the ScriptManager? ...

which is better to pass a PHP var in AJAX call to another page: POST or through the session?

Hi, in a PHP site I am building, I use a Prototype AJAX call to address some other php page. This called php page needs a variable that lives as a SESSION var on the first page (in the sense that it's used multiple times throughout that page anyway). It's more curiosity than anything else but: which of both ways to pass our variable i...

ASP.Net Session Timeout detection: Is Session.IsNewSession and SessionCookie detection the best way to do this?

When my ASP.Net session times out (and forms authentication as well) and I try to hit a page, I am automatically redirected to my default login.aspx page. Before the page loads I need to determine whether this is a timeout situation and if so - redirect to timeout.aspx. The articles below specify that if IsNewSession is true, and a se...

Ninject on Session state

I'm working with Ninject on a web application, using the BasePage and BaseMaster from the frameworks's integrations. What I would like to do is have an object injected and have a new instance created on each session. I've looked at the OnePerRequest behavior and it's close, but not quite. What I'm doing is performing a lot of calculati...

What is the best/fastest MySQL Table Schema for temporary/rotating storage, e.g. for session management?

When it comes to writing custom MySQL database-driven PHP session management for a VERY dynamic website, what is the best (fastest read/write access) structure for your session table? Bad Example (Not Optimized): CREATE TABLE `session` ( `session_id` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `session_data` TEXT NOT NULL, `t_created` DATETIME ...

Cache v.s Session

What is the difference between storing a datatable in Session v.s Cache? Advantages and Disadvantages? So if it is a simple search page which returns results in a datatable and binds to a gridview. If user a searches and user b searches, is it better to store it in Session since each user would most likely have different results or ca...

Does the Cache get overwritten?

If yo have multiple users on your website on the same page and they are running queries (searches) and the results are stored in a datatable. Will the last person's search overwrite the application Cache if you store it in the Cache? Is this a reason to use Session? ...

when to delete user's session

I'm writing a webapp that will only be used by authenticated users. Some temporary databases and log files will be created during each user session. I'd like to erase all these temp files when the session is finished. Obviously, a logout or window close event would be sufficient to close the session, but in some cases the user may keep...

Session Problem in Rails 2.2 "ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in User#register"

Hi everyone, I am reading and learning from this very cool book Railspace - Building Social Networking sites. I understand everything but i am stuck with the sessions section. Its something i would really like to get under my belt and would appreciate any help! Ok so here is the error i get: ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityTo...

PHP: Cannot send session cookie error

Im trying to set up a session and i am getting a header error, dispite as far as i can tell i am telling it to start the session before the header is sent. any help here would be useful. <?php ob_start(); session_start(); $_SESSION['active'] = 1; ob_end_flush(); ?> <html> <body> 2009c Christ Redeemer Catholic Church </body> </html> W...

Supporting Sessions Without Cookies in Tomcat

I am currently running an application with the following properties: Java-based with Spring and Acegi Running on Tomcat 5 I need the ability to support user sessions without cookies. Could someone please point me in the right direction. Thank you. ...

Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP

When sending the user to a checkout page, they are switched from to As a result, $_SESSION variables are lost. The site has a valid SSL certificate which may or may not be of some use. ...

How do you work with SessionStateItemCollection in C# (

If I store the contents of an xml file (name -> value) in a session collection, whats the best way of accessing it on another page (i.e not the one that the below script runs on). Is it just a job of creating a new instance of SessionStateItemCollection on each page I want to access the collection? System.Xml.XmlDocument oXmlDoc = new ...

sync cookies and sessions in different subdomains (

I am building a site in and have multiple subdomains. For example, I want my users to be able to login at either subdomain and be logged in for both websites. In addition, I'd like the sessions and cookies to be in sync. So far I haven't found a reliable way to do this. ...

ASP.NET sessions timing out using SQL Membership Provider

Hi. I changed over from the in process membership provider to the sql membership provider to stop people losing their sessions when the website process recycled, but sessions still seem to time out. Are there any other things (apart from the session timeout variable set in the web.config) that would cause a session to timeout when usin...