
getting the list of all functions executed like call stack in

Hi, I am having trouble with debugging one of the problems that I am having in our website. This is the problem. I have a webpage that contains the photo of an employee and information related to the employee. When the user logins to our website, we are storing the details of the employee in session. I am setting the image url for the p...

Preserving sessions when using multipe domain names for one Rails app

I have a single Rails 2.2.2 app that I want to 'share' with multiple clients. Each client has his own domain name and database. The purpose is to allow one Rails app to 'host' many websites. I am using Apache as a front end to a mongrel cluster, as the web server. To enable Rails to know which request is for which client, Apache adds a ...

How can I make an HTTPWebRequest to an ASP.NET web service and appear that I'm logged into that domain?

I have a web service that I can only hit if I'm logged into the website that the web service is on. I need to test the service remotely. So I've written some code to create a fake session that is logged into the site in another browser. Then I made the HTTP Web Request and I'm attempting to set a cookie that contains the ASP.NET session ...

How Easy Is It to Hijack Session Vars on GoDaddy (PHP)

This article states that If your site is run on a shared Web server, be aware that any session variables can easily be viewed by any other users on the same server. On a larger host like GoDaddy, are there really no protections in place against this? Could it really be that easy? If it is that easy, where are the session vars...

Can Intraweb Run More that 65,536 concurrent sessions?

Im trying to build a web-link to a busy social networking website using intraweb. Intraweb creates temporary folders for each session to store temporary files, which auto-delete when the session expires. If hosted on Win 32, the limit is 65,536 folders - which means only 65k concurrent sessions are possible. Is there a way to turn off...

NHibernate not evicting objects from a session.

I'm mapping a ProductCategory tree using Fluent NHibernate and everything was going fine until I tried to walk the tree that is returned from the database to ensure it's saving and retreiving appropriately. Here's how I'm testing: Instantiate 4 categories: Beverages, Beer, Light Beer, and Dark Beer Add Beer to Beverages, then Light Be...

How should I integrate session state into an ASP.NET MVC application?

I'm looking for thoughts on how should I use Session in an ASP.NET MVC application? Especially when using masterpages and tryin to just get the data to the masterpage without bypassing the controller. This question started off by me asking a lot of little questions, but then I managed to mould it into a solution which as yet I have not i...

PHP session seemingly not working

Session variables are apparently not working for me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. This is the code that I'm using to check for a valid password: if ($input_password_hash == $password_hash) { session_start(); $_SESSION['is_user'] = 1; header("Location: ../new_look"); //or Location: index.php } else echo "Wrong password."; ...

Data cache vs session object in ASP.Net

Should dynamic business objects for a site be stored in the users session or use ASP.Net caching (objects such as orders, profile information etc)? I have worked with sites that used sessions to store business objects, but I was wondering...What are the advantages or disadvantages of caching? ...

How can I get the content from a session variable?

My situation: On my jsp site I show a table. When somebody click a row, this row must be marked with an other backround color for example. Also more then one row can be marked. Two things are important. First: I bear in mind which rows are marked. Secend: In which order. My idea is: I have a ArrayList and put all row IDs in this. So I...

How can I get the content from a session variable?

My situation: On my jsp site I show a table. When somebody click a row, this row must be marked with an other backround color for example. Also more then one row can be marked. Two things are important. First: I bear in mind which rows are marked. Secend: In which order. My idea is: I have a ArrayList and put all row IDs in this. So I...

Storing Data In Memory: Session vs Cache vs Static

A bit of backstory: I am working on an web application that requires quite a bit of time to prep / crunch data before giving it to the user to edit / manipulate. The data request task ~ 15 / 20 secs to complete and a couple secs to process. Once there, the user can manipulate vaules on the fly. Any manipulation of values will require...

Session containing items implementing IDisposable

In ASP.NET if items are left in the session state that Implement IDisposable but are never specifically removed and disposed by the application when the session expires will Dispose be called on the objects that any code in Dipose() will execute? ...

sharing asp session over virtual directory

In IIS I have asp (classic) site. In that site there is virtual directory. Is there any way to share session between those two web applications? tnx ...

ASP.NET Deleting a directory results in application restart.

Hi, I have an application with 2 directories (books and export). If we create a book or a page of a book in the application a directory is added with the id of the page (this is for uploading resources). If we delete a page, the page (and it's directory) is removed from the database and the filesystem. However this resulted in a session...


I'm taking over a ASP.NET web application that passes the session id in the URL string. There is an odd bug that I have to assume has something to do with a server configuration but I'm at a loss. Page A has a URL string that looks pretty much like this:

ashx handler post issue

I'm getting some confusing results around myCustom.ashx handler. If i visit the handler via the browser: Token.Instance.User.UserId = 162 // which is correct If i post to the handler: Token.Instance.User.UserId = 163 // a new user is generated. It's seems like when i post it creates a new session. extra info: public class myCus...

Truly destroying a PHP Session?

I have heard mixed responses on this topic, so what is a sure fire way to destroy a PHP session? session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['foo']))   unset($_SESSION['foo']; //etc session_destroy(); In the most simple of cases, would this sufficient to truly terminate the session between the user and the server? Nicholas ...

Get Session to expire gracefully in ASP.NET

I need a way to tell ASP.NET "Kill the current session and start over with a brand new one" before/after a redirect to a page. Here's what I'm trying to do: 1) Detect when a session is expired in the master page (or Global.asax) of an ASP.NET application. 2) If the session is expired, redirect the user to a page telling them that thei...

ASP.NET ObjectDataSource - reference static properties for parameter names

I use a lot of ObjectDataSources (ods) in my website projects. Almost all of my ods's use SessionParameters; typing the session parameter name into the SessionField property of the ods is annoying and prone to typos. I have a static SessionParams class where I store all the session parameter names, is it possible to reference the membe...